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Welcome to the the GG ROC

Postby bsharpish » Wed Jun 27, 2012 12:32 pm

Meine Freunde der Weg nach vorne aufgebaut

Welcome to the Greater Germanic republic of Cyprus. ( henceforth GG ROC)

As your bonds are no longer suitable for purpose ( securing more debt from any central bank) and you are lacking in the wallet department it's time we saddled you with debts you can never hope to repay ( after all you can't meet your current payments).

Besides interest we will require the following conditions -

1. All sun beds to be reserved for German citizens
2. Civil servants must actually work
3. There are only 3 types of culturally acceptable music - Beethoven , bad techno pop and the oompah bands
4. People must actually produce/work to get paid
5. Non payment of taxes is punishable by enforced listening to German pop music - 3 hours per euro owed
6. The purchase of Japanese cars or electronic goods ist verboten
7. No pension until 67 years old
8. Shadenfreude to become an official sport
9. Accept the fact that you are non aryan and hence untermensch suitable for menial/agricultural/ restaurant work under new German managers
10. democracy to be modified .... We will insert the following addendum to your constitution/legislature -

From time to time,when we deem it necessary, ZE FATHERLAND shall empower unelected, suitably qualified,technocrats
to run your country.... This may last for 12-1000 years

11. As you will spend at least 50 years paying back our money ( after all it's actually all German money - everyone else in Der reich .... OOOps I meant greater Germanic co prosperity sphere... Verdamnt ich mean Eurozone broke too) we will resolve the Cyprus issue to our satisfaction not yours.
12. Absolutely no COlA, 13th salary, large family payments for non Germans
13. naturism is mandatory
14. You will all love and obey " Der panzerfrau"
15. Be happy ..... We dislike turks as much as you do ..... Unless , of course, they are buying from German suppliers in which case .........

For your consideration - A pledge of allegiance for greek speaking people -

Ich pledge allegiance to the flag of Euroland and to the Greater german empire for which it stands, Ein volk who are equal to God, indivisible ( under our rules - or else !! ) With liberty for few and injustice for most.

Alles ist klaa I trust and welcome to the true Eurozone .
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Re: Welcome to the the GG ROC

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Wed Jun 27, 2012 1:38 pm

Since the British hate the Germans sooooo much, does that mean we shall see a mass exodus of ex-Pats from lovely Cyprus?

- Back to debt-ridden, water-sogged, Sharia-law following, U-turning clueless-conservative government, mass-unemployment, sick NHS, penny-pinching pensions - but runaway money-printing Britain?

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Re: Welcome to the the GG ROC

Postby bsharpish » Wed Jun 27, 2012 2:13 pm

1. As a rule we don't
2. Not likely
3. When the Brits leave they will be replaced by chiefly Russians and Rumanians ..... In fact near me that's already happening.
4. If the UK is soooooo shitty ..... Why do you live there ?
5.Soggy ..... Yup it's called weather - The UK has it .....Cyprus has a climate
6. Most importantly - get a sense of humour
7. Politicians are contemptible just about everywhere and , at the moment, incompetent everywhere too.

As to the rest ...... I cant be bothered to even engage you in debate so here's something to keep you happy -
Blah blah blah grecophile horseshit ,blah blah blah dogma, blah blah blah blind bias,blah blah blah Everything British is bad , blah blah blah everything Greek is flawless, blah blah blah everything just dandy in euro land , blah blah blah the Greeks will save us all blah blah blah blah
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Re: Welcome to the the GG ROC

Postby supporttheunderdog » Wed Jun 27, 2012 2:45 pm

bsharpish wrote:1. As a rule we don't
2. Not likely
3. When the Brits leave they will be replaced by chiefly Russians and Rumanians ..... In fact near me that's already happening.
4. If the UK is soooooo shitty ..... Why do you live there ?
5.Soggy ..... Yup it's called weather - The UK has it .....Cyprus has a climate
6. Most importantly - get a sense of humour
7. Politicians are contemptible just about everywhere and , at the moment, incompetent everywhere too.

As to the rest ...... I cant be bothered to even engage you in debate so here's something to keep you happy -
Blah blah blah grecophile horseshit ,blah blah blah dogma, blah blah blah blind bias,blah blah blah Everything British is bad , blah blah blah everything Greek is flawless, blah blah blah everything just dandy in euro land , blah blah blah the Greeks will save us all blah blah blah blah

lol infact PMSL both at the original and the above.
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Re: Welcome to the the GG ROC

Postby bsharpish » Wed Jun 27, 2012 5:40 pm

They make take our lives but they'll never take our freedom .....

Well actually they did and mortgaged it, wrapped it up in a gilt or similar product and sold you into taxation driven penury for 30-50 years.

I'm happier with -

They can't take my life BUT they'll never have my field grown tomatoes, rocket, pambos home made black olive oil, lemons from my own tree and chicken from the fresh (it was still clucking this morning) chicken guy in moutallos.

Although that twat mel gibson Probably couldn't say that without an anti English or anti Jewish rant..... He'd get along with sooooo many people here

Anyway ..... More important things are calling .... Time to cook the chicken
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Re: Welcome to the the GG ROC

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Wed Jun 27, 2012 7:42 pm

I made a valid point about the consequences of the humiliating picture which you paint for a future Cyprus. Once again, you prove you can constructs insults but are unable to effectively criticise any responses, other than with getting personal and offensive.

