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Turkey organising Protest in Brussels against Cyprus

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Re: Turkey organising Protest in Brussels against Cyprus

Postby kimon07 » Thu Jun 28, 2012 10:40 am


Didn't you say the protest was going to be held in Brussels? :lol: :lol:

Episodes at the "embassy" of Turkey in the occupied during a protest T / C unions
http://www.infognomonpolitics.blogspot. ... _1141.html
(google translation)

In a scuffle with the so-called police developed the protest of T / C unions in front of the building of the Turkish "embassy". According to Kibris, unions of T / C teachers ……
and workers in the "public» (CAG-SEN), yesterday held a protest in front of the "embassy" of Turkey in the occupied territories, to protest the arrest of 71 total members (including presidents) and the guild KESK EGİTİM-SEN in Turkey.
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Re: Turkey organising Protest in Brussels against Cyprus

Postby CBBB » Thu Jun 28, 2012 11:20 am

There is hardly any coverage of this protest in the international media, so that was a waste of time then!
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Re: Turkey organising Protest in Brussels against Cyprus

Postby kimon07 » Thu Jun 28, 2012 11:57 am

CBBB wrote:There is hardly any coverage of this protest in the international media, so that was a waste of time then!

You mean the one in Brussels or the one in Nicosia? :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Turkey organising Protest in Brussels against Cyprus

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Thu Jun 28, 2012 2:45 pm

I see the protesting "TCs" are wearing their summer Burkas.

Cool ... 8)
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Re: Turkey organising Protest in Brussels against Cyprus

Postby supporttheunderdog » Thu Jun 28, 2012 3:12 pm

CBBB wrote:There is hardly any coverage of this protest in the international media, so that was a waste of time then!

How true: I think it was probabaly Fora such as this one and others in Cyprus and a that gave the non-event most publicity.
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Re: Turkey organising Protest in Brussels against Cyprus

Postby bill cobbett » Thu Jun 28, 2012 3:16 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:
CBBB wrote:There is hardly any coverage of this protest in the international media, so that was a waste of time then!

How true: I think it was probabaly Fora such as this one and others in Cyprus and a that gave the non-event most publicity.

Yes, hardly anyone showed up. We were threatened with hundreds, but from a couple of pickies elsewhere, the Illegal Regime could barely manage to ship in a couple of dozen even with their expenses paid.
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Re: Turkey organising Protest in Brussels against Cyprus

Postby halil » Thu Jun 28, 2012 4:12 pm

Protesters march on EU institutions against 'isolation' of northern Cyprus...............

By Martin Banks - 27th June 2012
Hundreds of Turkish Cypriots took to the streets in Brussels on Wednesday to protest at their "exclusion" from the international community.
The 500 protestors were dressed in white like ghosts, to demonstrate against the discrimination they face as "invisible citizens" of the EU.

The protest is timed to coincide with the start of the Cyprus presidency of the EU which commences on 1 July. It will take over the rotating presidency from Denmark.

A spokesman for the protestors said that the northern part of the country is much less affluent than the south, adding, "Our economy has remained stagnant and unemployment is high. We are effectively isolated."

The EU admitted what was - and still remains - a divided island in 2004, with EU membership suspended for northern Cyprus.

Turkish Cypriots living in the north say this had denied a some 200,000-strong community there the EU rights and citizenship privileges that Greek Cypriots in the south of the island enjoy.

Representatives from a wide range of NGOs, unions and universities in northern Cyprus assembled outside parliament on Wednesday before marching across the EU quarter to protest at their treatment by the EU.

The Turkish Cypriots say they are angry that eight years after the island's admission into the EU, they are still unable to have a voice at parliament or to benefit from the EU's basic freedoms and commercial, educational, social and cultural opportunities.

The Republic of Cyprus was formed in 1960 as a federal partnership state by Greek and Turkish Cypriots.

The power-sharing state collapsed in December 1963. International efforts to end the decades-old conflict so that a united Cyprus entered the EU as a single nation failed in 2004.

In a referendum on 24 April, 65 per cent of Turkish Cypriots said 'yes' to the United Nations backed Annan Plan, while 76 per cent of Greek Cypriots voted against the plan they had helped draw up.

Turkish Cypriots claim that since entering the EU on 1 May 2004, south Cyprus has used its veto powers to "block promises" made by the European council and others "to put an end to the isolation of Turkish Cypriots".

