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!!!!!!!...12 Days To Go...!!!!!!

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Re: !!!!!!!...12 Days To Go...!!!!!!

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Mon Jul 16, 2012 1:21 pm

Get Real! wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:Heard the most outrageously desperate plea to gain some credibility for their lackluster performance so far with sorting (the most important) security. Some MP quizzed on TV said "we're doing better than Greece did because they didn't even know whether they could get their buildings done in time. We've already done that". Sad, pathetic and unnecessary (but they never fail a racist dig at Greece.)

Countries that tend to go on crusades against Arabs/Muslims should not be allowed to hold the Olympics for this very reason… safety!

You can’t go round murdering people in half a dozen countries and then expect to invite them over to yours for “friendly” games!

The whole thing is fucking stupid!

I take it you would support permanently housing them in Greece, then? :D
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Re: !!!!!!!...12 Days To Go...!!!!!!

Postby theodosia » Mon Jul 16, 2012 1:25 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:Heard the most outrageously desperate plea to gain some credibility for their lackluster performance so far with sorting (the most important) security. Some MP quizzed on TV said "we're doing better than Greece did because they didn't even know whether they could get their buildings done in time. We've already done that". Sad, pathetic and unnecessary (but they never fail a racist dig at Greece.)

They really do have a bloody cheek to say that about Greece, maybe that mp could look closer to home as they rip off and con the people who have paid out in taxes for all the mistakes the goverment makes! :evil: yes racist indeed...grrrrrrrr
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Re: !!!!!!!...12 Days To Go...!!!!!!

Postby bill cobbett » Mon Jul 16, 2012 1:27 pm

With just...

11 Days To Go

... members of the money-grabbing and self-important Olympic Committees from all over the World (... and to get a racist dig in, including members of the Olympic Committee from somewhere called Greece) have started arriving in town at public expense to be whisked off to the most expensive hotels that other people's money can buy in the West End of London and many of them will doubtless be looking for Ticket Touts to sell their free and complimentary tickets for large sums, so that their other halves can go on expenses-paid shopping in Oxford Street.

... :evil:
Last edited by bill cobbett on Mon Jul 16, 2012 1:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: !!!!!!!...12 Days To Go...!!!!!!

Postby kimon07 » Mon Jul 16, 2012 1:38 pm

bill cobbett wrote:
kimon07 wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:Just...

12 Days To Go

'til the Biggest Corporate Scam going, starts in London...........

Will hostilities be suspended in all and between all participant countries?

No! ... CF will be unaffected. ... :D

Oh, we are a country now?
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Re: !!!!!!!...12 Days To Go...!!!!!!

Postby bill cobbett » Mon Jul 16, 2012 1:42 pm

kimon07 wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:
kimon07 wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:Just...

12 Days To Go

'til the Biggest Corporate Scam going, starts in London...........

Will hostilities be suspended in all and between all participant countries?

No! ... CF will be unaffected. ... :D

Oh, we are a country now?

psst Kimon rum file, you wanting tikets for Oleempiks...? You going seeing my frend Halili, you knowing him reh, him open nu Offisial Oleempik Re-celler soot-case in Oxford St and him having many tickets for selling.

Don't be forgetting telling him Mehmeti cending you.
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Re: !!!!!!!...12 Days To Go...!!!!!!

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Mon Jul 16, 2012 1:46 pm

theodosia wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:Heard the most outrageously desperate plea to gain some credibility for their lackluster performance so far with sorting (the most important) security. Some MP quizzed on TV said "we're doing better than Greece did because they didn't even know whether they could get their buildings done in time. We've already done that". Sad, pathetic and unnecessary (but they never fail a racist dig at Greece.)

They really do have a bloody cheek to say that about Greece, maybe that mp could look closer to home as they rip off and con the people who have paid out in taxes for all the mistakes the goverment makes! :evil: yes racist indeed...grrrrrrrr

Hello sweetie. :)
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Re: !!!!!!!...12 Days To Go...!!!!!!

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Mon Jul 16, 2012 1:51 pm

bill cobbett wrote:With just...

11 Days To Go

... members of the money-grabbing and self-important Olympic Committees from all over the World (... and to get a racist dig in, including members of the Olympic Committee from somewhere called Greece) have started arriving in town at public expense to be whisked off to the most expensive hotels that other people's money can buy in the West End of London and many of them will doubtless be looking for Ticket Touts to sell their free and complimentary tickets for large sums, so that their other halves can go on expenses-paid shopping in Oxford Street.

... :evil:

They're having to give away tickets now. Loads being given to the friends and families of those extra thousands, upon thousands of troops and policemen who are having to be drafted in to cover the shortfall left from the overpaid but incompetent (allegedly) security company chosen by London's Turkish (allegedly) Mayor (allegedly). :)
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Re: !!!!!!!...12 Days To Go...!!!!!!

