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to die or not to die, that is the question

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to die or not to die, that is the question

Postby theodosia » Tue Jul 03, 2012 5:46 pm

How many people do you know who has had cancer and live a normal life span? I know so many people who has had cancer/ or dying of cancer.
did you know that 1 in 3 people will now get it? what makes me mad is how the media talks about cancer for example the 5 year all clear...this is nonsence, it can't be cured it can be treated and you may have what is called remission. (very few cancers can be cured)
cancer can come back anytime in the 5 years and after the 5 years.
the word 'cure' is not what people think it would think cure means it never comes back again, but what they the doctors call cure is they can't see it/feel now it does not mean you don't have cancer cells swimming round in your body these cells can't be seen and sometimes a blood test can't pick them up.
liveing with the thought of a recurrance is very scary and you can only hope you never get it.
As for the so called reasons as to why people get cancer is rubbish, like diet, drinking and smoking. All the people i know have healthy diets, don't smoke and drink very little.
maybe the gov is getting rid of as many people as it can after all we have not a world war in a while, and we are over populated so who knows?
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Re: to die or not to die, that is the question

Postby Sotos » Tue Jul 03, 2012 5:54 pm

We will all die ... there is no question about that ;) About cancer... some can be cured some can not. If you get a cold today and you are cured and then you get another cold in 5 years it doesn't mean you have not being cured the first time. Cancer sucks... best way to die is heart attack while you sleep!
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Re: to die or not to die, that is the question

Postby bill cobbett » Tue Jul 03, 2012 5:54 pm

Guess that life is life and death is death.

Reflect on this sometimes... the chances against any one of us being here to enjoy a few decades of life are astronomically very massive, any one of us are soooooo remarkably lucky to be able to be here.... so enjoy it while it lasts.
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Re: to die or not to die, that is the question

Postby theodosia » Tue Jul 03, 2012 6:15 pm

:bawling: :bawling: :bawling:
Sotos wrote:We will all die ... there is no question about that ;) About cancer... some can be cured some can not. If you get a cold today and you are cured and then you get another cold in 5 years it doesn't mean you have not being cured the first time. Cancer sucks... best way to die is heart attack while you sleep!

but its very sad to die in pain it is also a very slow death. yes we all die ,but nobody wants to die of cancer and everyone is scared to get it more then a heart attack
as for cure the same cancer can come back after 5 years in the place where it started or somewhere else in the body. The treament is awful and your body is never the same again and the after affects go on for years. Also once you get cancer your chances of getting the same one again or a new/diffrent cancer is much higher then if you never had it at all. if your cancer comes back it wasn't cured it was just growing again to a size that can be felt or if your body is telling you something is now right.
62% will die of their cancer so not that many get cured.
I can't help but feel that all the money that goes in to research is just a waste of time, as for some people they won't even get the medication they need because it is to costly. The drug companies make a big profit from cancer so why would they want a cure?
sadly a lot of children are getting cancer
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Re: to die or not to die, that is the question

Postby wyoming cowboy » Tue Jul 03, 2012 6:22 pm

@Theodosia..."As for the so called reasons as to why people get cancer is rubbish, like diet, drinking and smoking. All the people i know have healthy diets, don't smoke and drink very little."

All the people that i have known that have had cancer, were young, never smoked cigs and led a relatively healthy life. One common denominator tht i did see, there was a certain stress that they all had. One friend of mine died at 29, his stress was that he felt guilt for his brother's death. Another lady that i knew, was diagnosed 5 years after her barely legal daughter ran off and got married to a low life......

"....the state of your chromosones might be a better indicator of age. Chronic stress, which is known to hasten aging, appears to injure the protective caps on our chromosones"

I guess unprotected chromosones replicating might bring on the not sure.
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Re: to die or not to die, that is the question

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Tue Jul 03, 2012 7:05 pm

I knew a few people that have died from cancer but more that have had cancer, been treated, and are still around. One dear friend had bowel cancer about 30 years ago and he is doing great.

Diet, drinking or smoking do affect the likelihood of not only getting cancer but also affect your survival chances. The biggest factor is of course genetics as far as most cancers are concerned. Some forms of breast cancer for example are linked to certain mutations which are inherited.

