Jerry wrote:Bill, I can confirm that in 1851 Mary Speak (aged 45) won the women's running race and was rewarded with a pound of tea. The lady who came second won a smaller prize of tea- her occupation, she was, appropriately, a "char woman"
GreekIslandGirl wrote:Seems to me some people would prefer it if Cyprus was still part of, and belonging to, the British Empire.
barouti wrote:GreekIslandGirl wrote:Seems to me some people would prefer it if Cyprus was still part of, and belonging to, the British Empire.
There's an irony there, that so many the British based/born Kypeoi are so "British" and yet Britian is a country that is 1)pro-Turkish and 2) pro-partitian. From forming the TMT in the 50's to assist them in oppressing the GCs to standing by and doing nothing when the Turks invaded in 1974 (actually, they were well aware the Turks were coming) as well as having the wife of a prime minister defending the illegal statelet in various court disputes regarding selling stolen property, everything points to the Kypreoi in the UK more or less doing nothing. Well, a minority does come into this forum and spit venom at Greece. Actually, they seem to blame only Greece for 1974 and in the process invertedly exonerate the British and more repugnantly give justification to the Turks for invading in the first place. Even recently, Jack Straw stated that Cyprus should be partitioned what did the British Kyrpeoi actually do? They didn't do anything, did they. Ok, maybe the odd mumble but no protests or anything vocal. A good example of a proud British Kypreo is Stelios Haji-Ioannou. He was offered a knighthood and gleefully accepted. If he was real Cypriot patriot he should have refused it and made a political stance ie the continious British support for the division of Cyprus. And has he actually voiced the injustices of 1974? Maybe he has, educate me, but I somehow doubt it. In Australia and North America, the Greek communities (and mind you Cypriots are included) lobby the respective governments re Cyprus. When Jennifer Lopez was booked to do a concert in the occupied-North, it was the Greek-American lobby that pressed her to rescind the invitation. In Australia, despite the Aussies "close ties" with the Turks because of Gallipoli, the Greek community also lobbies on behalf of Cyprus. So in the Greek diaspora who are mainly mainland Greeks, we rally for Cyprus. But in the UK where the Greeks are overwhelming Kypreoi they really do nothing for Cyprus despite the obvious pro-Turkish stance of Britian as they accept knighthoods with erections and open threads in this forum titled: "The Games Have Come Home...!!!"
CBBB wrote:The might of the Greek lobby has done such a good job for us in the States.
barouti wrote:GreekIslandGirl wrote:Seems to me some people would prefer it if Cyprus was still part of, and belonging to, the British Empire.
There's an irony there, that so many the British based/born Kypeoi are so "British" and yet Britian is a country that is...
barouti wrote:CBBB wrote:The might of the Greek lobby has done such a good job for us in the States.
And apart from accepting knighthoods and celebrating the London Games, what exactly has the Cypriot community in the UK done for Cyprus. To remind you, the UK remains very pro-Turkish in its foreign policy and press and supports the partition of Cyprus. Why are UK politicians so vocal with this and yet in North America and Australia, due to the large Greek communities lobbying, their politicians and media know very well they need walk on eggshells re the Cyprus issue. So laugh it up, Looney Tunes boy, the fact remains the Kypreoi of the UK don't do anything for Cyprus. So what good are you for the Cause? To the Kypreoi in Cyprus facing the Turkish tanks along the Green Line, you can't rely on the Limey Greeks, only those in the US and Australia.
Get Real! wrote:If Cyprus had to belong to some other country (and that is not the case) I’d choose Britain over shitty Greece in a heartbeat!
barouti wrote:CBBB wrote:The might of the Greek lobby has done such a good job for us in the States.
And apart from accepting knighthoods and celebrating the London Games, what exactly has the Cypriot community in the UK done for Cyprus. To remind you, the UK remains very pro-Turkish in its foreign policy and press and supports the partition of Cyprus. Why are UK politicians so vocal with this and yet in North America and Australia, due to the large Greek communities lobbying, their politicians and media know very well they need walk on eggshells re the Cyprus issue. So laugh it up, Looney Tunes boy, the fact remains the Kypreoi of the UK don't do anything for Cyprus. So what good are you for the Cause? To the Kypreoi in Cyprus facing the Turkish tanks along the Green Line, you can't rely on the Limey Greeks, only those in the US and Australia.
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