halil wrote:From The Telegraph letters page online:
Turkish Cypriot plight
SIR – Tomorrow, the Republic of Cyprus takes over the presidency of the European Union, yet Turkish Cypriots will once again be out in the cold.
In April 2004, 65 per cent of Turkish Cypriots said “yes” to the Annan Plan that would have facilitated a united Cyprus entering the European Union. Seventy-six per cent of Greek Cypriots voted against the plan they had jointly drawn up. As a result, a divided island joined the EU in May 2004, with membership suspended in the northern third.
Greek Cypriots have since used their veto powers to block promises made by Günter Verheugen, the former EU commissioner, and others “to put an end to the isolation of Turkish Cypriots”.
Four generations have been denied simple pleasures such as friendly games of international football, which are banned. Even direct trade with other EU members is prohibited. What possible legal or moral justification can there be for any of this?
In the absence of a political solution, we call on Britain, as a guarantor power in Cyprus, to lead the rest of the world in acknowledging that the Republic of Cyprus does not represent those living in northern Cyprus, and to use its influence to help Turkish Cypriots secure the rights that Greek Cypriots have enjoyed for decades.
Baroness Ludford MEP (Lib Dem)
Air Chief Marshal Sir Michael Graydon
Lord Maginnis of Drumglass
Sir Graham Watson MEP (Lib Dem)
Michael Cashman MEP (Lab)
Chris Davies MEP (Lib Dem)
Baroness Hussein-Ece
Billy Hayes
General Secretary, Communication Workers Union
Simon Woolley
Co-Founder, Operation Black Vote
Hussein Chalayan
Martina Cole
Alp Mehmet
Former British ambassador to Iceland
Emel Djevdet
Chairman, Embargoed!
halil wrote:From The Telegraph letters page online:
Turkish Cypriot plight
SIR – Tomorrow, the Republic of Cyprus takes over the presidency of the European Union, yet Turkish Cypriots will once again be out in the cold.
In April 2004, 65 per cent of Turkish Cypriots said “yes” to the Annan Plan that would have facilitated a united Cyprus entering the European Union. Seventy-six per cent of Greek Cypriots voted against the plan they had jointly drawn up. As a result, a divided island joined the EU in May 2004, with membership suspended in the northern third.
Greek Cypriots have since used their veto powers to block promises made by Günter Verheugen, the former EU commissioner, and others “to put an end to the isolation of Turkish Cypriots”.
Four generations have been denied simple pleasures such as friendly games of international football, which are banned. Even direct trade with other EU members is prohibited. What possible legal or moral justification can there be for any of this?
In the absence of a political solution, we call on Britain, as a guarantor power in Cyprus, to lead the rest of the world in acknowledging that the Republic of Cyprus does not represent those living in northern Cyprus, and to use its influence to help Turkish Cypriots secure the rights that Greek Cypriots have enjoyed for decades.
Baroness Ludford MEP (Lib Dem)
Air Chief Marshal Sir Michael Graydon
Lord Maginnis of Drumglass
Sir Graham Watson MEP (Lib Dem)
Michael Cashman MEP (Lab)
Chris Davies MEP (Lib Dem)
Baroness Hussein-Ece
Billy Hayes
General Secretary, Communication Workers Union
Simon Woolley
Co-Founder, Operation Black Vote
Hussein Chalayan
Martina Cole
Alp Mehmet
Former British ambassador to Iceland
Emel Djevdet
Chairman, Embargoed!
halil wrote:From The Telegraph letters page online:
kimon07 wrote:bill cobbett wrote:The Trades Unionists CYs in the Occupied Areas have come out in condemnation of the Brussels stunt organised and paid for by the Illegal Regime.
This is how their reaction is reported...
