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A Solution from Brussels!

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Re: A Solution from Brussels!

Postby kimon07 » Mon Jul 09, 2012 8:59 am

Viewpoint wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:...for fucks sake we are Turkish in origin get over it.

Then you already have panacea by living in a Turkey-controlled entity.

What on earth do you want in here wasting everybody’s time?

Duh...our rights.

OK. Ask Turkey. Why bother us? The rights of the RoC are enjoyed only by law abiding RoC citizens. Those on RoC soil who do not abide by RoC laws are outlaws. Renegades. Not entitled to any rights until they submit to the laws of the RoC. Capito?
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Re: A Solution from Brussels!

Postby Me Ed » Mon Jul 09, 2012 10:37 am

The fundamental problem with VP is that he (she?) pretends not to understand the difference between rights and privilege, and when it comes to rights does not want any of the resposibility associated with it.

From what I have seen, TCs also do this in the occupied areas when dealing with Turkey. For example, civil servants earn a much higher salary than their counterparts in the Republic of Turkey, even though its Turkish tax payers that fund this privilege.

VP demands the same "rights" in a united Cyprus, were TCs get guarantees and privileges, all of course paid for by all the other hard working tax payers.
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Re: A Solution from Brussels!

Postby B25 » Mon Jul 09, 2012 10:58 am

Only one word to describe them, "Parasites". And the definition of one mirrors the TCs behaviour.
It's no wonder their Mr Erdo called them "Ungrateful Parasites", he knew what he was talking about. And it seems they (the TCs) wear this lable with pride!
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Re: A Solution from Brussels!

Postby Viewpoint » Mon Jul 09, 2012 6:25 pm

Me Ed wrote:The fundamental problem with VP is that he (she?) pretends not to understand the difference between rights and privilege, and when it comes to rights does not want any of the resposibility associated with it.

From what I have seen, TCs also do this in the occupied areas when dealing with Turkey. For example, civil servants earn a much higher salary than their counterparts in the Republic of Turkey, even though its Turkish tax payers that fund this privilege.

VP demands the same "rights" in a united Cyprus, were TCs get guarantees and privileges, all of course paid for by all the other hard working tax payers.

Where have I given you this impression? is it the fact I refuse to accept minority rights in a Gc state and demand that we are treated as equal partners?
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Re: A Solution from Brussels!

Postby Viewpoint » Mon Jul 09, 2012 6:28 pm

B25 wrote:Only one word to describe them, "Parasites". And the definition of one mirrors the TCs behaviour.
It's no wonder their Mr Erdo called them "Ungrateful Parasites", he knew what he was talking about. And it seems they (the TCs) wear this lable with pride!

Would that be the same as you begging the EU for a bailout?
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Re: A Solution from Brussels!

Postby B25 » Mon Jul 09, 2012 6:35 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
B25 wrote:Only one word to describe them, "Parasites". And the definition of one mirrors the TCs behaviour.
It's no wonder their Mr Erdo called them "Ungrateful Parasites", he knew what he was talking about. And it seems they (the TCs) wear this lable with pride!

Would that be the same as you begging the EU for a bailout?

Not at all, asking for a loan, that you have to payback with interest, is not th same as scrounging and bloodsucking off of someone else. Is it? Now do you see the difference?
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Re: A Solution from Brussels!

Postby Viewpoint » Mon Jul 09, 2012 6:40 pm

B25 wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
B25 wrote:Only one word to describe them, "Parasites". And the definition of one mirrors the TCs behaviour.
It's no wonder their Mr Erdo called them "Ungrateful Parasites", he knew what he was talking about. And it seems they (the TCs) wear this lable with pride!

Would that be the same as you begging the EU for a bailout?

Not at all, asking for a loan, that you have to payback with interest, is not th same as scrounging and bloodsucking off of someone else. Is it? Now do you see the difference?

How do you know we are not going to pay back these loans.
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Re: A Solution from Brussels!

Postby Kikapu » Mon Jul 09, 2012 6:53 pm

MrH wrote:Firstly, Thanks ViewPoint for your Addition as always!

Kikapu Wrote:
So in a nutshell, why should the RoC allow recognition to the north if the game is already up and Turkey has gotten what it wants.??

Where is the win-win when the RoC already has the recognition and the title to the whole of the island and in the EU, and the "trnc" has no recognition and the territory it occupies belongs to the RoC and the EU?

