yialousa1971 wrote:GreekIslandGirl wrote:yialousa1971 wrote:Cap wrote:Athens had them too.
In preparation for the August Olympics, Greece has deployed dozens of the American Patriot Advanced Capability 3 (PAC-3) air and missile defense system at three sites around Athens, as well as additional interceptors near the more northern city of Thessaloniki and on the island of Skyros in the Aegean Sea. Lieutenant Colonel Agamemnon Koliakos is quoted as saying that the Patriots form “an anti-missile umbrella formed in the Athens region for the protection of the Olympic Games.” The Patriots will remain on alert until October 5.
The differance is Greece is surrounded by enemies!
Only Turkey really. But they still had to protect the English and Yanks who were even more despised at that time for their Iraq/Afghan shenanigans. Still didn't put Missiles on people's rooftops though.
Don't forget Albania and FYROM.

Yialousa, are you seriously suggesting Albania and FYROM posed a terrorist threat to Greece? Apart from the scores of illegal migrants from these parts, who turn every democratic protest into a riot, and filthy the streets with their begging, only Turkey seriously threatens Greece (e.g. busy setting fires to our forests etc).