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Turkey organising Protest in Brussels against Cyprus

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Re: Turkey organising Protest in Brussels against Cyprus

Postby Kikapu » Wed Jun 27, 2012 7:32 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:We have not only had babies these babies have grown up and had babies of their own 38 years is a long time and annual poplation growth rate of 1% is average when you look at world figures is about right.

Why do you want to represent a people that do not want you? it must be the benefits cant be anything else.

For every TC who holds a RoC passport, the RoC represents them whether they like it or not, and since majority TCs do hold RoC passports and citizenship, they are represented by the RoC. Period!

If the TCs do not want to be represented by the RoC, then they should abdicate their RoC citizenship and passports. I can guarantee you, you will not have many takers, because if they did, they will become just as illegals as the Turkish settlers. The TCs want to be citizens of the RoC, and as a citizen, the RoC government represents them. Is that so hard to figure out? :roll:

Total rubbish, the TCs only take passports for the easy visa free travel they have no commitment to or support the "RoC" and they do not want the GCs to repreent them in shape or form, how can they TCs didnt vote for the GCs leaders who claim to represent all Cypriots, they probably even havent met any for giving back these passports, if you offered recognition in return the whole TC population would throw these passports over the border immediately, then Kikapooo you can pick them up and strike them off the "RoC" registers.

Listen dummy, you can hiss and puff all you want, but the law is the law. If I enter into a marriage with someone just for convenience sake, and should the person I married to owes the government tons of taxes from the past, I will be equally responsible to pay these taxes. In law, you cannot pick and choose what you want to keep and what you want to throw out. I don't give a rats ass on what reasons the TCs take on the RoC passports for. The fact that they do, they are then allowing themselves to be represented by the institution who is providing that passport, and in this case, it is the RoC. The fact that the name "Turkish Cypriot" the TCs use can ONLY come by being a citizen of the RoC and not that fake illegal entity called the "trnc". TCs do not even need to take on RoC passports or vote for anyone to be citizens of the RoC. It is engraved in stone since 1960 that they are citizens of the RoC. The ONLY way for a TC not to be a TC any longer, hence no longer a RoC citizen, is to renounce their citizenship to the RoC, in which case, they will become Illegals in Cyprus without an identity, unless they also hold another citizenship from another recognised state.!
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Re: Turkey organising Protest in Brussels against Cyprus

Postby bill cobbett » Wed Jun 27, 2012 8:01 pm

Err... speaking of taxes and debts and "equal communities"... presumably the CYs of the Occupied Areas will be pleased to take on an equal 50% share of any bail-out.

... which would be an equal share of 10 Billion Euros

Now if we work it out with the CF Calculator ... that would work of at ... OMG!!! That's about 100,000 Euros for every single CY living the other side of the cease-fire line.

Err VP... please send your equal share of 100,000 Euros to anotheroneofbillc'[email protected]
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Re: Turkey organising Protest in Brussels against Cyprus

Postby CBBB » Wed Jun 27, 2012 8:13 pm

bill cobbett wrote:Err... speaking of taxes and debts and "equal communities"... presumably the CYs of the Occupied Areas will be pleased to take on an equal 50% share of any bail-out.

... which would be an equal share of 10 Billion Euros

Now if we work it out with the CF Calculator ... that would work of at ... OMG!!! That's about 100,000 Euros for every single CY living the other side of the cease-fire line.

Err VP... please send your equal share of 100,000 Euros to anotheroneofbillc'[email protected]

Re VP, can you please pay my share as well, it is only around €7000 because we are a majority and you are a minority!
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Re: Turkey organising Protest in Brussels against Cyprus

Postby Maximus » Wed Jun 27, 2012 8:31 pm

CBBB wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:Err... speaking of taxes and debts and "equal communities"... presumably the CYs of the Occupied Areas will be pleased to take on an equal 50% share of any bail-out.

... which would be an equal share of 10 Billion Euros

Now if we work it out with the CF Calculator ... that would work of at ... OMG!!! That's about 100,000 Euros for every single CY living the other side of the cease-fire line.

Err VP... please send your equal share of 100,000 Euros to anotheroneofbillc'[email protected]

Re VP, can you please pay my share as well, it is only around €7000 because we are a majority and you are a minority!

The TC's can cover 50% of the cost to renovate and make Varosha habitable again and put up the other 50% of the social and tax contributions from the Greek Cypriots to the state.

There is also a 50% contribution towards the cost to get to where we are with the gas exploration and the TC's are still entitled to their "20%". :lol:
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Re: Turkey organising Protest in Brussels against Cyprus

Postby bsharpish » Wed Jun 27, 2012 9:31 pm

I always protest against Brussels when I'm eating my turkey.


Everyone knows that when you combine turkey and Brussels all you get is - an early afternoon kip followed by lots of farting.
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Re: Turkey organising Protest in Brussels against Cyprus

Postby Viewpoint » Wed Jun 27, 2012 10:18 pm

kimon07 wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote:I would point out that the TC's in fact walked out of government at Turkish insistence in 1963 in attempt to promote a crises that would have lead to invasion in if they are not represented it is their own fault.

They were kicked out at gunpoint and not allowed back unless they accepted Akritas which was like signing their own death warrant.

Do you really believe that you are helping your "cause" when you keep repeating the me stupid TMT propaganda which has been proven a dirty lie over and over again? Boring. Very boring.

