Lordo wrote:turkey has no kurdish problem. she has a class problem. all the working class of turkey is oppressed no matter what nationality. you really are in the dark ages regarding politics. turkey so long as serves the us interests is in no danger of any kind. if you understood anything about turkey you would know that the kurds are so scattered in turkey that the last thing they want is a kurdish are where they will be forced to move in to if not by government by fanatics.
you really are not doing any favours to your greek cypriot fanatic friends making such unrealistic ideas.
Yes, we have heard many times of Erdogan telling us that Turkey does not have a Kurdish problem.
What he hasn't said is that the Kurds have a problem with Turkey and sooner or later, there will be a "Kurdish Spring", regardless whether you or Turkey does not think Turkey has a Kurdish problem. As for your claim that there is a class problem in Turkey, which I believe it to be correct, because I have seen by those to be less fortunate to be badly treated by their own fellow citizens, except, the majority of Turks fall into the category of "working class" with very small % as middle class and those who are very rich, so it can only adds more problem to Turkey's already other problems with the Kurds.
I once met an old man in the streets of Istanbul where he was complaining to me how his life in controlled by Turkey where he was not even allowed to speak in his own Kurdish mother tongue, so just how much worse would it get for him had he lived amongst his own people on their own sovereign land of Kurdistan carved out of Turkey? The reasons as to why many Kurds are scattered al over Turkey, is because Turkey deliberately keeps the eastern part of Turkey impoverished just so that Kurds do not stay in just one part of Turkey for them to gain any political or economic power.
Oh I have forgotten, that you have never once been to Turkey, so how would you know what the Kurds want or don't want!
You should be more concerned with what your average Turks think about the possibility of a "Kurdish Spring" in Turkey than what the GCs may think. Many Turks are getting very concerned whats going to become of Turkey in the not too distant future. Turkey once believed they can pretend to walk away from the EU and become the leaders of the Arabs in the Middle east, but thanks to Erdogan and Davutoglu's foreign policies, that has now become very unlikely, not that there ever were any chance it bearing any fruit. Then they said they would face the east if the EU did not want them under their own terms. Well, the EU does not want Turkey under Turkey's own terms and neither does the East wants Turkey even under East's own terms. Basically, other than Turkey playing the roll as a "call girl" to the west, sooner or later, her "assets" will become unwanted, is when Turkey will be made to face the music!