Viewpoint wrote:Hermes wrote:Viewpoint wrote:Thank you for accepting that you do not represent us you cannot represent people that have not chosen you to do so...
Fear not, Viewpoint, your plight has not been forgotten. I'm sure the Republic of Cyprus will do all it can throughout its EU Presidency to highlight the predicament of all those who languish under Turkish occupation.

And at the hands of the "RoC" who in 2012 are forcing isoaltion on people they claim to represent then hypocritically are placed of the EU which represents union and fkg ironic, thats the EU for you.
The EU safequards democracy and freedom only for those who respect them and who wish to abide by the, which not not the case with either Turkey or your lot.
You can not, on one hand, rape democracy and the freedom of the Cypriots systematically and on the other hand demand to enjoy the benefits and principles which you deny to others and you violate.
And remember, your leaders (the thre stooges) rejected Annan Plan 2 in 2002, trying to keep Cyprus out of the EU with the excuse that a solution had not been reached. Eh?
So, go complain to Erdogan and Gul and piss on the grave of Denktash. (My personal hero. He saved Cyprus from elimination in 2002. I have his picture over my bed and I pray every night that his soul rots in hell).