Definitely the truth is very repetitive consistent and boring.
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Re: Turkey organising Protest in Brussels against Cyprus

Postby Viewpoint » Wed Jun 27, 2012 10:23 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:We have not only had babies these babies have grown up and had babies of their own 38 years is a long time and annual poplation growth rate of 1% is average when you look at world figures is about right.

Why do you want to represent a people that do not want you? it must be the benefits cant be anything else.

For every TC who holds a RoC passport, the RoC represents them whether they like it or not, and since majority TCs do hold RoC passports and citizenship, they are represented by the RoC. Period!

If the TCs do not want to be represented by the RoC, then they should abdicate their RoC citizenship and passports. I can guarantee you, you will not have many takers, because if they did, they will become just as illegals as the Turkish settlers. The TCs want to be citizens of the RoC, and as a citizen, the RoC government represents them. Is that so hard to figure out? :roll:

Total rubbish, the TCs only take passports for the easy visa free travel they have no commitment to or support the "RoC" and they do not want the GCs to repreent them in shape or form, how can they TCs didnt vote for the GCs leaders who claim to represent all Cypriots, they probably even havent met any for giving back these passports, if you offered recognition in return the whole TC population would throw these passports over the border immediately, then Kikapooo you can pick them up and strike them off the "RoC" registers.

Listen dummy, you can hiss and puff all you want, but the law is the law. If I enter into a marriage with someone just for convenience sake, and should the person I married to owes the government tons of taxes from the past, I will be equally responsible to pay these taxes. In law, you cannot pick and choose what you want to keep and what you want to throw out. I don't give a rats ass on what reasons the TCs take on the RoC passports for. The fact that they do, they are then allowing themselves to be represented by the institution who is providing that passport, and in this case, it is the RoC. The fact that the name "Turkish Cypriot" the TCs use can ONLY come by being a citizen of the RoC and not that fake illegal entity called the "trnc". TCs do not even need to take on RoC passports or vote for anyone to be citizens of the RoC. It is engraved in stone since 1960 that they are citizens of the RoC. The ONLY way for a TC not to be a TC any longer, hence no longer a RoC citizen, is to renounce their citizenship to the RoC, in which case, they will become Illegals in Cyprus without an identity, unless they also hold another citizenship from another recognised state.!

This passport thingy has only been taken up on mass since the south joined the EU, you always claimed to solely represent the island without TC input or support...they take the freebies exactly for that reason because you have to provide them otherwise how can you claim to represent all Cypriots, I dare you take them away and immediate recognition of the TRNC would cannot represent a people who denounce and reject you. Put that in your pipe dumb ass.
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Re: Turkey organising Protest in Brussels against Cyprus

Postby Viewpoint » Wed Jun 27, 2012 10:26 pm

bill cobbett wrote:Err... speaking of taxes and debts and "equal communities"... presumably the CYs of the Occupied Areas will be pleased to take on an equal 50% share of any bail-out.

... which would be an equal share of 10 Billion Euros

Now if we work it out with the CF Calculator ... that would work of at ... OMG!!! That's about 100,000 Euros for every single CY living the other side of the cease-fire line.

Err VP... please send your equal share of 100,000 Euros to anotheroneofbillc'[email protected]

Who are we bailing out? Greece or the GCs for fcuking up their economy?
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Re: Turkey organising Protest in Brussels against Cyprus

Postby Viewpoint » Wed Jun 27, 2012 10:27 pm

Maximus wrote:
CBBB wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:Err... speaking of taxes and debts and "equal communities"... presumably the CYs of the Occupied Areas will be pleased to take on an equal 50% share of any bail-out.

... which would be an equal share of 10 Billion Euros

Now if we work it out with the CF Calculator ... that would work of at ... OMG!!! That's about 100,000 Euros for every single CY living the other side of the cease-fire line.

Err VP... please send your equal share of 100,000 Euros to anotheroneofbillc'[email protected]

Re VP, can you please pay my share as well, it is only around €7000 because we are a majority and you are a minority!

The TC's can cover 50% of the cost to renovate and make Varosha habitable again and put up the other 50% of the social and tax contributions from the Greek Cypriots to the state.

There is also a 50% contribution towards the cost to get to where we are with the gas exploration and the TC's are still entitled to their "20%". :lol:

Would that mean we get 50% of the benefits?
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Re: Turkey organising Protest in Brussels against Cyprus

Postby Maximus » Wed Jun 27, 2012 11:15 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
Maximus wrote:
CBBB wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:Err... speaking of taxes and debts and "equal communities"... presumably the CYs of the Occupied Areas will be pleased to take on an equal 50% share of any bail-out.

... which would be an equal share of 10 Billion Euros

Now if we work it out with the CF Calculator ... that would work of at ... OMG!!! That's about 100,000 Euros for every single CY living the other side of the cease-fire line.

Err VP... please send your equal share of 100,000 Euros to anotheroneofbillc'[email protected]

Re VP, can you please pay my share as well, it is only around €7000 because we are a majority and you are a minority!

The TC's can cover 50% of the cost to renovate and make Varosha habitable again and put up the other 50% of the social and tax contributions from the Greek Cypriots to the state.

There is also a 50% contribution towards the cost to get to where we are with the gas exploration and the TC's are still entitled to their "20%". :lol:

Would that mean we get 50% of the benefits?

yes, as long as 'we' get 50% of 'your' 50% as benefits too.
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