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More Bagis the Clown Rubbish

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Re: More Bagis the Clown Rubbish

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Sep 14, 2012 1:54 am

As for this Turkish thing you and other GCs appear to stuck upon, always remember we are proud to be of Turkish origins we do not see or regard it as dirty or digusting as you do so constantly trying to gain a denoucing or rejection of this part of our heritage aint gonna work. is just as easily said,

As for this Greek thing you and other TCs appear to stuck upon, always remember we are proud to be of Greek origins we do not see or regard it as dirty or digusting as you do so constantly trying to gain a denoucing or rejection of this part of our heritage aint gonna work.

What matters is the future and if we are unable to see the uniting with you is a far better option than the TRNC then nothing will chnage and we all continue as we have been doing since 1974, so the offers you make and what you demand does not cut it, the option to improve or be innovative is in your hands as you have the benefits of the recognition card.

...and so you cannot trust anyone not "Turkish" enough? what about the body politic we call Human Beings, the Universal Principals, where is this dismissed to, honestly. does it matter if there are "Greeks", who are identical to their counterparts the "Turks", few and an elite (corrupted) as though they represent the Greeks and Turks who struggle "beneath" them, they struggle in their stagnation always leading us to war by remaining dogmatic, unthinking, and without compromise; this resistence goes on for so long, then there is Free Speech and the Internet.

...why do you resist the change which will leverage Turkey into the Modern Age. there is no shame as Turks (or as a Turk) choosing to act as Cypriots first, and not as Turks, but Individuals, this is what Mankind offers, (and what Turkey says she wants).

...whatever you want to say, Bicommunal (and Bizonal) are Turkish in origin as ideas, regarding the Cyprus Problem, this is the great compromise of the Greeks, as you call them. and yet we remain at odds, playing with the degrees of a Unitary State, as Cypriots, and as one People. it's a two way street, vp. you have to recognise that the Sovereignty of this island is represented by the Republic (, although we all agree it needs reform toward defining the Cypriot State, its representation of all Citizens without distinction or discrimination, as equals).

...and on the other side, since there exists if you will a Turkish Constituency, the Greek Constituency, and they must found an Assembly, like other Cypriot Constituencies (and that is what youshould could be asking for) so that Cypriots, as a plurality of Persons, can sustain more than one distnct identity because as Citizens they freely choose where they reside, within a National representation whether as a minority or as a majority, an elector, in a given Territorial Jurisdiction (Bizonal) as well, with this self-representation as People sustaining their common identity first, effecting their daily lives where they are closer to their tax-dollars, but as Cypriots, respectfully in recognition also ablely providing for the special needs of the minorities amongst them.

...dude, i feel like a refugee in the south when i visit, i can't help in my own selfish way hoping many in my family are still alive, although more likely they'll be found in unmarked graves, but i'm here squaking for the Freedom, and the Liberty you claim with little sympathy homeless, because "mixed" villages, nor can Maronites, or Armenians, exist, not "Turkish" enough they must be Greek (or they should not exist at all). your ideas do not sustain themselves, they depend that this respite from war will not change and that the fear itself is never ending. i do not think the youth think as you, there are enough examples in the recent past to demonstrate that Turkish Cypriots generally, the youth as well, are not as you claim so lock step mono-clonal in their thinking. and i look forward to a Cyprus where this fear you are so ruefully expressing is exposed for what it is, a sham imposed upon by an elite that resisted the changes brought on by the Modern Age, failing because the world is already passed that.
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Re: More Bagis the Clown Rubbish

Postby Viewpoint » Fri Sep 14, 2012 7:27 am

From what I can make out from your post you can only speak like this as you have the upper hand numerically, in a sea of "humanity" as you like to label it there would be a large porportion of the population that can easily discriminate and dominate the other but you choose to ignore this and hope for the best.

The first part of your post is total gibberish what I stated was the fact that you run Turks and Turkey down so as to try and make us feel bad about our Turkish roots and what I am saying is your insults dont work you will never make us feel ashamed of our origins like Kikapu he is a freak and very rare.

What needs to be done is for GCs to put forward conrete ideas of why we need to unite and how this unificaiton will benefit both sides, to date all GCs do is chant text book rehtoric about democracy and human rights with no real solutions or answers to persuade both sides to want therefore fight for union.
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Re: More Bagis the Clown Rubbish

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Sep 15, 2012 3:34 am

Viewpoint wrote:From what I can make out from your post you can only speak like this as you have the upper hand numerically, in a sea of "humanity" as you like to label it there would be a large porportion of the population that can easily discriminate and dominate the other but you choose to ignore this and hope for the best.

The first part of your post is total gibberish what I stated was the fact that you run Turks and Turkey down so as to try and make us feel bad about our Turkish roots and what I am saying is your insults dont work you will never make us feel ashamed of our origins like Kikapu he is a freak and very rare.

What needs to be done is for GCs to put forward conrete ideas of why we need to unite and how this unificaiton will benefit both sides, to date all GCs do is chant text book rehtoric about democracy and human rights with no real solutions or answers to persuade both sides to want therefore fight for union.

vp, you have the upperhand, Cypriots have the moral clarity of having the rest of Mankind's recognition, and that's about it, who helps Cyprus rid themselves of the Army that illegally occupies Cypriot soil? never mind the settlers just the number of Turkish soldiers makes Cyprus, next to Korea the most militarised country in the world. be serious, look around you, with all that and compare Turkish Occupation to Tolerance, Inclusiveness, and the Principals the rest of Cyprus, like the rest of the world aspire.

...and why single out Kikapu when there are men like Levant, and Dinc(i hope i spelled his name right r.i.p.)

