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Film to Depict Ottoman Aid to Ireland during Potato Famine

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Re: Film to Depict Ottoman Aid to Ireland during Potato Fami

Postby Get Real! » Sat Jul 14, 2012 11:24 pm

crumpy wrote:In any case, one gets the feeling that the international community tide of opinion is now slowly turning in the direct of fairer treatment for TCs - speeches made by MEPs, 5000 Austrian youngsters holidaying in Girne and now a film that may convince many in US that the Ottomans and their direct descendants are not the barbarians that you guys on this forum make them out to be.

Unfortunately for you someone has made a list of massacres over the centuries called “List of events named massacres” under the Wiki link…

…where you’ll find that the Ottomans committed plenty of massacres:

1570-01 Cyprus Cyprus massacre 30,000–50,000 Ottoman forces capturing Cyprus killed mostly Greek and Armenian Christian inhabitants.

1822-01 Chios, Greece Chios massacre about 20,000 Tens of thousands of Greeks on the island of Chios were slaughtered by Ottoman troops in 1822.

1876-04 Batak Ottoman Empire Batak massacre 3,000–5,000 Ottoman army irregulars killed Bulgarian civilians barricaded in Batak's church.

1894-01 Anatolia, Ottoman Empire Hamidian massacres 100,000–300,000 Sultan Abdul Hamid II ordered Ottoman forces to kill Armenians across the empire.[

1909-04 Adana Province, Anatolia, Ottoman Empire Adana massacre 15,000–30,000 In April 1909, a religious-ethnic clash in the city of Adana, amidst governmental upheaval, resulted in a series of anti-Armenian pogroms throughout the district, resulting in an estimated 15,000 to 30,000 deaths.

So it looks like you've got a lot of reading to do before passing judgment...
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Re: Film to Depict Ottoman Aid to Ireland during Potato Fami

Postby crumpy » Sat Jul 14, 2012 11:30 pm

This forum really does need to be moderated properly. On most civilised forums, using such language would result in a temporary ban. Three or four of you have now thrown insults at me, while all along I have remained courteous. Are they no moderators ... or does such language appeal to the sponsors of this forum?
For what it's worth I was using the word "landlord" as an anomaly
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Re: Film to Depict Ottoman Aid to Ireland during Potato Fami

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sat Jul 14, 2012 11:35 pm

Crumpy, the only one who should have been moderated was you with your clearly political agenda placed (by you) in General Chat.

Now your lies have been pointed out you cry 'moderation'. :roll:

(Good on Piratis and (normal) GR!)
Last edited by GreekIslandGirl on Sat Jul 14, 2012 11:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Film to Depict Ottoman Aid to Ireland during Potato Fami

Postby CBBB » Sat Jul 14, 2012 11:44 pm

And crumpy is the reincarnation of which other mainland Turk?

Suggestions on a postcard please.
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Re: Film to Depict Ottoman Aid to Ireland during Potato Fami

Postby Get Real! » Sat Jul 14, 2012 11:45 pm

crumpy wrote:"Stupidities"
This forum really does need to be moderated properly. On most civilised forums, using such language would result in a temporary ban. Three or four of you have now thrown insults at me, while all along I have remained courteous. Are they no moderators ... or does such language appeal to the sponsors of this forum?
For what it's worth I was using the word "landlord" as an anomaly

Would you have considered Nazi Germany a “landlord” had they successfully invaded and occupied part of England during WWII? I very much doubt it!

So why are you trying to INSULT Cypriots by softening the blow of the illegal invader/occupier?

You are either trying to be clever or just plain stupid, and either way I don’t find your attitude courteous at all!
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Re: Film to Depict Ottoman Aid to Ireland during Potato Fami

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sat Jul 14, 2012 11:58 pm

Get Real! wrote:
crumpy wrote:"Stupidities"
This forum really does need to be moderated properly. On most civilised forums, using such language would result in a temporary ban. Three or four of you have now thrown insults at me, while all along I have remained courteous. Are they no moderators ... or does such language appeal to the sponsors of this forum?
For what it's worth I was using the word "landlord" as an anomaly

Would you have considered Nazi Germany a “landlord” had they successfully invaded and occupied part of England during WWII? I very much doubt it!

So why are you trying to INSULT Cypriots by softening the blow of the illegal invader/occupier?

You are either trying to be clever or just plain stupid, and either way I don’t find your attitude courteous at all!

Great! You've frightened off another one with logic!
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Re: Film to Depict Ottoman Aid to Ireland during Potato Fami

Postby Get Real! » Sun Jul 15, 2012 12:06 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:Great! You've frightened off another one with logic!

Let’s hope he’ll learn to apply logic during posting because my tolerance of his snotty style borders on zero!
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Re: Film to Depict Ottoman Aid to Ireland during Potato Fami

Postby supporttheunderdog » Sun Jul 15, 2012 6:49 am

crumpy wrote:Re : Supporttheunderdog wrote "According to one article there is no real evidence any ships took aid, but the Ottomans did send cash" - My understanding from the article is that the Ottomans were somewhat lacking when it came to recording their acts of generosity. It should be noted that their generosity was certainly appreciated by Drogheda's football club, just click on this wikipedia link to see the club's emblem:

You obviously did not read the rest of my post about the star and crescent symbol: the emblem is taken from Town's coat of arms and was in use long before 1845. It was a symbol used by Richard the Lionheart who granted the town its first charter in the 12th Century. (Portsmouth has the same symbol on its civic coat of arms for the same reasons)
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Re: Film to Depict Ottoman Aid to Ireland during Potato Fami

Postby PC Bubble » Sun Jul 15, 2012 7:36 am


You are definitely upsetting the peasants with this thread.

They are all a bit touchy these days as their beloved country is bankrupt as is their beloved motherland Greece.

Strange really as Greece has never ruled Cyprus and they are all of Arab stock.

It can't be easy for them.
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Re: Film to Depict Ottoman Aid to Ireland during Potato Fami

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sun Jul 15, 2012 9:32 pm

PC Bubble wrote:
Strange really as Greece has never ruled Cyprus and they are all of Arab stock.

That's why our Freedom lies with Greece. Because Greece, the heartland of democracy, does not "rule" human beings , like Turkey rules its 80 Million slaves. Something you will never savour, slave to Islam.
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