Normally each time your cells multiply, a few cancer cells are produced. So at any one time, we all have cancer cells swimming around our body. What stops them turning into tumours is our immune system which if healthy (good diet or good genetics) will gobble them up as they look "foreign".

It's mostly down to your immune system - which we know is affected by stress (the reason why you are most likely to catch a cold when you are overworked).

As mentioned in the above post, the ends of your chromosomes play a big part in ageing. Some people have long end-caps (telomeres) and stay younger/healthier for longer.
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Re: to die or not to die, that is the question

Postby theodosia » Tue Jul 03, 2012 9:03 pm

wyoming cowboy wrote:@Theodosia..."As for the so called reasons as to why people get cancer is rubbish, like diet, drinking and smoking. All the people i know have healthy diets, don't smoke and drink very little."

All the people that i have known that have had cancer, were young, never smoked cigs and led a relatively healthy life. One common denominator tht i did see, there was a certain stress that they all had. One friend of mine died at 29, his stress was that he felt guilt for his brother's death. Another lady that i knew, was diagnosed 5 years after her barely legal daughter ran off and got married to a low life......

"....the state of your chromosones might be a better indicator of age. Chronic stress, which is known to hasten aging, appears to injure the protective caps on our chromosones"

I guess unprotected chromosones replicating might bring on the not sure.

very interesting commets you made and i tend to agree with you, I don't think stress over a long peroid of time is good for you, which is why some people have heart attacks and some die of a broken heart.
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Re: to die or not to die, that is the question

Postby theodosia » Tue Jul 03, 2012 9:13 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:I knew a few people that have died from cancer but more that have had cancer, been treated, and are still around. One dear friend had bowel cancer about 30 years ago and he is doing great.

Diet, drinking or smoking do affect the likelihood of not only getting cancer but also affect your survival chances. The biggest factor is of course genetics as far as most cancers are concerned. Some forms of breast cancer for example are linked to certain mutations which are inherited.

Normally each time your cells multiply, a few cancer cells are produced. So at any one time, we all have cancer cells swimming around our body. What stops them turning into tumours is our immune system which if healthy (good diet or good genetics) will gobble them up as they look "foreign".

It's mostly down to your immune system - which we know is affected by stress (the reason why you are most likely to catch a cold when you are overworked).

As mentioned in the above post, the ends of your chromosomes play a big part in ageing. Some people have long end-caps (telomeres) and stay younger/healthier for longer.

hello my sweetie, like the post above i find it very interesting how a lot of people die of cacner even when caught at an early stage, and others who live long after, i guess after 15 people i know all getting cancer very close togetter is making me feel very scared about it all. After going through breast cancer myself in 2006 and most of the woman in the clinic having a recurrance and dying keeps the fear burning, there is always fuel to throw on the fire when u go through it. The good news is when people tell you they know someone who is still alive 20/30 years later, its just that i have only met 1...have a lovely eve
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Re: to die or not to die, that is the question

Postby theodosia » Tue Jul 03, 2012 10:13 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:I knew a few people that have died from cancer but more that have had cancer, been treated, and are still around. One dear friend had bowel cancer about 30 years ago and he is doing great.

Diet, drinking or smoking do affect the likelihood of not only getting cancer but also affect your survival chances. The biggest factor is of course genetics as far as most cancers are concerned. Some forms of breast cancer for example are linked to certain mutations which are inherited.

Normally each time your cells multiply, a few cancer cells are produced. So at any one time, we all have cancer cells swimming around our body. What stops them turning into tumours is our immune system which if healthy (good diet or good genetics) will gobble them up as they look "foreign".

It's mostly down to your immune system - which we know is affected by stress (the reason why you are most likely to catch a cold when you are overworked).

As mentioned in the above post, the ends of your chromosomes play a big part in ageing. Some people have long end-caps (telomeres) and stay younger/healthier for longer.

forgot to sat that only 5% of breast cancer's are inherited.
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Re: to die or not to die, that is the question

Postby Get Real! » Tue Jul 03, 2012 11:54 pm

theodosia wrote:How many people do you know who has had cancer and live a normal life span?

None. They're all dead! :?
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