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"Howling like a 'Whore's Ghost!"

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"Howling like a 'Whore's Ghost!"

Postby Schnauzer » Fri Jun 08, 2012 11:52 pm

As I once again depart the UK in order to complete my duties overseas, I would like to bid you good folks a temporary (I hope) farewell.

Before departure, I would like to broach the subject of 'The Weather' (not a subject I usually discuss) which I certainly will not be missing.

I left 'London' on Tuesday and spent the last three days in and around 'Minehead' in 'Somerset', thank God I will not be spending another night hereabouts, the wind is howling like a 'Whore's Ghost' and believe me, THEY can 'Howl' right enough before they reach such a 'State of Grace' (if you upset 'em) :lol:

Best Wishes to one and all, hopefully I will be back in Cyprus in a few weeks, meanwhile, Kindest Regards Always............... Schnauzer :wink: X.
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