Turkish Cypriot organizations evaluated the protest in Brussels: “Serving Turkey’s separatist policies is unbecoming to us”
Under the title “Serving Republic of Turkey’s separatist policies is unbecoming to us”, Kibris Postasi news website (28.06.12) reported that ten Turkish Cypriot trade unions, KTOS, KTOEOS, BES, KTAMS, TIP-IS, BASIN-SEN, CAG-SEN, DAU-BIRSEN, KOOP-SEN and GUC-SEN issued a joint statement on Thursday, evaluating the protest organized by the Economic Organizations’ Platform in Brussels the day before yesterday.
According to the statement, in response to “the Greek Cypriot’s not wanting to share the Republic of Cyprus with the Turkish Cypriots since 1963”, Turkey exerts intensive efforts to make the division of the island permanent by using its collaborators in the occupied northern part of Cyprus. The statement adds, inter alia, the following:
“…Because of the two-faced policy that is followed, the Turkish Cypriots are dragged towards annihilation. This mentality, which declares ‘traitors of the country’ the Turkish Cypriots who exert efforts for the solution and the unification of our island, which makes use of the solution processes as an opportunity serving division and which made the Greek Cypriots member of the EU, is now trying to deceive the world with the lie of ‘embargo and isolation’…”
Accusing Turkish Cypriot leader Eroglu of trying to strengthen the division of Cyprus at the negotiating table upon instructions from the Foreign Ministry of Turkey, the statement says that UBP self-styled government serves Ankara’s plans for assimilating and integrating the occupied part of Cyprus.
The organizations describe as an “egregious contradiction” the fact that on the one hand the regime prohibited the passports of the Republic of Cyprus showing as pretext the Cypriot EU term presidency, and on the other representatives of civilian organizations carrying passports of the Republic of Cyprus flew to Brussels on two airplanes paid by the regime in order to protest against the “embargoes and the isolations”.
[b]“You are the ones who implement the embargo and the isolation, but you are also the ones who pay the money for an event to protest against them”, note the organizations referring to officials from Turkey and the breakaway regime. “This is a complete two-faced policy”, they add.[/b]
The organizations conclude their statement by noting the following: “We do not need someone to hire a plane for us in order to go to Brussels and defend the communal rights of the Turkish Cypriots. It should be known that there are enough puppet administrators in the northern part of our island. Serving the Republic of Turkey’s separatist false policies is unbecoming to us”.
Meanwhile, Turkish Cypriot daily Ortam newspaper (29.06.12) reports that representatives of KTOS, KTOEOS, BES, KTAMS, TIP-IS, BASIN-SEN, CAG-SEN, DAU-BIRSEN, KOOP-SEN and GUC-SEN trade unions held a protest outside the “assembly” of the breakaway regime yesterday morning against the activity organized in Brussels. During the protest they opened banners saying “The Turkish Cypriots do not accept being subordinate administration to Turkey”, “EU, Act now against the Turkish Cypriot extinction”, “Solution now: Independent, United, Federal Cyprus” and “Turkey, Respect the Will of the Turkish Cypriots”.
In statements to the press after the protest, Tahir Cokcebel, chairman of KTOEOS, said that the activity in Brussels was organized with passports of the Republic of Cyprus, with money of the “state” and “airplanes of the regime”. He expressed the view that the participants in that activity do not represent the Turkish Cypriots.
Bill, took the liberty of coloring your post with the parts of the text which consist the best contradiction of the cheap north regime and Turkish propaganda.
Halili, my friend, there you have all your answers.
kentish wrote:Kikapu wrote:Hermes wrote:kentish wrote:what a load of bullshit,so its all our fault is it,whose a naughty boy smack our bums.brute force and conflict ? you know all about that dont you.and kikapu being a turk,pull the other one.if he has fooled you, you are the most gullible moron on this forum
(our human rights ?) what about everyone elses human rights. more me me me . get a life
Your post is complete gibberish. Try and write clear sentences and try and make an argument. If you are responding to someone's post please attempt to say why you are disagreeing and for what reason. If possible provide evidence to support your argument.
Also please pay attention to sentence structure, grammar and punctuation. This is a very sloppy attempt at a response and looks like you have just written the first thing that came into your head. This only makes you look like an imbecile.
