Today is a good day to evaluate such progress, as more 'Innocents' pay with their lives for the 'Political Aims' of those who have scant regard for the sanctity of human life (although they constantly profess otherwise) much to OUR shame that we should be gulled into believing such obvious deception.
It's also a good day to imagine oneself as part of the 'Picture' described below, whether 'Soldier' or 'Mother', the scene is all too common in our world today.
And now I will paint you such a 'Picture', not with spatula and brush but with words which will allow you to visualize the scene.
A weeping 'Mother' is crouched beneath the shell-torn canopy which once adorned the entrance to her small but neat (now shattered) home.
In her hands she clutches the arm of her young 'Daughter', she recognizes the fact that it is her loved one's arm by the little beaded woven leather bracelet which girdles the wrist, a simple trinket which she had made for herself.
Behind her, buried in the smoking debris you will probably find the 'Husband', the 'Son' and the remainder of the little girl.......... who knows in what condition their remains may be?.
And now, the 'Picture' moves as a young 'Soldier' approaches the 'Mother' and, noting the distress she is in, cannot contain his own emotions and sheds tears of sorrow for her obvious plight.
He stoops and gently places his hand under the 'Mother's' arm and raises her to her feet.
She looks into his face and, recognizing the fact that the young 'Soldier' also weeps, buries her head in his chest and utters words of comfort to HIM, fully aware that this evil was not of HIS doing, but of those under whose control he IS.
My 'Picture' tells me of the horrors inflicted upon the 'Innocents' of the world, of the futility of impressing hatred upon one being for another in the pursuit of the 'Political Agendas' engineered by those who NEVER have to view the results of their 'Handiwork' at close quarters, they merely have to concoct 'Reasons' for it and WE (the 'Innocents') are required (and expected) to accept that it is ALL for our own good.
My 'Pcture' also reveals a fatal flaw in such pursuits, since among it all, the basic human decency which is inbred in most of humanity, will ultimately rise above the need to destroy life, we should remember the days when (particularly in 'Cyprus') there was no disharmony in our land.
How then (if not the result of 'Political Engineering') did such 'Bile' ever become so commonplace among such 'Peaceful Folk' as WE ?.
If as much energy was expended on uniting people as dividing them, then peace would be the norm among us all.
As to the 'Picture', I think it displays courage, humility and forgiveness beyond the realm of comprehension possessed by many among us.
Today, these things have I again seen, I will see them again and again, I hope YOUR memories and the vision of them, carry the same message as my own.
Today is a good day to reflect upon the 'Ghosts of the Past', they are with us yet.
I hope ALL members are well, this fleeting moment of contact may at least afford some 'Food for Thought', Best Wishes, Schnauzer. X

Hoping to be back in 'Cyprus' soon.