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Do Turkish Cypriots want a United Cyprus?

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby bg_turk » Mon Nov 28, 2005 10:57 pm

Main_Source wrote:lol ... does the truth hurt so much?
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Postby Piratis » Mon Nov 28, 2005 11:09 pm

The Annan Plan is dead and void, Piratis.


This means that the only legal thing remain the agreements of 1960 and the RoC. Beyond that TCs can insist on illegality and keep an unrecognized pseudo puppet state for as long as they can.
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Postby bg_turk » Mon Nov 28, 2005 11:18 pm

Piratis wrote:Exactly.

This means that the only legal thing remain the agreements of 1960 and the RoC. Beyond that TCs can insist on illegality and keep an unrecognized pseudo puppet state for as long as they can.

The TRNC is not a static entity piratis, it is evolving and changing. Your rhetoric was convincing when Denktash was in power, but this is no longer the case. The TRNC will soon start allowing GCs to return but under its own terms and conditions, not under those set by Annan, and not under those set by Papadopolous. What will you do when your own compatriots start moving to the pseudo puppet state?
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Postby Viewpoint » Mon Nov 28, 2005 11:25 pm

bg_turk wrote:
Main_Source wrote:
The Annan Plan is dead and void, Piratis. If you believe Turkish Cypriots would make so many concessions again you must be kidding yourself

Are you kidding!? are you telling me the Annan plan was unfair on TC!? lol

The Annan Plan will never again be accepted by Turkish Cypriots. The oppportunity was there - you could either take it or leave it. You chose to leave it. TCs have no obligations towards that plan any more, and they cannot by any means be forced to accept it in the future.

well said bg_turk the average Turkish Cypriot who voted Yes will now vote no not because of the Annan plan but the attitude fo Greek displayed over the past 2 years, its has reminded people exactly what we will be taking on as a partner...nothing has changed.
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Postby Main_Source » Mon Nov 28, 2005 11:28 pm

Is this opinion judged on a Turkish Cypriot concensus taken by yourself and BG Turk? Or are we to rely on Turkish nationalists who are pro-ethnic cleansing to give us the truth.
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Postby Viewpoint » Mon Nov 28, 2005 11:39 pm

Main_Source wrote:Is this opinion judged on a Turkish Cypriot concensus taken by yourself and BG Turk? Or are we to rely on Turkish nationalists who are pro-ethnic cleansing to give us the truth.

This is from a Turkish Cypriot who talks to his countrymen and obtains views from many TCs that they do not feel GCs are sincere and that they only want land and money nothing to do with reuniting the island and sharing. With the current mentality of TCs in the north they would vote no to any plan that would appear dont bank on us this time. They general feeling its better to stay as we are then live under GCs administration. The reason for this is purely your own actions and current arrogant stance on the Cyprus issue. No one holds out that anything will change until you guys see the light and ditch your leader.
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Postby Main_Source » Mon Nov 28, 2005 11:41 pm

Does this include the thousands of Turkish Cypriots who travel down to the legitimate part of Cyprus for work?
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Postby Piratis » Mon Nov 28, 2005 11:42 pm

The TRNC is not a static entity piratis, it is evolving and changing. Your rhetoric was convincing when Denktash was in power, but this is no longer the case. The TRNC will soon start allowing GCs to return but under its own terms and conditions, not under those set by Annan, and not under those set by Papadopolous. What will you do when your own compatriots start moving to the pseudo puppet state?

Many of my own compatriots (TCs) already live in the pseudo puppet state for decades. Even if what you say happen (which I doubt), the pseudo state will remain pseudo state. It can evolve in as many ways as Turkey wants it to evolve, but it will never be legalized. This means that when the balance of power will change this automatically means the end of the pseudo state.
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Postby Viewpoint » Mon Nov 28, 2005 11:48 pm

Main_Source wrote:Does this include the thousands of Turkish Cypriots who travel down to the legitimate part of Cyprus for work?

Ask them yourself MS Im pretty certain you would be suprised at their reponse, I know a few and they say they are ok to work in the south but would never want to live with GCs or in the south so dont bank on their YES either, they are happy earning in the south and spending in the north, they dont want change.
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Postby bg_turk » Tue Nov 29, 2005 12:30 am

Piratis wrote:Many of my own compatriots (TCs) already live in the pseudo puppet state for decades. Even if what you say happen (which I doubt), the pseudo state will remain pseudo state. It can evolve in as many ways as Turkey wants it to evolve, but it will never be legalized. This means that when the balance of power will change this automatically means the end of the pseudo state.

Its been 30 years already, and whole 2 years have passed since the Annan referenda, time flies by, maybe it will be another 30 years when the next unification opportunity presents itself.
Meanwhile until that day comes trncian GCs will gain pseudocitizenship, will carry the pseudopassports around and will live as proud citizen of the pseudstate, they will participate in its pseudoelections, will have to abide by its pseudo laws and will probably even go to its pseudoschools.
Never overestimatae your own kind Piratis, even GCs are ordinary human beings, they will not waste their lifetime in the name of your sacred greek cypriot nationalism, all human being care for is their rights be guaranteed, if it is a pseudo-state or a state it does not matter that much. People would rather live in their ancestral lands under the pseudo puppet, rather than listen to your recurring "pseudo" rhetoric.
One day the balance of power will however change, it most certainly will ... and I hope you will not be too harsh on TCs when this day comes :wink:

That is why today TRNC should treat GCs with respect, so that if the balance of power is to ever change TCs should at least be able to expect a similar attitude.
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