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Turkish "False Flag" Operation?

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Re: Turkish "False Flag" Operation?

Postby Get Real! » Sat Jul 21, 2012 11:59 am

kimon07 wrote:My question stands. Any new announcements about the downing of the plane?

What was the cause?

1. Missile?
2. a/a/ cannon?
3. Engine failure?
3. Pilots panicked?
4. Pilots committed suicide?


:? Your obsession with a now old and insignificant incident is bizarre…
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Re: Turkish "False Flag" Operation?

Postby kimon07 » Sun Jul 22, 2012 1:27 am

How come they bring this up NOW?

Greek fire downed Turkish jet in 1996, says retired pilot ... sCatID=338


A Turkish jet that crashed and killed a pilot in 1996 was shot down by a Greek jet, according to the retired pilot who survived the crash.

Osman Çilekli claimed that following the Greek attack, he activated the automatic pilot system, and barely had time to save himself by landing in the waters after opening his parachute.

His colleague, Capt. Nail Erdoğan, however, fell into the sea and has never been found.

killed pilot.jpg

Çilekli said the cause of the crash had been kept secret by the Turkish Armed Forces, according to the Medya Radar report.

"It was great shame to the Armed Forces, and that was why it was kept a secret for so long," Çilekli said. "His family was told eight years later. It is no longer a secret since President Abdullah Gül ordered the remains to be recovered. There are other secrets too," he added.

Gül’s move came shortly after research boat Nautilus was able to locate the wreckage of a Turkish reconnaissance jet believed to have been downed by Syria last month. Along with the wreckage, Nautilus located and recovered the bodies of the two reconnaissance pilots last week, giving new hope to Erdoğan’s family that their loved one’s remains will also be located and retrieved.

See also: ... sCatID=341

P.S. Two more Turkish pilots crashed their planes in the Aegean trying to out maneuver Greek Planes in February 1995 (F16) and December 1995 (F4). They were rescued by the Greek search and rescue teams and hospitalised in Greece for a while.

F16 pilot Feb 1995.jpg

F4 co-pilot 1995.jpg ... %B9%CE%B1-
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Re: Turkish "False Flag" Operation?

Postby Cap » Sun Jul 22, 2012 10:27 am

Anatolian pilots are useless.
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Re: Turkish "False Flag" Operation?

Postby kimon07 » Sun Jul 22, 2012 11:01 am

Cap wrote:Anatolian pilots are useless.

Unfortunately the Greeks are training them intensively over the Aegean and they get better and better over the years. :lol:

One solution would be, instead of sending fighters to intercept them, to simply lock them with a/a radars and weapons and let them crash their planes trying to evade the "lock on" as they (allegedly) did in the Syrian event.

Oh and by the way Lordo. Any recent announcements in regard to that incident? Have they made up their minds yet about what caused the crash of the F4? 8)
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Re: Turkish "False Flag" Operation?

Postby Lordo » Mon Jul 23, 2012 10:32 am

don't you worry your litle head about the turkish pilots kimonbaby, they can hold their own against any pilot in the world.
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Re: Turkish "False Flag" Operation?

Postby kimon07 » Mon Jul 23, 2012 11:37 am

Lordo wrote:don't you worry your litle head about the turkish pilots kimonbaby, they can hold their own against any pilot in the world.

Any news yet?
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Re: Turkish "False Flag" Operation?

Postby wyoming cowboy » Mon Jul 23, 2012 9:49 pm

Maybe this will be the next big secret of the turk war machine, the apparent assassinations of turk commando es, by turkey. turkey fearing that one day they would reveal that some commandoes were captured by Greeks on Imia and later released.

