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Postby Hermes » Sat Jul 28, 2012 5:07 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:
and the prospect is that the Greeks got the ideas from the older Mesopotamian or Indus valley Civilisations as they did so many other ideas, like writing.

Which ideas are these STUD? Care to explain to us how Ancient Greek science, astronomy, politics, mathematics, history, literature, drama, architecture, art, medicine, sculpture and philosophy was lying around in the 'Indus Valley' and the Greeks stumbled across it and nicked it all? Not to suggest that Greek thought wasn't influenced by other cultures they interacted with, but the crucial aspect of the Greek achievement was precisely its' Greek' nature - its evolution in their specific physical and social environment.

For a start I suggest you read The Origins of Greek Thought by Jean-Pierre Vernant. It might help get a grasp on this issue.
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Postby kimon07 » Sat Jul 28, 2012 9:47 pm

Me Ed wrote:Look pal, if your going to start threads with the intention of dissing the recent achievements of the British you better have an arsenal of recent achievements of your own, instead of flogging the dead donkey of ancient Greece.

I did that? It was you who derailed my topic from the opening ceremony to the modern achievements of the Greeks and the British.
All I said was that I would expect to see something about the three very important period of modern British history (i.e. British history).

1. Colonialism:
hanging of two.jpg

slave hanging.jpg

2. Piracy and

3. Slavery:
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Postby supporttheunderdog » Sat Jul 28, 2012 10:06 pm

BTW did the Greeks mention in their portrayal of Ancient Historical acheivements the slavery in Ancient Athens or their own imperialist / colonialist past in particular in the form of megalomaniac Alexender the great, or was that edited out?

I understand the French had a far worse record in modern slave trading than the British
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Postby bill cobbett » Sat Jul 28, 2012 10:09 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:BTW did the Greeks mention in their portrayal of Ancient Historical acheivements the slavery in Ancient Athens or their own imperialist / colonialist past in particular in the form of megalomaniac Alexender the great, or was that edited out?

I understand the French had a far worse record in modern slave trading than the British

OMG!!!! Slavery in Ancient Greece !!!

... mind you two wrongs don't make a right does it Greek Wanabees ... ???
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Postby bill cobbett » Sat Jul 28, 2012 10:52 pm

OMG!!! Slaves forced in to Prostitution in Ancient You've Never Had It So Good Greece...!!!...

(we'll call them "dancing girls" to be polite, eh?)...
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Postby Hermes » Sat Jul 28, 2012 11:10 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:BTW did the Greeks mention in their portrayal of Ancient Historical acheivements the slavery in Ancient Athens or their own imperialist / colonialist past in particular in the form of megalomaniac Alexender the great, or was that edited out?

No they didn't because that would've been stupid - and judging an ancient culture by modern Politically Correct standards. When did the British abolish slavery by the way? When did the Americans? When did the British allow all their citizens to vote?

And to call Alexander a megalomaniac as a criticism is just silly. In Greek he is Megalexandros. Megalo is Greek for great. A man above others who pushed the limits of human potential - by conquering the known world. You have to be very small-minded to think the qualities that made him great were some kind of character flaw. It's like saying Beethoven was a manic depressive therefore his achievements don't count. So what?
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Postby kimon07 » Sat Jul 28, 2012 11:33 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:BTW did the Greeks mention in their portrayal of Ancient Historical acheivements the slavery in Ancient Athens or their own imperialist / colonialist past in particular in the form of megalomaniac Alexender the great, or was that edited out?

I understand the French had a far worse record in modern slave trading than the British


You can not compare the practices of the ancient societies with those of the modern ones, especially after Christianity prevailed in the western world.

Now. If you would like to compare the ancient Greek society from, lets say, 1300 BC to 300 AD, to the British society of the same period, I have no objection (under a different thread, of course)!

Would you prefere to compare the two societies from 300 AD to lets say 1400 AD? that would be interesting also, I believe.

So, Will you start a thread about the English/British civgilisation and society from 1300 BC to 300 AD or 300 to 1400 AD compared to the Greek of the same period? Seems very challenging to me. 8)

P.S. As for the French record in slave trading, you are probably right. But it was the London Olympics we were talking about, not the slave trade in general.