Enjoy your chicken.
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Re: Welcome to the the GG ROC

Postby supporttheunderdog » Wed Jun 27, 2012 8:39 pm


I think GIG needs to be rebooted in the hope her SOH drivers cotrrectly reinstall...

So UK v Cyprus
debt-ridden, tick, tick (who just joined the support mechanism)
water-sogged, tick v drought prone
Sharia-law following, not yet V Increasingly lawless qv Ayia Napa and increasing numbers of robberies of banks, kiosks, the EAC, etc.
U-turning clueless-conservative government, v Stuck in rut clueless communist government
mass-unemployment, 8.1% v 10,1%
sick NHS, tick v NO NHS (at present- 2014 if we are lucky...)
penny-pinching pensions - tick for both unless a government workerm o0ps I mean employeem in either country,

but runaway money-printing Britain? and who needs a possible 10bn bailout worth half the value of the economy?
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Re: Welcome to the the GG ROC

Postby bsharpish » Wed Jun 27, 2012 9:20 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:I made a valid point about the consequences of the humiliating picture which you paint for a future Cyprus. Once again, you prove you can constructs insults but are unable to effectively criticise any responses, other than with getting personal and offensive.

Enjoy your chicken.

I think you'll find that my comments referenced the greater Germany concept with humour and that was in fact the whole thrust of my list.

Only points 2, 4, 7 and 12 reference the impact on Cyprus and ANYONE WHO ACTUALLY works, lives or runs a business here would agree that these aspects of the financial problem are desperately in need of review.
For example - If people in Germany, England, the Netherlands etc etc etc have to work until 65+ ....because the economy cannot afford the colossal numbers of people now living into retirement ... How can Cyprus afford to allow much lower retirement ages ?

Or - And this applies to the UK ( in a slightly different way) as much as Cyprus

When everyone else in the Cypriot private sector is " feeling the pinch " ...... How can a goverment that is in the the pocket of unions - which demand no change to there, frankly in the global and real world, ludicrous employment terms be taken seriously.

The people responsible for the mismanagement of the Cypriot economy, shocking risk concentration in Greek debt ( both govt and private sector), headlong plunge into deficit ( when I arrived here PRE comrade toffee- Cyprus had a surplus !!! ) Are Cypriot Bankers, politicians and unions.
They have collectively , through there greed, incompetence and hegemony, led the people of this island down the path to crisis like lambs to the slaughter...... Only the butchers at the ECB/IMF (and hedge fund slaughter-men) don't want a quick kill ...... They want the lamb to bleed for years and years and years

As for the other 11 points .... These were mild jibes at European and, particularly, German federalist expansion...... I at no point wheeled out the " gas chambers and crematoria" scenario .... Unlike someone else :roll: :roll: :roll:

Your response - As usual ......just rolled out your anglophobic diatribe - when no comparison was being made between the UK or Cyprus whatsoever ......

And the chicken was superb
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Re: Welcome to the the GG ROC

Postby CBBB » Wed Jun 27, 2012 9:41 pm

bsharpish wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:I made a valid point about the consequences of the humiliating picture which you paint for a future Cyprus. Once again, you prove you can constructs insults but are unable to effectively criticise any responses, other than with getting personal and offensive.

Enjoy your chicken.

I think you'll find that my comments referenced the greater Germany concept with humour and that was in fact the whole thrust of my list.

Only points 2, 4, 7 and 12 reference the impact on Cyprus and ANYONE WHO ACTUALLY works, lives or runs a business here would agree that these aspects of the financial problem are desperately in need of review.
For example - If people in Germany, England, the Netherlands etc etc etc have to work until 65+ ....because the economy cannot afford the colossal numbers of people now living into retirement ... How can Cyprus afford to allow much lower retirement ages ?

Or - And this applies to the UK ( in a slightly different way) as much as Cyprus

When everyone else in the Cypriot private sector is " feeling the pinch " ...... How can a goverment that is in the the pocket of unions - which demand no change to there, frankly in the global and real world, ludicrous employment terms be taken seriously.

The people responsible for the mismanagement of the Cypriot economy, shocking risk concentration in Greek debt ( both govt and private sector), headlong plunge into deficit ( when I arrived here PRE comrade toffee- Cyprus had a surplus !!! ) Are Cypriot Bankers, politicians and unions.
They have collectively , through there greed, incompetence and hegemony, led the people of this island down the path to crisis like lambs to the slaughter...... Only the butchers at the ECB/IMF (and hedge fund slaughter-men) don't want a quick kill ...... They want the lamb to bleed for years and years and years

As for the other 11 points .... These were mild jibes at European and, particularly, German federalist expansion...... I at no point wheeled out the " gas chambers and crematoria" scenario .... Unlike someone else :roll: :roll: :roll:

Your response - As usual ......just rolled out your Anglophobe diatribe - when no comparison was being made between the UK or Cyprus whatsoever ......

And the chicken was superb

You would expect someone with a Scottish husband not to be an Anglophobe?
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Re: Welcome to the the GG ROC

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Wed Jun 27, 2012 10:57 pm

How is what I wrote Anglophobic?

- I criticized the weather, the debt, the government.

That is a very British thing to do!

Seems to me you are as sensitive to criticism as the Germans.
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