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A Solution from Brussels!

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A Solution from Brussels!

Postby MrH » Fri Jul 06, 2012 8:09 pm

Let me offer the Greek Cypriot leadership an alternative language from business negotiations: a win-win approach. Both sides can emerge with most of what they want, provided they accept one underlying reality (and let's not kid ourselves here!): the outcome of the "invasion", "Intervention" "Peace Operation" (Blah Blah) and the 35 years of separation - before the "Turkish" migrate population reaches 1million. As argued elsewhere, the invasion and these 35 years cannot be undone, so the way to frame the discussion should be the price needed to be paid to Cyprus in terms of territory, trade and even security guarantees by a collection of EU states and Russia that will enable it to accept the North's independence. Think about my last few words before blasting! Once the fences are built, the border is marked and the relationship regulated carefully, the process of cooling down can begin. From their independence until 1974, Cypriots showed themselves and the world that they cannot live together, why build another Yugoslavia in the sea? Word play ("bizonal, bicommunal" etc.) is not useful, accepting reality is. Or, the Alternative, a massive Turkish migrant population in the North, No Turkish Cypriots and Turkey annoucing that it has abandoned its EU membership bid, thus The Island of Cyprus with an overwelming "Turkish" Mass population and no turning back. I live in Northern Cyprus now and can tell you that this is exactly what will happen, and is happening. If the Greek Cypriots want to honestly regulate the Turkish Cypriot representation on the island, it must first Recognise their existence, and that is coming from a "Turkish" nationalist like me!
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Re: A Solution from Brussels!

Postby Maximus » Fri Jul 06, 2012 8:26 pm

what are you trying to say, the 'TC's' should give the RoC some of her territory back in exchange for recognision?
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Re: A Solution from Brussels!

Postby kimon07 » Fri Jul 06, 2012 10:08 pm

MrH wrote:Let me offer the Greek Cypriot leadership an alternative language from business negotiations: a win-win approach. Both sides can emerge with most of what they want, provided they accept one underlying reality (and let's not kid ourselves here!): the outcome of the "invasion", "Intervention" "Peace Operation" (Blah Blah) and the 35 years of separation - before the "Turkish" migrate population reaches 1million. As argued elsewhere, the invasion and these 35 years cannot be undone...........

During the course of history, many occupations of Cyprus were undone! A 350-400 year occupation of the Balkans was undone........ :wink:
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Re: A Solution from Brussels!

Postby Viewpoint » Fri Jul 06, 2012 10:18 pm

kimon07 wrote:
MrH wrote:Let me offer the Greek Cypriot leadership an alternative language from business negotiations: a win-win approach. Both sides can emerge with most of what they want, provided they accept one underlying reality (and let's not kid ourselves here!): the outcome of the "invasion", "Intervention" "Peace Operation" (Blah Blah) and the 35 years of separation - before the "Turkish" migrate population reaches 1million. As argued elsewhere, the invasion and these 35 years cannot be undone...........

During the course of history, many occupations of Cyprus were undone! A 350-400 year occupation of the Balkans was undone........ :wink:

Cool we have another 360 years.
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Re: A Solution from Brussels!

Postby humanist » Fri Jul 06, 2012 10:22 pm

Cyprus is Our Country and if the TC's with their racists ideologies cannot live with us they can go to Turkey. We will never split Our Country in portions to accommodate a racist minority group.
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Re: A Solution from Brussels!

Postby kimon07 » Fri Jul 06, 2012 10:24 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
kimon07 wrote:
MrH wrote:Let me offer the Greek Cypriot leadership an alternative language from business negotiations: a win-win approach. Both sides can emerge with most of what they want, provided they accept one underlying reality (and let's not kid ourselves here!): the outcome of the "invasion", "Intervention" "Peace Operation" (Blah Blah) and the 35 years of separation - before the "Turkish" migrate population reaches 1million. As argued elsewhere, the invasion and these 35 years cannot be undone...........