You may be an imbecile. I don't know. But try to aspire a little higher. Thanks.
Now you are asking too much from Kentish!Firstly, Turks cannot speak English.The average Turk is a high school dropout, but the situation gets even worse for the women:
http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/why-do ... sCatID=403
kikapu my greek friend you have a lot of time on your hands trawling the internet picking out article after article and pasting obscure and irrelevant points.turks cannot speak english ! hmm,( who cares and is it true anyway).can a mexican speak french ? who cares . can an indian speak german ? who cares. can a greek find a job? who cares.get a life
kentish wrote:i dont know if the gc morons that frequent thissiteare typical of the average gc, i suspect they are because gc parents teach their children to hate turks at the earliest age possible.there is never a thread of any concialiatary words from a gc on here.there are contitioned to hate and not to negotiate with turks.you talk to gc in england who have never been to cyprus and they talk as if they were born and live there now.the gc tactic is to deprive and starve tc and they have been doing this since the 50's and then some knob on talks about tc creating enclaves of gc,what a laugh.the tactic of starvation( meterphorically) goes on even now.however it is not working.in the trnc the people are no worse off than they were 10/20 years ago because they have started from such a low level.gradual improvement is the key and sorry gc but you have what you have.there will be no change in cyprus throughout the lifetime of every moronic gc on this forum.
i'll be laughing even more when the the money problems and austerity measures and the begging for help from the eu starts from the bankrupt gc
Kikapu wrote:kentish wrote:Kikapu wrote:Hermes wrote:kentish wrote:what a load of bullshit,so its all our fault is it,whose a naughty boy smack our bums.brute force and conflict ? you know all about that dont you.and kikapu being a turk,pull the other one.if he has fooled you, you are the most gullible moron on this forum
(our human rights ?) what about everyone elses human rights. more me me me . get a life
Your post is complete gibberish. Try and write clear sentences and try and make an argument. If you are responding to someone's post please attempt to say why you are disagreeing and for what reason. If possible provide evidence to support your argument.
Also please pay attention to sentence structure, grammar and punctuation. This is a very sloppy attempt at a response and looks like you have just written the first thing that came into your head. This only makes you look like an imbecile.
You may be an imbecile. I don't know. But try to aspire a little higher. Thanks.
Now you are asking too much from Kentish!Firstly, Turks cannot speak English.The average Turk is a high school dropout, but the situation gets even worse for the women:
http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/why-do ... sCatID=403
kikapu my greek friend you have a lot of time on your hands trawling the internet picking out article after article and pasting obscure and irrelevant points.turks cannot speak english ! hmm,( who cares and is it true anyway).can a mexican speak french ? who cares . can an indian speak german ? who cares. can a greek find a job? who cares.get a life
Sure, go ahead and shoot the messenger, my Turk friend.![]()
Have you lodged a complaint with the author at Hurriyet who wrote the article, or are you ONLY interested picking on me just for reading the article?
wyoming cowboy wrote:kentish wrote:i dont know if the gc morons that frequent thissiteare typical of the average gc, i suspect they are because gc parents teach their children to hate turks at the earliest age possible.there is never a thread of any concialiatary words from a gc on here.there are contitioned to hate and not to negotiate with turks.you talk to gc in england who have never been to cyprus and they talk as if they were born and live there now.the gc tactic is to deprive and starve tc and they have been doing this since the 50's and then some knob on talks about tc creating enclaves of gc,what a laugh.the tactic of starvation( meterphorically) goes on even now.however it is not working.in the trnc the people are no worse off than they were 10/20 years ago because they have started from such a low level.gradual improvement is the key and sorry gc but you have what you have.there will be no change in cyprus throughout the lifetime of every moronic gc on this forum.
i'll be laughing even more when the the money problems and austerity measures and the begging for help from the eu starts from the bankrupt gc
Dude you sound like a dork, not because you are Turkish/pro turkish, but just because you sound like a real moron.
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