...What needs to be done is for TCs to put forward conrete ideas of why we need to unite and how this unificaiton will benefit both sides, to date all TCs do is chant text book rehtoric about democracy and human rights with no real solutions or answers to persuade both sides to want therefore fight for union.

what needs to be done, is a man like Bagis, to state clearly that a Greek Constituency, if it existed an equal to a Turkish Constituency, that this, is what is needed, this would allow him to recognise the Republic, no longer Greek but Cypriot, Sovereign, and the State. what are the chances of that happening, eh? (if you don't ask).

...dude, step back and say, proxy war; say i am Cypriot, i want to end the proxy war. say, i choose Cyprus. say Erdogan cannot live forever, Turkey is a democracy and Turks are brothers with everyone, they are equals with the best in their giving, always and lovingly. say as a Cypriot this does not change, here would be Islam at its best where this praise resonates, if only the other religions were as Free, in that Faith to one God in Turkey, if only a Greek, a Kurd, an Armenian were as proud as the Turkish, to be Turks. how the Kemalists ruined Ataturk's good name, the world would be right to loathe them; can't you see?
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Re: More Bagis the Clown Rubbish

Postby Viewpoint » Sat Sep 15, 2012 3:05 pm

repulse I have great difficulty understanding your English but this post is extra hard as it makes no sense you repeat what I say yet you disregard what we have stated clearly by voting YES for the AP which you rejected, now its time for GCs to put forward what they want other than our demise to minority status on a Greek island.
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Re: More Bagis the Clown Rubbish

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Sep 15, 2012 8:11 pm

...other than minority status.

...superior status comes to mind.

essentially, equality is neither.

truly, if you seek a Cyprus where all people are equals, the status quo must change. you understand that?

then, ask yourself, isn't it possible?

...reread my manifesto, ask questions that relate to what is written specifically; and, quit making valueless conclusions by telling me the same old rebuts.

obviously, you are stuck on "Greeks" because you like the idea that "Turks" exist. but in reality, beyond the Nation, beyond the State, you are a member of Humanity; talk about (to) us. surely you understand that there is a whole set of Greeks, and that is no different to any group of Individuals who can be identified as Persons?

i, like you, know that "Greeks" ("and "Turks") exist, i know that Turks are no different to Greeks and that both are no different to their fellow Man. i trust in that Good Faith. do you?

...other than Minority status does not mean Superior status, and it is the great compromise (a BBF) the Greeks as you call them, have made already.

many Cypriots voted against the Annan Plan, but it proves one point, given that all were willing to vote because they support Unity. The Cyprus Problem did not brew over thirty years to come to that one fateful conclusion, it was one of many Proposals, with this one being the only one that was a referendum, and the only one that "Greeks" (since you look at it that way) rejected.
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Re: More Bagis the Clown Rubbish

Postby Viewpoint » Sun Sep 16, 2012 10:32 am

repulse we appear to be going around in circles, let me simplify things for you....if we are to take your lead and say we all humans and that equality can be achieved, lets for arguments sake say this is true who will administer this "equality" for all? there is a likely chance that the 80% of the population has a better chance that the 20% am I right? So in reality you are asking me to trust the 80% to administer this equality correctly and fairly am I right? Well this comes from someone who so happens to be in the 80% group who doesnt really have to trust the 20% group cause the 20% group can be manipulated by the 80% group to a degree that they havent got a hells chance of having any say in the administering of equality for all.

You whole argument is based around trust between the 2 groups, you dismiss our concerns and demand we take a leap of trust into the arms of GCs hoping they will do the right thing towards administering equality, what will you do when things go wrong and my child is discriminated against all under the name of equality??? this can be easily done when you consider that we have to trust the 80% to do the right thing, where will you be then? long gone.

Trust is earned not demanded and there is absolutely no trust between the 2 sides to support your manifesto.
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Re: More Bagis the Clown Rubbish

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Sep 16, 2012 9:38 pm

in the sense that Bicommunal has no clear meaning, a "Turkish" idea or not, our responsibility is to the rest of Mankind, as Individuals, to demonstrate something we design for ourselves, as Cypriots, which enriches the world because it can be held in high esteem and emulated. futuristically, i am proposing to go beyond what is the Truth, and what you resist so fondly, something where Cyprus in two hundred years sustains itself, perhaps in a desert of global warming with a population quite different in demographics and size. i repeat myself, there is a Cypriot Republic, and there is a Turkish Constituency, where is the Greek Constituency? (and why not Armenian, Maronite, and Latin Constituencies as well.)

...where you vp ignore a Federal Government, i say, where is the Greek state? and if you really want to be a Clown have the guts to ask that question too.
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Re: More Bagis the Clown Rubbish

Postby Viewpoint » Sun Sep 16, 2012 9:40 pm

repulse please answer my questions.
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Re: More Bagis the Clown Rubbish

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Sep 16, 2012 11:44 pm

...imagine a Federal Government that is Bicameral, imagine the Upper House equally divided by number of seats with a President that directs the Agenda because he/she has the majority of seats. imagine a Lower House which represents its constituencies by population, whether the Demographics of the island changes or not, as Independant ridings. imagine each voter with one vote on three slates, they would elect a Turkish Representative and a Greek Representative, as well as an Independent Representative.

...i think this is pretty easy to understand, the benefits are obvious, and given the Reform of the Cypriot Constitution to allow for National Assemblies to exist through Territorial Jurisdiction, the Bicommunal and Bizonal Federation as Individuals and as Persons achieve their goals.
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Re: More Bagis the Clown Rubbish

Postby Viewpoint » Sun Sep 16, 2012 11:54 pm

repulse please answer my questions I ask once again.

Who in the independent Rep? Your side do not accept equal representation in the upper house as Kikapu.
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