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The Games Have Come Home...!!!

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Re: The Games Have Come Home...!!!

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Mon Jul 30, 2012 5:55 pm

Seems to me some people would prefer it if Cyprus was still part of, and belonging to, the British Empire. Since everything Greek, Greek-inspired, Greek-descended etc is somehow claimed by these Brit-born cypriots (note small case "c") to actually rightfully belong in their homeland of "Great Britain". Not for him the mere claims that only the Parthernon Marbles belong to the British Museum, but the whole hog, the full monty of Greekdom is now in fact at the disposal of the British.

So how can the Cypriot team or the Greek team feel in any way inspired? They have no sense of connection with these games.

Anyway, for those who still care:

The copper for the 2004 Athens Olympics medals came from Cyprus. It was transported to Greece in June 2004 in a full-scale replica of the ancient Greek merchant ship 'Kyrenia" which sank off the coast over 2000 years ago. ... medals.htm
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Re: The Games Have Come Home...!!!

Postby bill cobbett » Mon Jul 30, 2012 7:39 pm

Watched a bit of the Men's Gymnastics. As with so many of these less well-known sports, a once in every four years experience.

The Chinese gymnast, name of Zhang who is current OC, on the floor exercises, am no expert on how to judge these things but could see it was a near flawless exercise, finishing with the most solid and firmest of plants.

The Vault is such an explosion of power and height with only seconds to impress the judges and to again land solidly on two feet must be soooo exacting.

Are you any good at taking running jumps GIG...???
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Re: The Games Have Come Home...!!!

Postby Talisker » Mon Jul 30, 2012 8:14 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
The copper for the 2004 Athens Olympics medals came from Cyprus. It was transported to Greece in June 2004 in a full-scale replica of the ancient Greek merchant ship 'Kyrenia" which sank off the coast over 2000 years ago.

Why would anyone make a full-scale replica of a boat known to have sunk? :?
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Re: The Games Have Come Home...!!!

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Mon Jul 30, 2012 9:28 pm

Talisker wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:
The copper for the 2004 Athens Olympics medals came from Cyprus. It was transported to Greece in June 2004 in a full-scale replica of the ancient Greek merchant ship 'Kyrenia" which sank off the coast over 2000 years ago.

Why would anyone make a full-scale replica of a boat known to have sunk? :?

Basically, it's symbolic of the illegal Turkish occupation of northern Cyprus.

Unlike the wonderful, "unsinkable" British creation "RMS Titanic" which sank on its maiden voyage, the Kyrenia had been sailing as a merchant ship between Cyprus and other Greek islands for over 80 years before it sank in a storm sometime in the 4th Century BC. It was recovered by Andreas Kariolou in 1965 and housed in Kyrenia Castle by 1974, just before the Turks invaded and stole everything.

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Re: The Games Have Come Home...!!!

Postby bill cobbett » Mon Jul 30, 2012 9:42 pm

Just watched the Women's 100m Breaststroke in the pool... Goooooold to the swimmer from Lithuania, Ruta Meilutyte, who is 15 years old! A child by any other standards. A very well received winner. Well done!
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Re: The Games Have Come Home...!!!

Postby supporttheunderdog » Tue Jul 31, 2012 5:52 am

Talisker wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:
The copper for the 2004 Athens Olympics medals came from Cyprus. It was transported to Greece in June 2004 in a full-scale replica of the ancient Greek merchant ship 'Kyrenia" which sank off the coast over 2000 years ago.

Why would anyone make a full-scale replica of a boat known to have sunk? :?

She may have sunk but this might have been by pirates - otherwise she seemibgly had a deent history of use, estimated by some to be 25 years but possibly as much as 80 years old. An evidentlyy succesful design, that itself was probbaly a lot older.
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Re: The Games Have Come Home...!!!

Postby bill cobbett » Tue Jul 31, 2012 10:40 pm

Football... Excellent performance by the GB Ladies tonight, really did come together well as a team to surpass expectations as 1-0 winners against the much fancied Girls from Brazil... :oops:

... and in front of 70,000+ people at Wem...ber....leeeeeee!!!
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Re: The Games Have Come Home...!!!

Postby yialousa1971 » Wed Aug 01, 2012 1:43 am

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Re: The Games Have Come Home...!!!

Postby bill cobbett » Wed Aug 01, 2012 1:46 am

Show some respect for the Games reh!... Wannabe!
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Re: The Games Have Come Home...!!!

Postby yialousa1971 » Wed Aug 01, 2012 2:05 am

The "Modern Olympics" Should Stay in Greece

The Olympics are an extravagant, amazing spectacle. Hundreds of millions of people watch them. The riches and prestige they bring their hosts must be worth the huge amounts spent trying to win them and the colossal amounts spent hosting them, mustn’t they? No. It’s money badly spent. The Olympics are an exploding cigar, a Mona Lisa with a moustache, a giant wood horse full of grief. They’re a gift from Greeks. It’s time to send the spectacle packing back to Greece, for good.