Πως και γιατί σκοτώθηκαν οι Τούρκοι καταδρομείς που κατέλαβαν τη δυτική Ίμια;
Λίγους μήνες μετά τη 30η Ιανουαρίου 1996 η περιβόητη παρασημοφορεμένη «ομάδα Καρντάκ» των Τούρκων κομάντος που κατέλαβαν τα Ίμια συμμετείχε σε άσκηση στον Κόλπο της Μαρμαρίδας. Η ομάδα αυτή πήγαινε στις ασκήσεις ως ομάδα πρότυπο υπό τις διαταγές του Τούρκου Ταγματάρχη Ζεκί Σεν. Ο Ζεκί Σεν, ήταν ένας λαμπρός αξιωματικός των Καταδρομών, μέλος της γνωστής μονάδος Su Altı Taarruz/SAT (αντίστοιχη της ΔΥΚ). Ο Ζεκί Σεν ήταν αδειούχος κατά την προαναφερόμενη άσκηση. Η «ομάδα Καρντάκ» απογειώθηκε με ελικόπτερο Cougar για να εκτελέσει αεραπόβαση. Ξαφνικά σφοδρή έκρηξη καταστρέφει το ελικόπτερο, σκοτώνοντας το πλήρωμα του και την «ομάδα Καρντάκ». Αύτανδρο βυθίζεται στα νερά της Μαρμαρίδας.
Μαζί με τον Σακί Σεν, απουσίαζαν άλλα δύο μέλη της «Ομάδας Καρντάκ». Τούρκοι δημοσιογράφοι ανέφεραν ότι υπήρξε ελληνικό σαμποτάζ, εκδίκησης για τα Ίμια. Η «ομάδα Καρντάκ» διαλύθηκε. Οι δύο παρασημοφορημένοι κομάντος που απουσίαζαν μεταφέρθηκαν σε άλλες μονάδες καταδρομών. Ο Αρχηγός τους Ζεκί Σεν, αποσπάστηκε μυστικά στην Γεωργία ως προσωπικό του ΟΗΕ. Μετά από δύο μήνες με διαφορά 3 ημερών, φεύγουν από την ζωή και οι δύο επιζώντες Τούρκοι κομάντος, και οι δύο σκοτώθηκαν σε αυτοκινητιστικό δυστύχημα. Μέσα στο ίδιο έτος δηλαδή και οι 12 Τούρκοι κομάντος των Ιμίων, δεν ήταν πλέον στην ζωή με εξαίρεση τον Αρχηγό τους.
Τα ίχνη του Ζεκί Σεν χάθηκαν για ένα διάστημα ώσπου το 2003, επέστρεψε στην Κωνσταντινούπολη. Στις 6 Μαΐου του 2003, ο Ζεκί Σεν γιόρτασε τα γενέθλια του με την κοπέλα του και τους φίλους του σε γνωστό κλαμπ της Κων/πόλης (LAILA) στην Περιοχή Ορτάκιοϊ (Ortaköy). Την νύχτα των γενεθλίων την πέρασε στο κοντινό ξενοδοχείο “CIRAGAN PALACE HOTEL”, παλαιό παλάτι του Σουλτάνου. Την επόμενη μέρα, το μεσημέρι στις 3.30 μ.μ., ο Ζεκί Σεν δέχθηκε στην πλατεία Ταξίμ την επίθεση τριών νεαρών, οι οποίοι τον κατακρεούργησαν με μαχαίρια και διέφυγαν στα στενά σοκάκια της Πόλης...

Τα παραπάνω πραγματικά γεγονότα αποτελούν απόσπασμα έρευνας ενός φίλου, πάντα καλά πληροφορημένου
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Re: Turkish "False Flag" Operation?

Postby kimon07 » Mon Jul 23, 2012 10:00 pm

22 July 2012, Sunday

[email protected]

When will Ankara change its thesis about the downed F-4? ... d-f-4.html
On the other hand, it would be best if Ankara stops hiding whatever it is attempting to conceal and announces the real reason for the aircraft’s crash-landing. This F-4 incident is increasingly becoming like the Uludere scandal -- in which 34 civilians were mistaken for terrorists and killed by military airstrikes in Şırnak’s Uludere district, due to false intelligence -- and as long as the government continues to obscure the truth about it, it will create an ever-deepening crisis of trust in the general public. People have not started to ask questions about why the jet made a low-altitude flight for a second time in the same region for a mission the purpose of which is being kept secret, or who was responsible for causing them to do so. But this does not mean that they won’t start to ask.

Damn right. I have been asking since long!
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Re: Turkish "False Flag" Operation?

Postby kimon07 » Mon Jul 23, 2012 10:28 pm

wyoming cowboy wrote:Maybe this will be the next big secret of the turk war machine, the apparent assassinations of turk commando es, by turkey. turkey fearing that one day they would reveal that some commandoes were captured by Greeks on Imia and later released.

Strangely, either Zaman of Hurriyet had a publication day before yesterday on this subject. They were claiming that the commandos are all alive today and one or two of them are in prison accused of conspiracy against the government (together with top brass officers).
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Re: Turkish "False Flag" Operation?

Postby kimon07 » Mon Jul 23, 2012 10:49 pm

kimon07 wrote:
wyoming cowboy wrote:Maybe this will be the next big secret of the turk war machine, the apparent assassinations of turk commando es, by turkey. turkey fearing that one day they would reveal that some commandoes were captured by Greeks on Imia and later released.

Strangely, either Zaman of Hurriyet had a publication day before yesterday on this subject. They were claiming that the commandos are all alive today and one or two of them are in prison accused of conspiracy against the government (together with top brass officers).

Found it.

Turkish commandos allegedly killed by Greek spies revealed to be alive

Twelve Turkish commandos that were allegedly murdered by Greek spies according to Greek sources have been revealed to be alive, daily Vatan reported.

Earlier reports in Greek media outlets claimed that 12 commandos had been killed during the 1996 Kardak crisis. Vatan, however, tracked down the soldiers, two of whom are currently in prison in various cases, including the “Balyoz” (Sledgehammer) coup-plot case. A senior official from the remaining 10 is now retired, but the other nine are still on active duty.

Greek press claimed that the helicopter carrying the Turkish soldiers crashed on Feb. 15, 1996, during patrol duty over Kardak, an Aegean islet whose sovereignty is disputed between Athens and Ankara. ... &nid=25768

Comment: Nobody in Greece ever claimed that the commandos were shot down by Greeks over Imia as the article of hurriyet mentions. On the contrary, as stated in your post, it was rumored that their choper crashed in Marmaris, i.e., in Turkish waters.
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