Now almost all of the Turks in the north are Illegal Aliens. How would it help the RoC if they all became Legal Aliens and still remained on the island?

Can you please explain, since you know more about politics than me, according to you of course!

Hi Kikapu, Let me clarify by answering your questions as simple as possible:

1) The ROC doesn't need to ALLOW the Recognition of the TRNC as it is only one country of many, one which is not recognised by Turkey mind you, and one "Half" Country which has NO EFFECTIVE Control over the Northern Part known as the "TRNC" regardless of it being recognised or not. Kosovo is not Recognised by many countries, and nor is Taiwan or even Tibet but it doesn't mean that they are not an actual functioning state!

2) Cyprus, the Entire island that is, is STILL BOUND BY the "CEASE FIRE LINE REGULATION", which effectively, again, means that it is LOCKED in UN Talks if it wants to find a "COMPREHENSIVE RESOLUTION" to the Cyprus "Problem".

3) The original 1960 Constitution and its accompanying Zurich agreements are a "Partnership" of Two Founding peoples - The "Turks" and "Greeks" of Cyprus which is why THEY are still talking! and which is why Turkey, Greece and the UK Guarantors of the Entire island.

4) Whether the Turks of Cyprus are known as "Turkish Cypriots or Turks, or now consist of a combination of mixed Turks since 1974 due to the inability to compromise on a Comprehensive Solution" (as said by Eroglu's latest comments), NOTHING is resolved until a Comprehensive solution is AGREED upon. However, it the long term Natural consequences of NOT agreeing to a Solution which now appears to be benefiting Turkey - and you know this very well!

5) The "Turkish Cypriots", due to the non-movement of Greek Cypriot policy and isolation have resigned to their fate of mixing completely with hundreds of thousands of so called "Turkish Settlers" since 1974 to the extent that it is now irreversible, unless of course the Greek Cypriots were to immediately recognise a Turkish Cypriot State - but I'm now certain that this would now even be rejected by the EU and UN due to the intervention of Russian and other money laundering vultures.

6) Finally, if, and if, the Greek Cypriot had an inch of brains and decided to Recognise A Turkish Cypriot State in the North and it went through smoothly, that part would immediately be a part of the EU, Turkey would have to leave the island ASAP and a new state of politics and agreement would bestow on the Greek and Turkish Cypriots, but, we know that will never happen now as the Greek Cypriots are now too embedded in their corrupt, Russian paid, GAS filled, false hopes of prosperity which denying the fact they could stop this in one swift move.

As the above last point will never materialise, The Turkish population in the north will continue to grow very quick indeed, the Turkish Cypriots will soon be out-numbered 50-1, the UN talks will fail, the Gas exploration and its money will not be seen by the Greek Cypriot people but will probably be used to pay off Greece's debts and the corrupt rich, the TRNC will become an official province of Turkey with no isolation due to that reason, and Turkey's economic influence and geopolitical stand in the future will make it a very independent power and important country for both the EU, middle east and new Turkic states. Meanwhile, Cyprus will be like "Ireland", a land where the Northern part will be part of Turkey, like northern Ireland is part of the UK, and the south will remain like the Republic of Ireland - Republic of Cyprus, poor, corrupt and a tiny non-important mini state of the EU with 60% of its future population consisting of EU migrants!

Please Do not forget the interests of the British Government and security of their bases as a Divide and Rule suits their policy and unification obviously does Not! It's the lack of Greek Cypriot vision and their greed that keeps Turkish and British policy alive, think about it - Speak to some of the Opinion writers in the Cyprus Mail!

Good luck!

Sorry for the delayed response, MrH.

So in a nutshell, you wrote a lot, but said very little, as you have not answered my questions, but instead you went on a "walkabout" on unrelated matters like Kosovo, Tibet and Taiwan, before contradicting yourself on the issue of recognition of the "trnc" by the RoC.

First you said this,

1) The ROC doesn't need to ALLOW the Recognition of the TRNC

and then you said,

6) Finally, if, and if, the Greek Cypriot had an inch of brains and decided to Recognise A Turkish Cypriot State in the North

So, it seems to me like, what you were trying to say was, that without the recognition of the north by the RoC, the north is "shit out of luck" and can only exists with the help of Turkey.

Just to remind you, you are doing a great disservice to Taiwan, Tibet and Kosovo when you try to make them to be same as the "trnc". They are not, never was and never will be!
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