Pyrpolizer wrote:wyoming cowboy wrote:The checks and balances that you want are basically useless Vp...In a federation with two constituent states and a strong federal government, the Tc will be able to run their affairs up to a point.....what you seem to want with checks and balances is to restrict the federal government of its duties
But that's the whole point for those who are basically PARTITIONISTS. They don't really want a true Federation where the political equality of the STATES is a given fact. They want a so called Federation of 2 totally or by 99% independent and separate and equal states. In that case you surely need a hell lot of checks and balances so that there is absolute and guaranteed equality of the 2 states.
The UN however were very careful in their call for a BBF with political equality to clarify in their next paragraph that it does not mean numerical equality. This means there will always be a minority and a majority issue in all aspects of the Federation be it which majority runs the economy, which majority contributes the most, and which majority's the interest will always be on top of the list. These things cannot be digested by those Kibrislis who come from the partitionist camp, after realizing their partition dream is impossible...
We' ve heard of VP telling us 100s of times about those checks and balances. However not even once have we got a real example of just one check and balance that would apply to a TRUE FEDERATION. There you go VP give us an example....
That said the Kibrisli and the Turks really forget that while for them the No1 issue is the governing system, for the Kypreoi there are far more #1 issues, be it the property issue, the settlers issue, the application of human rights and EU principles issues, for which the Kibrisli-Turkish side has not agreed on anything.
The kypreoi have already offered their very best to the Kibrislis regarding their #1 concern, what have the Kibrisli+Turks offered the Kypreoi so far? ZEROOOOOO.
We' ve heard of VP telling us 100s of times about those checks and balances. However not even once have we got a real example of just one check and balance that would apply to a TRUE FEDERATION. There you go VP give us an example....
They really dont know what checks and balances they(partitionist) want they keep harping about them, but if any existed they would be useless anyway, just like the veto was useless in Zurich, the majority will never agree to such nonsense...they like Vp dont want a solution they are holding out for time, in the long run time is on their side.....