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Live From Curium Cyprus EU Presidency Ceremony

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Re: Live From Curium Cyprus EU Presidency Ceremony

Postby bill cobbett » Fri Jul 06, 2012 6:56 pm

Hermes wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:Looks like they did... :D

Welcome to Cyprus Mr Barroso...

Let me get this straight. They're protesting to Barroso and the EU to put pressure on Turkey to leave Cyprus?

Why not just protest against Turkey in the occupied areas? What is wrong with these people? Are protests banned in the occupied areas?

If things are as bad as they claim for the TCs why don't they act to help themselves? Instead of expecting the rest of the world to save them from the results of their own stupidity?

Hermey.. the names you posted are familiar, these are the people who have protested and who indeed organise and lead the protests against Occupation we've seen in the Occupied Areas.

Reh B25 file... Try making them one of your famous invites to a beer and see how far they come come off their still an apartheid agenda... you never know, after all they were invited to Curium and there must be lines of communication open between them and the Republic.
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Re: Live From Curium Cyprus EU Presidency Ceremony

Postby Hermes » Sun Jul 08, 2012 10:35 pm

Congratulations to all involved for putting on such a successful event:

A serene night with a sense of purpose at Curium

It was a well-organised event that avoided the kind of kitsch that has seen a startled Aphrodite pop out of a scallop shell. But most importantly, nothing went wrong. Even the shaky dignitaries wearing exceptionally high heels managed to keep their balance on the uneven Curium steps.

Onwards and upwards Cyprus...
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Re: Live From Curium Cyprus EU Presidency Ceremony

Postby kimon07 » Sun Jul 08, 2012 10:41 pm

And the symbolism. Eh?
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Re: Live From Curium Cyprus EU Presidency Ceremony

Postby kimon07 » Tue Jul 10, 2012 6:46 am

kimon07 wrote:And the symbolism. Eh?

Kourion foundation of Europe

06/07/2012 | MIKAELLA LOIZOU

The opening ceremony of the Presidency was held yesterday evening.

Political speeches were coated with melodies, dance and drama at an event in a European suit and perfume history

In the footsteps of the Achaeans, on land that exudes the grandeur of the Greeks for centuries, Cypriot and European officials walked last night .

Cyprus welcomed Europe on its soil, generously opening of a page of its history. Let those sacred stones, which make up the historic site of the ancient theatre of Curium, talk to the Europeans, to the whisper how the Greeks made the start. ... taz/504453
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Re: Live From Curium Cyprus EU Presidency Ceremony

Postby Get Real! » Tue Jul 10, 2012 2:05 pm

kimon07 wrote:Let those sacred stones, which make up the historic site of the ancient theatre of Curium, talk to the Europeans, to the whisper how the Greeks made the start.

Can we get an English translation? :?
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Re: Live From Curium Cyprus EU Presidency Ceremony

Postby kimon07 » Tue Jul 10, 2012 8:19 pm

kimon07 wrote:Let those sacred stones, which consist the historic site of the ancient theatre of Curium, talk to the Europeans, whisper to them, how the Greeks started it all (made the begining).
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