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best part of the Island to vist?

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Re: best part of the Island to vist?

Postby theodosia » Mon Jul 23, 2012 11:40 am

repulsewarrior wrote:...if you want to meet good warm hearted people, find Cypriots, give them your support.

if i could i would drive with a Cypriot Flag attached to my car's antenna while visiting the whole island.

if you love Cyprus, what is wrong with that expression, must it be Greek, must it be Turkish?

...of course, what do i know, i come from a "mixed" village.

A fair and good point, and I respect and agree with what you said.
Except you would know more then me, if you live in a mixed village then you have your own personal view and experience that i don't have.
Have a lovely day RW :D
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Re: best part of the Island to vist?

Postby Mapko » Mon Jul 23, 2012 2:46 pm

Theodosia...I'd suggest going to Cprus at least twice - the first time to do all the touristy stuff, i.e. the beaches, the shops, the bars, the archaeological sites, the ancient monuments, lakes, churches, etc. Then I'd suggest going back and finding out what your ancestry actually means, i.e. go to the Central Jail to see the graves of the EOKA heroes; take a look at the Presidential Palace and the staue of Archbishop Makario III; the statue of Marko Drako on the roundabout (be careful - I took a photograph of the statue and there was a guard tower directly behind); there are tours of the EOKA hideouts in the hills that you can go on for a cycle; there are plenty of churches that were part of the war, but Kykko Monastery is probably the most important.

If you have no reason to go to the (illegally occupied) north, then I wouldn't bother - just watch archive footage of WWII and how the Nazis (mainland Mongols, in this case) made the Jews and other minorities (Turk C's, here) live in dirty ghettos.

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Re: best part of the Island to vist?

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Jul 23, 2012 5:42 pm

Mapko wrote:Theodosia...I'd suggest going to Cprus at least twice - the first time to do all the touristy stuff, i.e. the beaches, the shops, the bars, the archaeological sites, the ancient monuments, lakes, churches, etc. Then I'd suggest going back and finding out what your ancestry actually means, i.e. go to the Central Jail to see the graves of the EOKA heroes; take a look at the Presidential Palace and the staue of Archbishop Makario III; the statue of Marko Drako on the roundabout (be careful - I took a photograph of the statue and there was a guard tower directly behind); there are tours of the EOKA hideouts in the hills that you can go on for a cycle; there are plenty of churches that were part of the war, but Kykko Monastery is probably the most important.

If you have no reason to go to the (illegally occupied) north, then I wouldn't bother - just watch archive footage of WWII and how the Nazis (mainland Mongols, in this case) made the Jews and other minorities (Turk C's, here) live in dirty ghettos.

Kalo taksidi.

there is alot to be said to support Mapko, if you are a reader, go to the IPO (Information and Press Office) in Nicosia, they make a lovely coffee there, and there is a great wealth of information they offer freely. i know about EOKA too in personal ways, i suppose like most people my age, i know it was a struggle against the British who took the island to be a possession not unlike the Turks that they took it from, whose troops devolved unruly without respect, they became an enemy, it was to these brave Cypriots to defend Universal Principals, not just the Rule of Law. i know that EOKA evolved, but at its later stages those protoges like Sampson, Cyprus was come to know them as traitors.

if i could see and travel in the north, i would; because i remember my dear friends and neighbours, throughout a history much longer than the last 50 years. pity the Occupation Movement was moved out of the Buffer Zone, i would have suggested you to visit there, the true face of Cyprus, its youth, who see themselves as Citizens of the World, a community, not "Greeks", not "Turks", close to their land, but in this regard, Cypriots. it is and it was a nice feeling, my past, and the sense of it that lives today. Cyprus is rich in Cultural Heritage, visit the Maronites, and the Armenians, visit the Latins too, they have a living Heritance too, they need the same help. Cyprus is a very precious ethnosphere, it's History may be mostly Greek, but Cyprus is a crossroad for every Modern Religion, let alone three Continents, Cypriots as Greeks have a great responsibility as its Steward, it is unique, but that seems to be the Problem.

