Once the disastrous current crop of incompetent, socialist,spendthrifts and there money grubbing lackeys are democratically dispensed with...... Then the real work can begin.
You can blame the current government for not taking enough measures sooner, but the problems in Cyprus are not their creation (apart maybe from the Mari incident).
The government sector was never efficient, but as long as the economy was doing good the state was able to balance things out. For the last few years we have an international crisis which affected Cyprus directly like most other countries. We also had some very bad decisions by our banks, which now require billions to be saved. Christofias is not responsible for the international crisis or the bad decisions of the banks, but his government is responsible to cover those losses.
This is a difficult situation as it is not just a Cyprus crisis but an international one. Cyprus needs to make changes but no changes in Cyprus will be enough if the international crisis continues.