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The Euro Zone Mess

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Re: The Euro Zone Mess

Postby Maximus » Thu Jun 14, 2012 4:01 pm

Are you sure?

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Re: The Euro Zone Mess

Postby Kikapu » Thu Jun 14, 2012 5:28 pm

When the EU gives out bailout money to a EU member state, it is only reshuffling the money from one hand to the other, and the other and the other. The EU money stays in the same pool. Only when the money is used from the IMF things gets a little tricky, but even then, I'm sure the EU also gives money to the IMF to lend out. At the end of the day, the EU is not going to run out of money, because the money printing machines will just keep on printing them just like what the USA does. It's value suffers a little, but so what. The EU does not want to a strong currency Euro anyway. They want to become on par with the US Dollar, like it was in it's inception 10 years or so ago.
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Re: The Euro Zone Mess

Postby kimon07 » Thu Jun 14, 2012 5:42 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:I agree with Maximus. The Euro has gone from strength to strength in the last several years. It is now just behind the dollar. Let's not forget Iraq was invaded to prevent Saddam moving over to using the Euro for Oil barrels rather than the dollar.

The dollar has been instrumental in creating the crisis in the eurozone; an attempt to weaken its main rival.

Greece was just the scapegoat.......

And who was the Trojan Horse?????


Jeffrey from Minnesota!
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Re: The Euro Zone Mess

Postby Maximus » Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:03 pm

Kikapu wrote:When the EU gives out bailout money to a EU member state, it is only reshuffling the money from one hand to the other, and the other and the other. The EU money stays in the same pool..

So, a weaker Germany is actually a good thing for the eurozone as a whole, her money is being reshuffled amongst her member states.

It does not benefit her to be a dragon sitting on everyone's money, dangerous and extinct.

Chancellor Angela Merkel said world leaders should not "overestimate" Germany's ability to resolve the eurozone debt crisis : "I say to them Germany is strong, Germany is an engine of economic growth and a stability anchor in Europe... but Germany's powers are not unlimited."

She is being squeezed to disperse it, she can do a lot to save the euro zone and the markets may not give her another choice.
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Re: The Euro Zone Mess

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Thu Jun 14, 2012 9:34 pm

Maximus wrote:Are you sure?


The Euro has gone up from 1.6 to 1.2 relative to sterling in the last decade - But don't bother trying to educate Cyprusgrump - he's lost this argument before, then runs off to cry on his anti-Greek friends' shoulders. :lol:
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Re: The Euro Zone Mess

Postby wyoming cowboy » Thu Jun 14, 2012 9:36 pm

kimon07 wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:I agree with Maximus. The Euro has gone from strength to strength in the last several years. It is now just behind the dollar. Let's not forget Iraq was invaded to prevent Saddam moving over to using the Euro for Oil barrels rather than the dollar.

The dollar has been instrumental in creating the crisis in the eurozone; an attempt to weaken its main rival.

Greece was just the scapegoat.......

And who was the Trojan Horse?????


Jeffrey from Minnesota!

yeap, one of his last acts of prime minister.
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Re: The Euro Zone Mess

Postby bsharpish » Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:48 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
Maximus wrote:Are you sure?


The Euro has gone up from 1.6 to 1.2 relative to sterling in the last decade - But don't bother trying to educate Cyprusgrump - he's lost this argument before, then runs off to cry on his anti-Greek friends' shoulders. :lol:

And the exchange rate has got virtually nothing to do with the parlous state of the local and, indeed, the global economy.

But if this gives your " dreaming of Hellenic glory" ego a little massage ... Go ahead and enjoy that warm feeling.

Meanwhile -

The internal disparities, relative efficiencies of each member countries economy.
The fact that the largely torpid Mediterranean countries were tied into an exchange rate that favoured the heavily industrial northern states.
The fact that every member country broke the rules of membership and that many even lied to "enter the club".
The fact that Europe has produced a generation of entitlement seeking prima donna's who think the state owes them a living.
Certain member states supporting overly large armed forces so they can play the toughest fish in the pond .... When they are in fact sticklebacks swimming with pikes.
The fact that most of the PIGS went spend crazy on social benefits/unneeded infra structure projects and are now underwriting enormous burst property bubbles (that they tacitly encouraged) and assorted other spending black holes.
The money pissed away by several member states ( and associated EU but non Eurozone members) on pointless and foolish escapades in Iraq, Afghanistan etc .


The laughable sentiment that this is some sort of anti Greek plot is just pure idiocy .... I suppose the naughty northern Europeans /speculators and bankers/Anglo Saxons / Jews all conspired to fuck over Portugal, Ireland, Spain, Italy, Iceland, Cyprus et al as well.

Well sorry to burst your bubble ....... It's all about greed, political ineptitude, flagrant mismanagement of whole economies, merciless markets and personal aspirations exceeding ability/work ethic across the developed world.

Additionally -

"surprise- surprise " ........Greece/Cyprus And the idea that potential, but as yet untapped, hydrocarbon reserves will save Anyone before the decade is over is just drool covered fantasy.... And if you've bought that line from the politicos - you deserve everything you get !

Do you think the Asian continent is ascending through "30 something hour" working weeks, state sponsored indolence, 13th salaries, COlA, accepting economic migrants seeking benefits, unions grasping for impossible pensions ?

Do you think Australia and Brazil have bucked the trend by "wringing there hands" over the social impact of exploiting natural resources ?

All, and I do mean ALL of the former "economic powers" need a major social,financial and political Wake up call or the former third worlds gonna kick our asses out of the mid 21st century .

Finally... Here's a suggestion

If Evil/perfidious Albion , the country you live in, is such a nasty downbeat place ... Perhaps you'd like to sell up and I'd humbly suggest - you go and invest your own hard earned money in your beloved Greece ..... How about helping your Hellenic brothers out ?
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Re: The Euro Zone Mess

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:53 pm

Meanwhile, whilst the average subject in the UK owes £150, 000 (one of the largest in the EU and a 3X larger debt than the average Greek) - the Bank of England has just announced that it can stimulate the economy by making it easier for them to obtain yet further loans (debt)! :roll:
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Re: The Euro Zone Mess

Postby bsharpish » Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:58 pm

And what's that got to do with the crisis in the Eurozone ?
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Re: The Euro Zone Mess

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Thu Jun 14, 2012 11:07 pm

Mervyn King and Cameron are blaming the Eurozone crisis for Britain's failure to kick start growth (in fact, double and tripple dipping into recession). ... 24533.html
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