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Postby Sotos » Tue Oct 04, 2005 11:24 pm

If you want a PAL version

I think I don't need the PAL version. My TV can play NTSC. I am planing to make DVDs from the miniDV tape. Today all DVD players can play NTSC DVDs. NTSC is also 30 fps not 25 like PAL. Do you think there is any reason to buy the PAL version?
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Postby sneezing7 » Wed Oct 05, 2005 8:21 am


You do know what NTSC stands for: Not The Same Colour.

Dude, honestly spend the extra money and get the PAL version. Although you may think that the NTSC version will be OK, you will run into problems later on down the track. As an example, lets say you make a DVD for a friend, and they cannot view it dude to their TV not being able to play NTSC.
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Postby sneezing7 » Wed Oct 05, 2005 8:23 am

Sotos wrote:Today all DVD players can play NTSC DVDs

True, but can all DVD players convert NTSC to play on a PAL TV? Many cheap players can not
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Postby devil » Wed Oct 05, 2005 11:09 am

I use a Panasonic 3-CCD one (model no longer made) and it does not have a specific low-light feature, but I have used it at night quite successfully under execrable lighting conditions, even, on one occasion, by a single candle an estimated 35-40 cm from a person's head. I was able to enhance the image in Ulead MediaStudio Pro.

Unless you REALLY NEED very low light features as an imperative must, I would say you would be better off spending the extra this costs on 3-CCD, which improves the colour rendering very significantly on ALL your shots. My experience as a video pro of many years' standing (semi-retired, now, although I still do beta-testing of professional video software for a leading manufacturer), is that many consumers buy a model for a specific feature, such as 120 x electronic zoom or low-light, they use it once or twice and then never again.

I think I don't need the PAL version. My TV can play NTSC. I am planing to make DVDs from the miniDV tape. Today all DVD players can play NTSC DVDs. NTSC is also 30 fps not 25 like PAL. Do you think there is any reason to buy the PAL version?

Believe me, you are being VERY misled. It is true that many (not all) PAL DVD players and TVs can play NTSC, but they do it by a clumsy conversion to PAL. The NTSC signal is at 29.97 frames/sec. The inbuilt converter simply skips out nearly 1 frame every 1/5th of a second, so you lose out on video data. NTSC has a frame size of 720 x 480 pixels. PAL has 720 x 576 pixels, so you have a much better pic quality in PAL. Perhaps the most telling argument you won't understand is the colour space. NTSC DV has a colour space designated 4:1:1 whereas PAL DV (and all DVDs) has a colour space of 4:2:0. This means that colour rendering is two-times better in a PAL DV format (on your tape) than in an NTSC one and will produce less fringeing (a sharp edge in an abrupt transition from, say, the corner of a white house silhouetted against a deep blue sky).

Summary: buying NTSC would be a VERY foolish move, indeed. The failings of NTSC are why the Americans have rushed into high-definition TV, before it is really mature, while we, in Europe, are taking our time because our standard-definition TV is so much better, already.

I don't know whether you know what making DVDs from DV tapes entails. The learning curve may be quite long and you must have good hardware and software. If you wish, I can advise you on both.
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Postby Sotos » Wed Oct 05, 2005 11:39 am

Thank you both for your help. Would the Panasonic GS250 be a better choice? ... Navigation If yes, is there any good shop in US or Europe that I can get it for a better price?
I don't know whether you know what making DVDs from DV tapes entails. The learning curve may be quite long and you must have good hardware and software. If you wish, I can advise you on both.

I made some research in the last few days but some additional info from an expert wouldn't hurt :wink: My hardware is an Athnon XP 2000 - 1.6GHz - 512MB RAM - ATI Radeon 8500 128MB - 120GB Hard Drive. I hope thats good enough :D
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Postby devil » Wed Oct 05, 2005 5:31 pm

Try ... 53&_LOC=UK

NB I do not recommend them, but I found them on the web with a good price. If you import from outside the EU, you will certainly have to pay 15% VAT and probably 20% luxury tax, as well. At this company's price, it is far cheaper, as no tax to pay.
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Postby cyprusgrump » Wed Oct 05, 2005 6:06 pm

sneezing7 wrote:Sotos:

You do know what NTSC stands for: Not The Same Colour.

Dude, honestly spend the extra money and get the PAL version. Although you may think that the NTSC version will be OK, you will run into problems later on down the track. As an example, lets say you make a DVD for a friend, and they cannot view it dude to their TV not being able to play NTSC.

Never Twice the Same Colour surely? :wink:
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Postby pantheman » Wed Oct 05, 2005 6:31 pm

NTSC - Never Twice Same Colour, is the correct response.

From what i remember the reason for never the same colour is the driftting of the colour burst signal so you get yellowing of the natural colours. Something along those lines anyway. Thats why it never twice the same colour.

I standd to be corrected.

The Pal signal is far more superior than NTSC and even better than the french SECAM system also.

However much conversions take place they always at a cost, ie, resolution, picture quality etc.

PAL tvs scan rate are also (or were) drive by the mains 50Hz and so going from one system to another would require some bodging !!!

The safest option it to get a PAL version if you are using most PAL equipment and go the extra expense.

What about support, lets say you get the NTSC camcorder, you have problems whilst still under warranty (assuming it still holds) what do you do ? send it to the states ?? Just a question.

My 2 cents worth.

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Postby Sotos » Wed Oct 05, 2005 11:33 pm

NB I do not recommend them

I need a shop that is reliable also.
If you import from outside the EU, you will certainly have to pay 15% VAT and probably 20% luxury tax, as well.

:shock: Thats +35%. Everybody else in here said I will not have to pay anything. Why are you so pesimistic? Any bad experiences?
NTSC - Never Twice Same Colour

Now everything is digital. How can that happen? :!:
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Postby devil » Thu Oct 06, 2005 10:30 am

Sotos wrote:
If you import from outside the EU, you will certainly have to pay 15% VAT and probably 20% luxury tax, as well.

:shock: Thats +35%. Everybody else in here said I will not have to pay anything. Why are you so pesimistic? Any bad experiences?

If you buy from WITHIN the EU, you will pay nothing.

If you buy a $900 cam from OUTSIDE the EU, including the USA, you will certainly be charged at least 15%, probably more. The government have had a severe drop in revenue since May last year and the Customs are not going to let an opportunity like that pass. I had to pay VAT on an NFR software from Taiwan earlier this year, even though the invoice clearly stated $0, because its retail value was about $200. I would put the odds of your getting away with it would be worse than 25:1. If you want to take the risk of paying an extra $315 to get it into the country, well, good luck!
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