Turkey has warned that it may not cooperate with the incoming Cyprus presidency unless the situation is resolved. ... rn-cyprus/
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Re: Turkey organising Protest in Brussels against Cyprus

Postby halil » Thu Jun 28, 2012 4:16 pm

Turkish Cypriots protest EU presidency

June 27 2012 at 08:59pm
By Stephanie Ebbs ... -xmvZFfFHo
Hundreds of Turkish Cypriots marched through the streets of Brussels on Wednesday to protest against Cyprus taking over the presidency of the European Union, saying the rights of the island's Turkish minority were being ignored.

Some 400 protesters wearing masks with no faces and holding signs saying “Do We Exist?”, walked from the European Parliament to the European Commission, in the centre of the city's administrative district, and handed out leaflets describing themselves as the forgotten Europeans.

Cyprus has been divided between the Greek Cypriot south and the Turkish north since a Greek coup d'etat followed by a Turkish army invasion in 1974.

Cyprus, which on Monday asked for financial aid to prop up its banks, joined the EU in 2004 but there are 130 000 Turkish Cypriots living in the north who feel they are not effectively represented.

Efforts to reunite the island repeatedly have failed and Turkey is the only nation that recognises the self-declared Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

“The rest of the world, ... they just push us into a corner like we don't exist,” protester Turgay Azizoglu said.

The protest underlined the tensions that will accompany the island's six-month presidency of the EU, which begins on July 1, when it will carry the responsibility for organising the EU's agenda and chairing policy debates.

Turkey began EU entry talks in 2005, a year after Cyprus was admitted, but its bid for membership has virtually ground to a halt due to the intractable dispute over the divided island, as well as opposition from core members Germany and France.

Ankara has said it will suspend relations with the EU presidency during Cyprus's six-month tenure starting in July, due to a lack of progress in reunification talks on the island.

“(The presidency) are not representing the whole of Cyprus, they are only representing part of Cyprus,” said Hasan Tacoy, a member of the parliament in North Cyprus.

“We're hoping to raise our voice and say that it's our right to be part of the EU.” - Reuters
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Re: Turkey organising Protest in Brussels against Cyprus

Postby supporttheunderdog » Thu Jun 28, 2012 4:27 pm

halil wrote:Turkish Cypriots protest EU presidency

June 27 2012 at 08:59pm
By Stephanie Ebbs ... -xmvZFfFHo
Hundreds of Turkish Cypriots marched through the streets of Brussels on Wednesday to protest against Cyprus taking over the presidency of the European Union, saying the rights of the island's Turkish minority were being ignored.

Some 400 protesters wearing masks with no faces and holding signs saying “Do We Exist?”, walked from the European Parliament to the European Commission, in the centre of the city's administrative district, and handed out leaflets describing themselves as the forgotten Europeans.

Cyprus has been divided between the Greek Cypriot south and the Turkish north since a Greek coup d'etat followed by a Turkish army invasion in 1974.

Cyprus, which on Monday asked for financial aid to prop up its banks, joined the EU in 2004 but there are 130 000 Turkish Cypriots living in the north who feel they are not effectively represented.

Efforts to reunite the island repeatedly have failed and Turkey is the only nation that recognises the self-declared Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

“The rest of the world, ... they just push us into a corner like we don't exist,” protester Turgay Azizoglu said.

The protest underlined the tensions that will accompany the island's six-month presidency of the EU, which begins on July 1, when it will carry the responsibility for organising the EU's agenda and chairing policy debates.

Turkey began EU entry talks in 2005, a year after Cyprus was admitted, but its bid for membership has virtually ground to a halt due to the intractable dispute over the divided island, as well as opposition from core members Germany and France.

Ankara has said it will suspend relations with the EU presidency during Cyprus's six-month tenure starting in July, due to a lack of progress in reunification talks on the island.

“(The presidency) are not representing the whole of Cyprus, they are only representing part of Cyprus,” said Hasan Tacoy, a member of the parliament in North Cyprus.

“We're hoping to raise our voice and say that it's our right to be part of the EU.” - Reuters

The answer is simple - tell the occupying army and their camp following illegal Turkish settlers and carpet b*ggers to go home and bring yourself back within the the ROC, as once that happens the aquis communaire will apply to the whole island and then you will enjoy all the benefits of EU membership.
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Re: Turkey organising Protest in Brussels against Cyprus

Postby halil » Thu Jun 28, 2012 4:50 pm

Turkish Cypriot protesters hold a sign in front of the European Council building in Brussels...............

Turkish Cypriot protesters hold a sign in front of the European Council building in Brussels June 27, 2012. The protesters were dressed in white to show their anger at not being represented in Cyprus' presidency of the European Council, starting July 1, 2012. REUTERS/Francois Lenoir ... f24a30367d
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