Why don't you open a thread about the modern slave trade too? Eh Stud?
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Postby Me Ed » Sun Jul 29, 2012 3:17 am

Kimon, Hermes, GIG and other pig ignorant wannabe Greeks,

Your audacity and ignorance of British achievements is bourne out of the achievements of ancient Greeks from over 2000 years ago, a peoples who are unlikely to be genetically related to you.

Here's my challenge to you and the other Greek wannabe, brainwashed ignoramuses:

When it comes to representing their country, the British can reel off many living individuals or people from the last few hundred years that can serve as the poster boy/girl, known world wide for their achievements.

Give me a Greek or two alive in the last few hundred years that can serve as a poster for the modern Hellenic Republic.
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Postby Hermes » Sun Jul 29, 2012 3:46 am

Me Ed wrote:When it comes to representing their country, the British can reel off many living individuals or people from the last few hundred years that can serve as the poster boy/girl, known world wide for their achievements.

Give me a Greek or two alive in the last few hundred years that can serve as a poster for the modern Hellenic Republic.

Listen you ignorant English wannabe. We know who the 'poster boys' of Britain are. We've just seen their hilariously dire Olympics Opening Ceremony: Mr. Bean, James Bond, Harry Potter and Mary Bloody Poppins!!! Is that what you've got on your bedroom wall? :lol: :lol:

Your problem is you want a 'poster boy' when modern Greece is inclined to produce its geniuses in the fields of literature, cinema, archaeology, computer science, biology. music, poetry etc.

We'll just stick to quietly producing great scientists and great artists and you stick to Mr. Bean and Harry Potter. Is that a deal?
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Postby Hermes » Sun Jul 29, 2012 4:19 am

Just for the giant ignoramus known as Mr Ed who knows nothing and revels in his own ignorance...

A list of GREAT GREEKS OF THE MODERN ERA (no fictional characters, no Mr. Bean and no Harry Potter). Just great modern Greeks outstanding in their fields.

Now just remember what a small country Greece is and how many geniuses it has produced the last one hundred years and fifty years then go away and hide your head in shame...

Andronikos, Manolis
Angelopoulos, Theodoros
Beloyiannis, Nikos
Bouboulina, Laskarina
Callas, Maria
Carathéodory, Constantin
Castoriadis, Cornelius
Cavafy, Constantine P.
Christodoulos, Archbishop of Athens
Cosmas of Aetolia
Diakos, Athanasios
Dimas, Pyrros
Dragoumis, Ion
Elytis, Odysseas
Feraios, Rigas
Florakis, Charilaos
Galis, Nick
Glezos, Manolis
Glykatzi-Ahrweiler, Helene
Hadjidakis, Manos
Horn, Dimitris
Kapodistrias, Ioannis
Karaiskakis, Georgios
Karamanlis, Constantine
Kazantzakis, Nikos
Kazantzidis, Stelios
Kolokotronis, Theodoros
Korais, Adamantios
Koun, Karolos
Lambrakis, Gregoris
Lazopoulos, Lakis
Loïzos, Manos
Makriyannis, Yannis
Margioris, Nikolaos A.
Melas, Pavlos
Mercouri, Melina
Metaxas, Ioannis
Mitropoulos, Dimitris
Nanopoulos, Dimitri
Onassis, Aristotle
Palamas, Kostis
Panagoulis, Alexandros
Papadiamantis, Alexandros
Papadopoulos, Georgios
Papandreou, Andreas
Papandreou, George (senior)
Papanikolaou, Georgios
Paxinou, Katina
Plastiras, Nikolaos
Ritsos, Yiannis
Seferis, Giorgos
Solomos, Dionysios
Theodorakis, Mikis
Trikoupis, Charilaos
Tsitsanis, Vassilis
Vamvakaris, Markos
Vangelis (Evangelos Odysseas Papathanassiou)
Veggos, Thanasis
Velouchiotis, Aris
Venizelos, Eleftherios
Vougiouklaki, Aliki
Xilouris, Nikos
Zagorakis, Theodoros
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