Postby kimon07 » Mon Jul 16, 2012 2:07 pm

Arrrgh: It's a bad news day for London's Olympics

13 July 2012 / AP, LONDON

With the Olympics just two weeks away, embarrassing logistical problems about security, staff, phones and traffic made the mood Thursday in London as gloomy as the weather.
British lawmakers clamored for an explanation of why the armed forces need to field 3,500 more troops to protect the games, eclipsing the day that U.S. track star Michael Johnson held the Olympic flame aloft at sunrise at the ancient monument at Stonehenge.
London's aging infrastructure kept offering up unpleasant surprises as the main road near Heathrow Airport remained closed following emergency repairs. The British mobile phone company O2, meanwhile, acknowledged that thousands of customers had been affected by outages on its network - a bad omen ahead of the first iPhone games.
And then there was the weather. Rain on and off and on again.
London's Hyde Park -- the site of outdoor concerts and other live events -- has trucked in piles of wood chips to cover a muddy quagmire after the wettest June on record. Someone apparently decided that recreating Woodstock wasn't very Olympic-friendly.
Here's a look at the tsunami of bad news.

Read more: ... mpics.html
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Re: !!!!!!!...12 Days To Go...!!!!!!

Postby kimon07 » Mon Jul 16, 2012 2:13 pm

Well, not every6thing seems gloomy about the London Olympics.

Thanks to the Greeks (again) there is the bright side of things as well:

Homer’s Iliad day

Saturday, 21 July 2012; 10:00am-8:00pm.

On Saturday, July 21st 2012, at the Hellenic Centre in London, hundreds of Londoners and foreign visitors will issue a special call to the world for Olympic truce and global peace!

From 10 am to 8 pm, 200 individuals of all ages and backgrounds will participate in a marathon reading/singing of Homerʼs Iliad. The Homeric rhapsodies will be accompanied by interludes and melodies from the musical ensemble Daemonia Nymphe, on reconstructed ancient Greek instruments by Nicholas Brass.

Register now at :

Representatives of cultural societies and communities based in London, ambassadors, artists, journalists, athletes and students, are expected to join hundreds of citizens who will read or sing their passages, each in their own way and language, one after the other. Their common aim will be to add their voices to the international Olympic call for truce and permanent peace.

Produced by the international literary organization The Readers of Homer, and sponsored by the Hellenic Centre of London, the A.G. Leventis and Maria Tsakos Foundations, Elliniko Theatro, and eminent anonymous donors.
Supported by euGreeka.

For more information click here.
Hellenic Centre, Great Hall,
16-18 Paddington Street,
London W1U 5AS

Winning at the ancient Games

Running until Sunday, 9 September 2012.

To celebrate the London Olympics, the British Museum is staging a victory trail around the collection consisting of twelve star objects united by the theme of winning.

The stops on the trail will include iconic sculptures that have become synonymous with the Games of ancient Greece and Rome, including a stunning statue of a winning charioteer on special loan from Sicily, a mosaic showing Hercules, legendary founder of the Games, never previously exhibited, and of course, the 2012 Olympic Medals.

British Museum (various galleries),
Great Russell Street,
London WC1B 3DG

Olympic Spirit – The Olympic Torch Relay

Wednesday, 25 July 2012; starts 2:00pm.

St Katherine’s Greek Community invites you to witness a historic moment on the occasion of the Olympic Torch Relay passing by the historic Church of St. James at Friern Barnet Lane, London N20 0NL.
Programme includes musical celebration of ancient Greek ideas, Music, Poetry and Songs.
Free Admission.
Musicians, Performers, Actors are welcome to participate.
Contact: [email protected] ... orch-relay
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Re: !!!!!!!...12 Days To Go...!!!!!!

Postby kimon07 » Mon Jul 16, 2012 2:23 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
theodosia wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:Heard the most outrageously desperate plea to gain some credibility for their lackluster performance so far with sorting (the most important) security. Some MP quizzed on TV said "we're doing better than Greece did because they didn't even know whether they could get their buildings done in time. We've already done that". Sad, pathetic and unnecessary (but they never fail a racist dig at Greece.)

They really do have a bloody cheek to say that about Greece, maybe that mp could look closer to home as they rip off and con the people who have paid out in taxes for all the mistakes the goverment makes! :evil: yes racist indeed...grrrrrrrr

Remember how they were predicting failure of the Athens Olympics? Remember how they were comparing Athens to "Downtown Baghdad" in order to discourage visitors? Remember how they all apologised humbly after the games and had to admit publicly that the Athens Olympics proved to be the best ever from all points of view (installations, accommodations, fields and stadiums, traffic, services to the press, the organisation of the games themselves etc? Oh yes. And the weather? Well, lets see how they will do.
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