The London Olympics are projected to cost about $19 billion, not counting lost tourism, lost opportunities, and tempers shredded by 30-mile traffic jams. The Beijing Olympics cost over $40 billion. The Montreal Olympics (1976) cost less than that, but it took that city 30 years to finally pay off the debt. The Nagano Winter Olympics (1998) were so expensive that government officials destroyed their records rather than admit how much over-budget they went.

The Olympics are a money pit for their hosts. Organizing committees and local politicians always underestimate the costs. If they presented honest estimates, citizens would reject the honor and throw Olympic boosters out of office. The Athens Olympics (2004) cost a ruinous two-and-a-half times the original $6 billion estimate, and the Vancouver Olympics (2010), originally budgeted at $165 million, ended up costing an estimated seven times that. As for London, the original budget was £2.3 billion (about $5 billion); that budget has quadrupled.

If the estimated costs of an Olympics are always understated, the estimated benefits are always overstated. When Chicago bid on the Olympics, they counted as a benefit all the tourists who would ordinarily visit Chicago anyway. They ignored all the tourists who would stay away to avoid the expected Olympic madness (traffic jams, overbooked hotels, mobbed restaurants) and counted each projected Olympic visitor as a net gain.

The evidence from other international sporting events is that the net impact on tourism is close to zero. Many Olympics visitors rescheduled planned visits, and the visitors who didn’t substituted for tourists who decided to stay away. That means for hotels, restaurants, and other tourism related businesses that the Olympics are usually no big deal. Add in higher taxes to pay for them, and the Olympics turn into a loser for local businesses.

Organizing committees talk glowingly of new infrastructure – velodromes, natatoriums, light rail and communications. Some of that infrastructure is a white elephant. Athens has yet to find much use for its velodrome, and the bicycling events it attracts (as far as I can tell, none so far) don’t pay for the structure’s upkeep. Other infrastructure could have been built anyway, had the citizens really wanted it. That it wasn’t suggests that money spent for Olympics infrastructure is simply taken away from other projects. You get a natatorium and give up a hospital and five city pools. You get a new metro line to an Olympic venue and give up new sewers your suburbs. You get more security around Olympic venues and give up new fire stations elsewhere.

And then there’s the corruption of the IOC. That pack of thieves makes Congress look as pure as slightly used snow. In addition to the tens of millions a city will spend to spruce itself up and look nice for its Olympic bid, it fetes a band of international mooches in its best hotels and offers them all sorts of goodies on the side. Members of the IOC wander around the world like royalty while city politicians beg for the honor of emptying city coffers for the Olympics.


The Olympics are a wonderful spectacle. Most of us don’t want them to go away. On the other hand, if you’re smart you want them in someone else’s back yard. What’s the solution? Settle them in one spot: Greece.

If the Olympics had a permanent venue, there would be no last minute dashes to build villages for the athletes. There would be no need to spend billions on new stadiums in cities like Rio de Janeiro and Seoul, stadiums that do little to improve life for locals once the Olympics have gone. Olympic security and logistics wouldn’t have to be reinvented every four years, a new learning curve established. All the activities that support the games could be made routine.

Keeping the Olympics in Greece would reduce the political posturing that sometimes surrounds them. The Berlin Olympics (1936) were a Nazi showcase designed to help legitimize the regime. The U.S. boycotted the Moscow Olympics (1980), the USSR reciprocated by boycotting Los Angeles (1984). Olympics in the U.S. come with America’s problematic relations with some other countries, and politics is front and center in places like China, Russia, and Korea. A Greek Olympics might involve problems with Macedonia and Turkey, but as a general rule those problems will be minor.

(The Winter Olympics can reside permanently in New Zealand or Canada, both of them politically inoffensive to most of the world.)

And that’s an excellent reason to The first Olympics were held in Greece. Let the modern Olympics stay there. The IOC would hate that. There would be no huge new building sporting the Olympics logo going up in new cities around the world, no more hob-nobbing with queens and presidents, but that’s not what the Olympics are about.

They’re about the athletes.

Keep the Olympics in Greece. When all the rest of it fades into the background and routine, all that’s left to focus on are the athletes. There will still be controversies (don’t like American uniforms made in China? The first Olympics were in the nude; let’s just dispense with the uniforms), but they’ll be minimized. Let the Olympics be about their motto of Citius, Altius, Fortius — “faster, higher, stronger” — not about the IOC, national pride, and ruinous public works.

by James Picht via justice for greece
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