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The message is that we, from Northern Cyprus!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: The message is that we, from Northern Cyprus!!!!!!!!!!

Postby kentish » Tue Jul 03, 2012 8:16 am

Maximus wrote:
kentish wrote:the example to try and prove my point is a simple question
if you are a gc given the choice of one of two , what would you choose
1) give every gc £1000 and every tc £300
2) give every gc £900 and every tc £nil
the majority of gc would choose 2)

What the f&ck is that? :lol:

Given the choice of course;

I would choose the first option because I would receive that little bit more and by allowing you to also receive something in return, you will be less likely to cry to me about it. What kind of stupid payout system is this anyway?

Offer a GC £1000, let a TC have £300, offer a GC £1000, let a TC have £300.

its option 1) all day long and it wouldn't matter who makes the choice.... :lol:

very funny response indeed.the annan plan was there to be had.the gc are far wealthier than the tc and the ap was the opportunity to buy up the majority of the island and the tc could have left the island with their cash never to return.your dilema was though that the eu could cause the tc to sit it out and stay whilst having eu chose to have something just for yourselves.get it
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Re: The message is that we, from Northern Cyprus!!!!!!!!!!

Postby kentish » Tue Jul 03, 2012 8:18 am

repulsewarrior wrote:
kentish wrote:
humanist wrote:
We are Greek CYPRIOTS, and we have similarities and differences with the mainland Greeks. Just like the Turkish CYPRIOTS.

Regards to your Eric Dayi

I am more than happy to drop the Greek and be a Cypriot and unless a TC can do the same then there is no salvation for Cyprus

to drop greek and turkish and all become cypriots suggests equality.this can never happen because gc do not want equality with tc they want domination.all opportunities for equalty in the past have been rejected.i now never ever call myself a cypriot,i am a turkish cypriot and want no part in any form of is just too dangerous to contemplate.anyone that thinks otherwise is sadly an idealist.
the example to try and prove my point is a simple question.if you are a gc given the choice of one of two , what would you choose
1) give every gc £1000 and every tc £300
2) give every gc £900 and every tc £nil
the majority of gc would choose 2)

this means no negotiation, no solution and age old starvation tactics continue.not working i am afraid because there is no starvation in northern cyprus.we stay as we are and perhaps in a 200 years both sides will forget the other exists.i know as far as i concerned these are two separate countries and whenever i speak to a non gc or tc cypriot i tell them they may as well be two countries.

...kentish, why not stick to reality, tell us what you think, or your opinion what your contemporaries might be thinking, but kindly quit with telling us how the worst of Greek society thinks as though all Greeks are "Greeks".

and can we have a translation in english please
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Re: The message is that we, from Northern Cyprus!!!!!!!!!!

Postby Kikapu » Tue Jul 03, 2012 9:24 am

kentish wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
kentish wrote:listen my greek friend, dont be upset, if you spend your life predicting gloom and doom for anything turkish you must expect the odd jibe against your goodself.why dont you admit you are greek.nobody should be ashamed of who they are

Yes my Turk friend, an odd jibe is all you can muster against me! :lol:

If you were smart (not that it would make you right), you would accuse me of being a Greek Cypriot rather than just a Greek, to try and make your accusation stick. But since you are not smart, then your accusation gets nowhere, other than making yourself look foolish and ignorant, just like the official policy of Turkey's politicians and the so called Turkish Journalists, who does not have any Journalistic Integrity when writing on Cyprus. One more evidence against you really when you behave just like them, that you are in fact a Turk, an Illegal Alien settler in Cyprus. :wink:

my greek friend, when i call you greek,I mean greek cypriot and I think you know are a greek cypriot full stop.just admit it,no need to be ashamed.
for the avoidance of doubt i was born in cyprus and came to live in london as a child when my parents decided to move here.i visit northern cyprus nearly every get a life son

Then my Turk friend, not only you are not smart, but you are pretty darn stupid. :shock:

Trying to change the reality of Greek Cypriots to being Greeks, just so to fit into what your feelings tells you, even when not based on reality, you are foolishly being lead down the wrong path by your Turkish leaders and their puppets in the north, colluded with Turkish Journalist without any Journalistic Integrity to pass this misconception to the world as reality. The only problem is, the rest of the world is not buying what you Turks are peddling and the last laughs are on you. :roll:
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Re: The message is that we, from Northern Cyprus!!!!!!!!!!

Postby kentish » Tue Jul 03, 2012 7:54 pm

kentish wrote:10

thank you my friends,as you can see mission accomplished.I just wanted to get this thread up to 10 pages.your assistance has been much appreciated.and kikapu my greek cypriot friend, no need to explain your last posting,it is gibberish but I have no interest in what a gc has got to say.have a nice evening.
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Re: The message is that we, from Northern Cyprus!!!!!!!!!!

Postby supporttheunderdog » Tue Jul 03, 2012 8:24 pm

kentish wrote:
kentish wrote:10

thank you my friends,as you can see mission accomplished.I just wanted to get this thread up to 10 pages.your assistance has been much appreciated.and kikapu my greek cypriot friend, no need to explain your last posting,it is gibberish but I have no interest in what a gc has got to say.have a nice evening.

What a Tw*t! Is there some prize for him manageing to say so little?
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Re: The message is that we, from Northern Cyprus!!!!!!!!!!

Postby Kikapu » Wed Jul 04, 2012 12:10 am

kentish wrote:
kentish wrote:10

thank you my friends,as you can see mission accomplished.I just wanted to get this thread up to 10 pages.your assistance has been much appreciated.and kikapu my greek cypriot friend, no need to explain your last posting,it is gibberish but I have no interest in what a gc has got to say.have a nice evening.

Kentish is a typical school drop out Turk who is easily lead by his nose by the Turkish leaders. :lol:

The best Turkish airplane ever made!

Turks have an inherent love affair with weapons, and they have rarely been investigative/analytical readers. So it is understandable that politicians could be tempted to garner votes by appealing to militaristic sentiments based on a “we’ve made these weapons” illusion. ... sCatID=398

Anyway, the ONLY "10" I'm interested in, is this one. :wink:

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