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Greece Racist Expelled from Olympics

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Re: Greece Racist Expelled from Olympics

Postby Cap » Thu Jul 26, 2012 4:44 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
Cap wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:
Cap wrote:Ed has a point here.
Greece's track record is scandalous in proportion to its population.
Greece always seems to make headline news for all the bad reasons, and Cyprus gets included.

Cyprus IS included. The good and bad!

why should we take the flack for their corrupt systems?

Stop getting hysterical. This is ONE tweet by one person. As I recall, you are the one who has made many racist comments about Africans since you left South Africa. The only other truly racist Greek Cypriot I know is also from South Africa.

Tell him I say Howzit. :D
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Re: Greece Racist Expelled from Olympics

Postby Me Ed » Thu Jul 26, 2012 4:45 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
yialousa1971 wrote:
The type of people who get offended by comments like this are the REAL RACISTS but they keep their racism secret and they resent anyone who has the courage to speak their mind. There's absolutly nothing racist about what she said but I can see why undercover racists would think it was.

I would have to agree with this.

Excellent bit of reasoning.

So that would make the leaders of the Greece Olympic team that were so offended they threw this hellenic racist off the team... RACISTS!
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Re: Greece Racist Expelled from Olympics

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Thu Jul 26, 2012 5:51 pm

Me Ed wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:
yialousa1971 wrote:
The type of people who get offended by comments like this are the REAL RACISTS but they keep their racism secret and they resent anyone who has the courage to speak their mind. There's absolutly nothing racist about what she said but I can see why undercover racists would think it was.

I would have to agree with this.

Excellent bit of reasoning.

So that would make the leaders of the Greece Olympic team that were so offended they threw this hellenic racist off the team... RACISTS!

Unfortunately, they have to please people like you! You know, the ones who start threads on the Internet to show how racist and corrupt Greeks are.

Aren't you racist for your constant stereotyping of Greeks?????.
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Re: Greece Racist Expelled from Olympics

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Thu Jul 26, 2012 5:53 pm

bill cobbett wrote:There's something sooooo civilised about sitting outside an English Pub in the afternoon sun, with a very pleasant tasting pint and a fag or two reading the so sad comments from some of you sad lot.

Does come as a sad surprise that STUD has jumped in to bed with GIG.

Don't worry, it didn't last long - he's all yours, darling! :D
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Re: Greece Racist Expelled from Olympics

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Thu Jul 26, 2012 5:57 pm

Cap wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:
Cap wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:
Cap wrote:Ed has a point here.
Greece's track record is scandalous in proportion to its population.
Greece always seems to make headline news for all the bad reasons, and Cyprus gets included.

Cyprus IS included. The good and bad!

why should we take the flack for their corrupt systems?

Stop getting hysterical. This is ONE tweet by one person. As I recall, you are the one who has made many racist comments about Africans since you left South Africa. The only other truly racist Greek Cypriot I know is also from South Africa.

Tell him I say Howzit. :D

Not likely to speak to him ever again - I hope. :) Anyway, I only reminded you because you were very quick with the hypocritical comments. Really, so racist to constantly label Greek nation as corrupt and scandalous over one (minor and witty) comment. First remove the log from your own eyes ...

Personally, I find most Greeks refreshingly HONEST!
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Re: Greece Racist Expelled from Olympics

Postby bill cobbett » Thu Jul 26, 2012 6:06 pm

Oh well done! ... to another athlete from Greece, this one, Chondrokoukis, has been given the high jump for attempted cheating, sent home for failing a drugs test. No wonder that this cheating baxxxrd had high hopes for a medal.

Really appalling that an alleged inspiration for these Games has been let down by these buggers, a national disgrace that the national team that will lead the parade of nations tomorrow night has now had two athletes sent home. What sort of example are these buggers setting...???

Greece deserves better than this from its athletes

... and it's even more disgraceful that the CF greek wannabes ... will be defending the indefensible again... :roll: ... ID20120726
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Re: Greece Racist Expelled from Olympics

Postby Cap » Thu Jul 26, 2012 6:53 pm

Bill, I removed my first comment on this thread in good faith.
was I wrong?
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Re: Greece Racist Expelled from Olympics

Postby bill cobbett » Thu Jul 26, 2012 7:01 pm

Cap wrote:Bill, I removed my first comment on this thread in good faith.
was I wrong?

Oh... don't know mate ... no one is ever wrong or indeed right, there must always be a little uncertainty. Always wary of people who think they are 100% right, 100% of the time... including myself... doubt is sometimes a good thing :D
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Re: Greece Racist Expelled from Olympics

Postby Cap » Thu Jul 26, 2012 7:06 pm

Another one...

Irene Kokkinariou tested positive during a special doping control conducted by the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF). ... -olympics/
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Re: Greece Racist Expelled from Olympics

Postby Jerry » Thu Jul 26, 2012 7:13 pm

yialousa1971 wrote:
Me Ed wrote:
Cap wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:
Cap wrote:Ed has a point here.
Greece's track record is scandalous in proportion to its population.
Greece always seems to make headline news for all the bad reasons, and Cyprus gets included.

Cyprus IS included. The good and bad!

why should we take the flack for their corrupt systems?

We don't have to and we most certainly shouldn't do.

We only put up with the Hellenic menace because we have greek-wannabees in our midst.

We should not have to put up with Charlies like you. :evil:

Is making a disparaging remark about a "Charlie” racist, I wonder?

Were it not for the millions (billions?) of £££s that "Charlies" have invested and spent (much of it "liberated" from the UK taxman) in Cyprus over the years its economy would be in a worse state than it is now.
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