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wow! British brutality revealed.

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Re: wow! British brutality revealed.

Postby yialousa1971 » Mon Aug 13, 2012 11:22 pm

theodosia wrote:ah yes, thanks for posting this! very smart of you to find this :D yes we have had our fair share of brutality from the English soldiers.
members of my family were affected by the potato famine, how sad that the wonderful Irish people starved!
there is a long history between England and Ireland and i think it will always be a strained relationship.

It was a Genocide not a potato famine as all the food (diary/cattle etc) was removed except for the potatoes which were effected by the potato blight. :wink: Just like what happened in Greece in WWII, the Germans removed large amounts of food and 100,000 Greeks died of starvation.
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Re: wow! British brutality revealed.

Postby theodosia » Tue Aug 14, 2012 2:21 pm

Yes that is true, and it is called that by the irish people as a point of reference.
Maybe one day the greeks and irish will team up and kick some ass ;-)
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Re: wow! British brutality revealed.

Postby EricSeans » Wed Sep 19, 2012 8:29 pm

theodosia wrote:Yes that is true, and it is called that by the irish people as a point of reference.
Maybe one day the greeks and irish will team up and kick some ass ;-)
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Re: wow! British brutality revealed.

Postby Mapko » Wed Sep 19, 2012 9:24 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:may I firstly say I condemn the brutality of the British Soldiers - however it has to be set against the backdrop of a murder where cowardly EOKA terrorist shot an an unarmed woman in the back - one of several such attacks on unarmed Civilans - and which in my view very clearly make Eoka and their members a bunch of terrorist scumbags.


You go into someone else's country and because they don't want you there, they enable a group of brave freedom fighters to do whatever they can to get you out - but you don't like it.

You have the might of the British army, the might of the Turk army, the Gay Wolves being funded by the Turk government against a handful of brave Greek Cypriot men and you complain about the only way these brave men could fight this war! How do you expect them to fight and get rid of the more powerful invaders? Do you condemn the Viet Cong? Do you condemn the IRA? Do you condemn the mujahideen (though I suspect you were on their side in the 1980's when they were repelling the Russians)? Do you condemn the Belgian, French, Dutch resistances/freedom fighters of WWII? Your dirty, two-faced double-standards are appalling and the reason why you and the other mighty powers are despised around the world.

People like you and the Greek Cypriot traitors should all hang your heads in shame.
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Re: wow! British brutality revealed.

Postby Get Real! » Thu Sep 20, 2012 10:51 pm

Mapko wrote:People like you and the Greek Cypriot traitors should all hang your heads in shame.

I’ve got your noose ready…
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Re: wow! British brutality revealed.

Postby Mapko » Fri Sep 21, 2012 9:22 am

Get Real! wrote:
Mapko wrote:People like you and the Greek Cypriot traitors should all hang your heads in shame.

I’ve got your noose ready…

I bet you have - standing there with the backing of your Turks and Brit masters, whilst they stroke your head like a good little doggy!
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Re: wow! British brutality revealed.

Postby barouti » Fri Sep 21, 2012 3:55 pm

Mapko wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote:People like you and the Greek Cypriot traitors should all hang your heads in shame.


And everytime I start a thread about this it gets deleted. :/ It's obviously a controversial subject one that has the potential to open a can of worms, doesn't it. It's a taboo topic, subject to censorshop, that there were GC's who collaborated with the British imperialistic occupation army, whom in turn enlisted the turco-interlopers to assist them in oppressing the Greeks. Of course these collaborators exonerate their traitorous deeds by demonizing the heroes of EOKA, seemingly hiding behind a leftist idealogy so to accuse Grivas as being a "fascist" and therefore justifying there collaboration with the British and Turks as "necessary". And even today when they get applause from their allies, the limeys and turco-mongolians, which, my god, they actually bow and glee.
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Re: wow! British brutality revealed.

Postby Mapko » Fri Sep 21, 2012 9:04 pm

barouti wrote:
Mapko wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote:People like you and the Greek Cypriot traitors should all hang your heads in shame.


And everytime I start a thread about this it gets deleted. :/ It's obviously a controversial subject one that has the potential to open a can of worms, doesn't it. It's a taboo topic, subject to censorshop, that there were GC's who collaborated with the British imperialistic occupation army, whom in turn enlisted the turco-interlopers to assist them in oppressing the Greeks. Of course these collaborators exonerate their traitorous deeds by demonizing the heroes of EOKA, seemingly hiding behind a leftist idealogy so to accuse Grivas as being a "fascist" and therefore justifying there collaboration with the British and Turks as "necessary". And even today when they get applause from their allies, the limeys and turco-mongolians, which, my god, they actually bow and glee.

barouti...I know - I've seen some of your posts and then they've either been deleted or locked so nobody can agree with you. There's no freedom of speech. I've seen the Turkics come on here and absolutely maul the Greek Cypriots with impunity and I've seen the Greek Cypriot collaborators come on here and put their fellow countrymen down and it's tolerated. Encouraged, in fact. But if anyone dares to write anything anti-Turkic or anti-imperialist, then they're labelled as trouble makers and teir posts removed. There have been threads on this forum about Turkics raping a duck - it was removed; I put a joke on about Turkics stealing metal at the Olympics - it was removed; you started a thread, it was locked before anyone could add to it and then it was removed, like so many of your posts. Now, look through the threads at all the treasonable topics and it's disgusting - there was a thread about Makarios being gay; there are jokes about the new Greek currency; a joke about an Εύζωνοι lifting his fustanella in front of a Turkic soldier (the Εύζωνοι being the elite of the Greek army); a joke about the way Greek people speak. There are so many more of these and they all stay up, they are all added to with glib comments, they all go unpunished and they are all sickening.
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Re: wow! British brutality revealed.

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Jul 18, 2018 12:31 am

British colonial forces 'raped a teenager and tortured civilians during 1950s Cyprus uprising and then covered it up', court papers claim ... ising.html

...for the record; we have heard about this before.
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Re: wow! British brutality revealed.

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:29 am

GB settles. ... ture-case/

The British government said the decision aimed to turn a page in the UK’s relations with the island.

“It is a matter of regret for the UK government that the transition of Cyprus from British administration to independence should have been preceded by five years of violence and loss of life, affecting all residents of the island,” the British government said in a statement.

The case concerned claims filed against the UK government in July 2015 by 35 individuals (since reduced to 33) after Foreign Office documents released in July 2012 described claims of torture and abuse during the 1955-1959 Eoka insurgency.
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