During the course of history, many occupations of Cyprus were undone! A 350-400 year occupation of the Balkans was undone........ :wink:

Cool we have another 360 years.

We (Greek Cypriots) will still be here when time comes. You will not.
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Re: A Solution from Brussels!

Postby Kikapu » Fri Jul 06, 2012 10:37 pm

What happened to all your "Plan B" predictions, MrH??
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Re: A Solution from Brussels!

Postby MrH » Fri Jul 06, 2012 10:58 pm

Clearly you haven't visited the north lately! And know nothing about politics and the serious GC political and economic failure over the last year? The population in the TRNC is very fast catching up to the GC-ROC, Greece is bankrupt for the next 45 years at the very least and the GC-ROC has over 35 percent of it's population as non-Greek Cypriots. The TRNC is more or less a part of Turkiye now, and the UN Talks are finished. What failure of Turkiye's Plan B are you referring to? Face it, Cyprus is partitioned now for good, while, if the GCs believe that they can wait for another 360 years, then the population ratio of Turks against GCs will be 1000-1 - good luck on that theory! As for Turkey's EU entry, that's obviously now impossible and a very serious issue for the GCs to deal with, only. Ultimately, it looks like Turkey has finally got what it wants in a nutshell, and the GCs helped them get it - how ironic is that! Please ask yourself this, Are there any TCs really left in Northern Cyprus and Whom does Christofias believe Dervis Eroglu is? As he's definitely NOT a Turkish Cypriot and nor are all his back benchers - The GCs have lost and we TCs regard ourselves as, in both Eroglu and Erdogan's establishment "The Turks of Cyprus". Please continue to fool yourselves while the Turks continue to trickle in. Trust me, I live in the TRNC and now know this first hand.
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Re: A Solution from Brussels!

Postby humanist » Fri Jul 06, 2012 11:00 pm

catching up with what? Settlers ?

You TC's are disgusting if you cannot see what you are doing to Cyprus.
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Re: A Solution from Brussels!

Postby Kikapu » Fri Jul 06, 2012 11:13 pm

MrH wrote:Kikapu,
Clearly you haven't visited the north lately! And know nothing about politics and the serious GC political and economic failure over the last year? The population in the TRNC is very fast catching up to the GC-ROC, Greece is bankrupt for the next 45 years at the very least and the GC-ROC has over 35 percent of it's population as non-Greek Cypriots. The TRNC is more or less a part of Turkiye now, and the UN Talks are finished. What failure of Turkiye's Plan B are you referring to? Face it, Cyprus is partitioned now for good, while, if the GCs believe that they can wait for another 360 years, then the population ratio of Turks against GCs will be 1000-1 - good luck on that theory! As for Turkey's EU entry, that's obviously now impossible and a very serious issue for the GCs to deal with, only. Ultimately, it looks like Turkey has finally got what it wants in a nutshell, and the GCs helped them get it - how ironic is that! Please ask yourself this, Are there any TCs really left in Northern Cyprus and Whom does Christofias believe Dervis Eroglu is? As he's definitely NOT a Turkish Cypriot and nor are all his back benchers - The GCs have lost and we TCs regard ourselves as, in both Eroglu and Erdogan's establishment "The Turks of Cyprus". Please continue to fool yourselves while the Turks continue to trickle in. Trust me, I live in the TRNC and now know this first hand.

So in a nutshell, why should the RoC allow recognition to the north if the game is already up and Turkey has gotten what it wants.?? :roll:

Where is the win-win when the RoC already has the recognition and the title to the whole of the island and in the EU, and the "trnc" has no recognition and the territory it occupies belongs to the RoC and the EU? :roll:

Now almost all of the Turks in the north are Illegal Aliens. How would it help the RoC if they all became Legal Aliens and still remained on the island? :roll:

Can you please explain, since you know more about politics than me, according to you of course! :wink:
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