Jerry wrote:Utter crap! Don't confuse the Cypriot community with the "Cypriot elite" or the British government. Our lobbying of our government has been ineffective because the UK hangs on to US policy regarding Cyprus. Who was Obama brown-nosing last week? Erdoguts - because of Syria and his new anti missile shield based in Turkey. ... &Itemid=99
The UK Cypriot “elite” on the other hand do little or nothing for Cyprus, they are afraid it will impact on their wallets. There’s also an Aussie born loudmouth “singer” who has quite a high profile in the UK, he only ever mentions his luxury villa when he mentions Cyprus.
Recent history has been very kind to Turkey but that country is getting too big for its Bosporus, sooner or later its turkeys will come home to roost and the civilised world will turn on it as it did Iraq.
My hat-off to you, patrioti. I'm more than happy for you to have put me in my place with this post.

But it brings to mind another argument, regarding the "elites" within the rest of the Greek Diaspora. Of course with our elites being the "successful Greeks" they see themselves as our "community leaders" as a result. But it semes the difference from those in the UK to the rest is that with the latter they have to promote our national issues, mainly regarding Cyprus and Macedonia-name issue with Fyrom. These are canon for the Greek Diaspora; you want to "lead" us, then these two issues that have to be constantly on the agenda with your lobbying or else f*ck off. But you prove what I suspected, that the "elites" in the UK are looking after their own pockets. And this is where you in the UK need to unite with the rest of the Diaspora and especially be more cynical when UK GC's open threads titled "The Games have come hom...!!!" My god, he even used exclamations!!!!