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Energy, Cyprus and lateral thinking

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Energy, Cyprus and lateral thinking

Postby bsharpish » Fri Jun 08, 2012 11:59 am

Ok - I'm looking at this through some "post zivania night goggles"

The cost of the wind farm in Cyprus was at least €200,000,000 ..... Let's ignore any peripheral costs and taxpayer funded subsidies for the next 20 years

Population ..... Lets call it 800000

Power generated in optimum conditions ( rarely occur) - 82 MW


For a capital cost of €250 per head Cyprus received .1KWH per head ( again ignoring the expensive subsidies)

Now let's think of an alternative

Let's take 50 million and build a 50 MW gas turbine based system which would always generate 50mw without wind
That leaves 150 million in the pot ... Close to 190 euro per head

Average household ( again conservatively) - 4 people = 760 euro per house

Provide this as a grant ,on a matched fund basis, towards the purchase of high efficiency electrical appliances.
Surely this could save more than .4 kwh per house ?

The Real world figures also show that per unit - electricity from gas is approx 30% cheaper than wind which ,although using a notionally free source of energy , actually rarely performs to specification and requires substantial subsidy.

So ...... Cyprus ends up with a reliable energy source , ideally suited to the prospective gas finds, lowers the price of its electricity ( helping key industries) and actually ends up using less power - less power used equals less C02 produced ..... Finally every household spends less on energy and has more cash in its collective pockets.

And our keo would probably be cooler in hyper efficient fridges :D

I know it's too late and the money has been spent , however, surely someone did the sums didn't they ?
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Re: Energy, Cyprus and lateral thinking

Postby bsharpish » Fri Jun 08, 2012 12:11 pm

Silly me - there I was thinking that GLOBAL governments and energy monopolys wanted us to have more affordable power, help the environment and reduce consumption patterns for the long term good of all citizens.

They couldn't possibly be energy taxing us with inefficient "green showpiece" installations while making no real attempt to reduce the impact of the human plague on the planet - could they ?

There's no way that high energy costs and heavily taxed resources could push our industries abroad to countries where the green dogma is less entrenched ( say for example India and China ) is there ?
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Re: Energy, Cyprus and lateral thinking

Postby Jerry » Fri Jun 08, 2012 1:10 pm

Cyprus has an abundance of sun and mountains, it should follow the example of Spain and Wales. The income derived from exporting the gas could be used to build green sources of energy. ... ndex.shtml
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