Mapko, i respect your opinion , it is based on the Principals of International Law, and morally grounded. indeed suggesting to put a (Cypriot) flag on your car's antenna may invite getting shot at or arrested (after all these things have happened before), in some parts of Cyprus, but i would do it. this is the Principal i defend. you don't even have to buy a cup of coffee by the shore at Kyrenia, but go and see. i suggest that you will find within their filthy corruption the few who are like you, (you might meet in the south)(they will have the roadside cafes that have been there forever,eg.) because they love this island and you will recognise each other, demonstrate, act, don't spend a penny in what "they" have made inviting, their hotels and their casinos, go visit Barnabas and the monestary there, visit Pentathaktilo and the castle called ekatospitia, find those caves, they'll still be black with the napalm where young men were burnt alive, and Salamina... you are the guerrilla we admire in this sense should you decide to, suffer Peace, be the Person you want all Persons to be, as an Irish Person, a Brit, or a Greek (and Turk) there would be no difference, wouldn't there? here is the intent of the Government's advice with the gates open. fill yourself with the dust of thousands of years, act wisely, and since its all about the almighty dollar spend wisely too;

...Cyprus needs dialog, and direct acts from its ordinary citizens which clearly demonstrate their loving nature as Human Beings here, as Cypriots, who put Cyprus first not just their ratsa.

...come often (lol) Theodosia, you will never see all of Cyprus visiting once or twice.
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Re: best part of the Island to vist?

Postby Mapko » Tue Jul 24, 2012 8:01 am

repulsewarrior...I would never, ever give money to any Turk - nor would I ever trust one - which is why I would never cross over into the north. I want to go to my Dad's village, Pigi, to see where my family comes from (I already know what to expect - the well we had is now filled in with concrete; the old olive tree uprooted; shoes of the squatters left on the porch); I want to go to the Karpass peninsula; I want to see the whole of Nicosia; I want to go to Ballapais Monastery; I want to see a united Cyprus; but, most of all, I want to go 'home'.

I would not drive around the north with a Cyprus flag on my car - not because I'm scared of being shot, I just don't want those f*ckers to gloat over another Greek Cypriot they've killed.
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Re: best part of the Island to vist?

Postby Lordo » Tue Jul 24, 2012 10:33 am

What exactly do you mean by "turk"? Does it include all the turkish cypriots too?
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Re: best part of the Island to vist?

Postby Lordo » Tue Jul 24, 2012 10:58 am

the north is definitely the best part. just been to both. no competition.
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Re: best part of the Island to vist?

Postby theodosia » Tue Jul 24, 2012 2:31 pm

Mapko wrote:Theodosia...I'd suggest going to Cprus at least twice - the first time to do all the touristy stuff, i.e. the beaches, the shops, the bars, the archaeological sites, the ancient monuments, lakes, churches, etc. Then I'd suggest going back and finding out what your ancestry actually means, i.e. go to the Central Jail to see the graves of the EOKA heroes; take a look at the Presidential Palace and the staue of Archbishop Makario III; the statue of Marko Drako on the roundabout (be careful - I took a photograph of the statue and there was a guard tower directly behind); there are tours of the EOKA hideouts in the hills that you can go on for a cycle; there are plenty of churches that were part of the war, but Kykko Monastery is probably the most important.

If you have no reason to go to the (illegally occupied) north, then I wouldn't bother - just watch archive footage of WWII and how the Nazis (mainland Mongols, in this case) made the Jews and other minorities (Turk C's, here) live in dirty ghettos.

Kalo taksidi.

I hope to visit one day and see as much as i can. Yes I would love to find out about my ancestry. Though I think it will be quite emotional.
For all i know my dad may have died in 1974 as yet i still don't know if he went back to cyprus to live after he and my mum split up.
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Re: best part of the Island to vist?

Postby theodosia » Tue Jul 24, 2012 2:37 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
repulsewarrior wrote:...well said bill.

theodosia, if you do decide to visit Cyprus, i suggest that you will find the most beautiful landscapes in the north. should you wish to travel there, find Cypriots, allow them to be your host, avoid giving even a penny to the occupiers and their regime; Cyprus needs dialog, and acts which demonstrate solidarity.


I'm shocked at you, RW! That's a very irresponsible thing to suggest.

- Since this is appropriate in a 'travel to Cyprus thread'; I shall post the appropriate warning from the Republic of Cyprus government's website:

Can a foreign national visit the north part of the island, which has been under Turkish military occupation since 1974?

The authorities of the Republic of Cyprus maintain their position that all properties situated in the occupied area of the Republic of Cyprus including hotels, restaurants, shops and other establishments, are not evidently owned, controlled and managed by their legal owners. These properties have been illegally aliened by the occupation regime to people that manage them, without the consent of their rightful owners. The conscious use of such property and particularly overnight stay in the aforesaid hotels or other resorts is illegal and subject to the laws of the Republic regarding the conscious use of stolen property.

