According to a the "new" study which follows below, ....
Focusing on the role of the Y chromosome, which is passed from father to son, the research indicates Turkish farmers arrived in Ireland about 6,000 years ago, bringing agriculture with them. .......Eighty-five per cent of Irish men are descended from farming people from the Middle East and especially Turkey.
Comment: The only problem with this theory is that there were no Turkic peoples in Asia Minor and/or the Middle East 6000 years ago, i.e., in 4000 BC. As we all know, the first Turkic people showed up in Asia Minor only 900 years ago, around 1100 AD. Therefore, if, indeed, People from Asia Minor and the Middle East migrated to Ireland (and Portugal and Spain) around 6000 years ago, they could be anything BUT Turkish. (Hell, they could even be Cypriots

on the other hand:
.....In Britain, 60-65 per cent of the population has the Turkish genetic pattern......
Now that is easier to believe considering how much they love and support each other eh?

.......while in parts of the Iberian Peninsula it’s almost as the same as in Ireland.
read more and have fun:
New study claims that Irishmen descended from Turkish farmers
JANE WALSHE, Staff Writer
Published Saturday, February 20, 2010, 10:27 PM
Updated Saturday, February 20, 2010, 10:27 PM ... 17437.html