Overnight stay in the occupied areas is also strongly discouraged for reasons of compatibility of the establishments in the occupied area with the hygienic, security and other standards. The Republic of Cyprus cannot guarantee the standards or safety of the establishments in the north of Cyprus. Any claims for compensation based on established European consumer protection acts can be denied by the occupation regime as Turkey’s subordinate local administration in the occupied area of the Republic is deprived of any legal status. Furthermore the laws of the Republic of Cyprus and the Acquis Communautaire cannot be enforced, as this is a non-government controlled area.

The Government of the Republic of Cyprus cannot guarantee or ensure the safety of visitors in the occupied areas and the authorities of the Republic will be unable to offer any help in case of accident, injury, theft, illness etc. and thus foreign nationals may find themselves isolated in the case of need.

GreekIslandgirl, can you please explain it to me,I don't fully understand the post. Sorry for my Ignorance.
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Re: best part of the Island to vist?

Postby theodosia » Tue Jul 24, 2012 2:41 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:
Mapko wrote:Theodosia...I'd suggest going to Cprus at least twice - the first time to do all the touristy stuff, i.e. the beaches, the shops, the bars, the archaeological sites, the ancient monuments, lakes, churches, etc. Then I'd suggest going back and finding out what your ancestry actually means, i.e. go to the Central Jail to see the graves of the EOKA heroes; take a look at the Presidential Palace and the staue of Archbishop Makario III; the statue of Marko Drako on the roundabout (be careful - I took a photograph of the statue and there was a guard tower directly behind); there are tours of the EOKA hideouts in the hills that you can go on for a cycle; there are plenty of churches that were part of the war, but Kykko Monastery is probably the most important.

If you have no reason to go to the (illegally occupied) north, then I wouldn't bother - just watch archive footage of WWII and how the Nazis (mainland Mongols, in this case) made the Jews and other minorities (Turk C's, here) live in dirty ghettos.

Kalo taksidi.

there is alot to be said to support Mapko, if you are a reader, go to the IPO (Information and Press Office) in Nicosia, they make a lovely coffee there, and there is a great wealth of information they offer freely. i know about EOKA too in personal ways, i suppose like most people my age, i know it was a struggle against the British who took the island to be a possession not unlike the Turks that they took it from, whose troops devolved unruly without respect, they became an enemy, it was to these brave Cypriots to defend Universal Principals, not just the Rule of Law. i know that EOKA evolved, but at its later stages those protoges like Sampson, Cyprus was come to know them as traitors.

if i could see and travel in the north, i would; because i remember my dear friends and neighbours, throughout a history much longer than the last 50 years. pity the Occupation Movement was moved out of the Buffer Zone, i would have suggested you to visit there, the true face of Cyprus, its youth, who see themselves as Citizens of the World, a community, not "Greeks", not "Turks", close to their land, but in this regard, Cypriots. it is and it was a nice feeling, my past, and the sense of it that lives today. Cyprus is rich in Cultural Heritage, visit the Maronites, and the Armenians, visit the Latins too, they have a living Heritance too, they need the same help. Cyprus is a very precious ethnosphere, it's History may be mostly Greek, but Cyprus is a crossroad for every Modern Religion, let alone three Continents, Cypriots as Greeks have a great responsibility as its Steward, it is unique, but that seems to be the Problem.

Mapko, i respect your opinion , it is based on the Principals of International Law, and morally grounded. indeed suggesting to put a (Cypriot) flag on your car's antenna may invite getting shot at or arrested (after all these things have happened before), in some parts of Cyprus, but i would do it. this is the Principal i defend. you don't even have to buy a cup of coffee by the shore at Kyrenia, but go and see. i suggest that you will find within their filthy corruption the few who are like you, (you might meet in the south)(they will have the roadside cafes that have been there forever,eg.) because they love this island and you will recognise each other, demonstrate, act, don't spend a penny in what "they" have made inviting, their hotels and their casinos, go visit Barnabas and the monestary there, visit Pentathaktilo and the castle called ekatospitia, find those caves, they'll still be black with the napalm where young men were burnt alive, and Salamina... you are the guerrilla we admire in this sense should you decide to, suffer Peace, be the Person you want all Persons to be, as an Irish Person, a Brit, or a Greek (and Turk) there would be no difference, wouldn't there? here is the intent of the Government's advice with the gates open. fill yourself with the dust of thousands of years, act wisely, and since its all about the almighty dollar spend wisely too;

...Cyprus needs dialog, and direct acts from its ordinary citizens which clearly demonstrate their loving nature as Human Beings here, as Cypriots, who put Cyprus first not just their ratsa.

...come often (lol) Theodosia, you will never see all of Cyprus visiting once or twice.

How many weeks would I need to see all of the island?
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Re: best part of the Island to vist?

Postby theodosia » Tue Jul 24, 2012 3:11 pm

theodosia wrote:
repulsewarrior wrote:
Mapko wrote:Theodosia...I'd suggest going to Cprus at least twice - the first time to do all the touristy stuff, i.e. the beaches, the shops, the bars, the archaeological sites, the ancient monuments, lakes, churches, etc. Then I'd suggest going back and finding out what your ancestry actually means, i.e. go to the Central Jail to see the graves of the EOKA heroes; take a look at the Presidential Palace and the staue of Archbishop Makario III; the statue of Marko Drako on the roundabout (be careful - I took a photograph of the statue and there was a guard tower directly behind); there are tours of the EOKA hideouts in the hills that you can go on for a cycle; there are plenty of churches that were part of the war, but Kykko Monastery is probably the most important.

If you have no reason to go to the (illegally occupied) north, then I wouldn't bother - just watch archive footage of WWII and how the Nazis (mainland Mongols, in this case) made the Jews and other minorities (Turk C's, here) live in dirty ghettos.

Kalo taksidi.

there is alot to be said to support Mapko, if you are a reader, go to the IPO (Information and Press Office) in Nicosia, they make a lovely coffee there, and there is a great wealth of information they offer freely. i know about EOKA too in personal ways, i suppose like most people my age, i know it was a struggle against the British who took the island to be a possession not unlike the Turks that they took it from, whose troops devolved unruly without respect, they became an enemy, it was to these brave Cypriots to defend Universal Principals, not just the Rule of Law. i know that EOKA evolved, but at its later stages those protoges like Sampson, Cyprus was come to know them as traitors.

if i could see and travel in the north, i would; because i remember my dear friends and neighbours, throughout a history much longer than the last 50 years. pity the Occupation Movement was moved out of the Buffer Zone, i would have suggested you to visit there, the true face of Cyprus, its youth, who see themselves as Citizens of the World, a community, not "Greeks", not "Turks", close to their land, but in this regard, Cypriots. it is and it was a nice feeling, my past, and the sense of it that lives today. Cyprus is rich in Cultural Heritage, visit the Maronites, and the Armenians, visit the Latins too, they have a living Heritance too, they need the same help. Cyprus is a very precious ethnosphere, it's History may be mostly Greek, but Cyprus is a crossroad for every Modern Religion, let alone three Continents, Cypriots as Greeks have a great responsibility as its Steward, it is unique, but that seems to be the Problem.

Mapko, i respect your opinion , it is based on the Principals of International Law, and morally grounded. indeed suggesting to put a (Cypriot) flag on your car's antenna may invite getting shot at or arrested (after all these things have happened before), in some parts of Cyprus, but i would do it. this is the Principal i defend. you don't even have to buy a cup of coffee by the shore at Kyrenia, but go and see. i suggest that you will find within their filthy corruption the few who are like you, (you might meet in the south)(they will have the roadside cafes that have been there forever,eg.) because they love this island and you will recognise each other, demonstrate, act, don't spend a penny in what "they" have made inviting, their hotels and their casinos, go visit Barnabas and the monestary there, visit Pentathaktilo and the castle called ekatospitia, find those caves, they'll still be black with the napalm where young men were burnt alive, and Salamina... you are the guerrilla we admire in this sense should you decide to, suffer Peace, be the Person you want all Persons to be, as an Irish Person, a Brit, or a Greek (and Turk) there would be no difference, wouldn't there? here is the intent of the Government's advice with the gates open. fill yourself with the dust of thousands of years, act wisely, and since its all about the almighty dollar spend wisely too;

...Cyprus needs dialog, and direct acts from its ordinary citizens which clearly demonstrate their loving nature as Human Beings here, as Cypriots, who put Cyprus first not just their ratsa.

...come often (lol) Theodosia, you will never see all of Cyprus visiting once or twice.

How many weeks would I need to see all of the island?

Your post fills me with despair and sadness. You voice your thoughts/feelings like a poet. horrific that people were set on fire I don't even want to think about it.
YOLO it means you only live once. Then its gone in a second.
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