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Fascists Albanians Create "F**ck Greece" Page - With Greek F

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Re: Fascists Albanians Create "F**ck Greece" Page - With Gre

Postby Cap » Fri Jun 08, 2012 9:43 pm

No, Oz Cypriots cling to their Greek counterparts for dear life and try to prove their worthiness.
In part, especially 2nd generation Cyps, feel ashamed and embarrassed of their 'village' accents, their 'insignificant' little island homeland, and so try prove their Greekness to their 'larger' and more 'glorious' Greek cousins.
They need to belong somewhere.
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Re: Fascists Albanians Create "F**ck Greece" Page - With Gre

Postby supporttheunderdog » Fri Jun 08, 2012 10:00 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote:its the 4000 year plus bit about Hellenic History that is complete b*ll*cks

OK - if you say so.


Commandaria is an amber-coloured dessert wine produced in the island of Cyprus since 4000 years ago. It is produced by local[b] Cyprus grapes mavro (black) and xinisteri (a fruity white grape). The initial references about Commandaria are going back to ancient Greek poet Homer who mentions a sweet wine produced in Cyprus. [/b]


4000 years back there was nothing barely Greek - Indeed 2000 BC when you say Commandaria production started probably marks the first point that anything Greek can be seen, in Greece but not Cyprus, and it was probably only 1400 BC or so that any recogniseably Greek traders came to Cyprus, which is some 600 years later than early Commandaria production and 600 years before Homer: Homer can be dated back 2800 years and as you say Commandaria had already been produced for 1200 years.

What we therefore know is that Cyprus had a lomg period of Non-greek History that inclued for example possibly early domestication of cats, perfume making, uniquily cypriot styles of pottery, stonework, copper production, and as you observe. wine making that they acheived without the help of anything Greek or Hellenic.

What I find offensive about the Greekwanabees like you is how much you try to claim from Cyprus' pre-greek history as Greek and why I celebrate Cyprus in its own right and its own achievements.
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Re: Fascists Albanians Create "F**ck Greece" Page - With Gre

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Fri Jun 08, 2012 10:37 pm

Cap - get your facts straight, you South African import. You thoughtlessly insulted Greeks and Cypriots. If you want to gain brownie points with the sheep clones, you are in the wrong place.

Stud - I don't care for your pseudo-Cypriot sentiments when they are merely deranged anti-Greek confusions. It's not up to you what our history entails. Unless you can speak/read Greek - you will NEVER be able to make a qualified statement. To you Homer was some Greek-wannabee. Meaningless imperialist ex-pat Brit. Lost.
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Re: Fascists Albanians Create "F**ck Greece" Page - With Gre

Postby supporttheunderdog » Sat Jun 09, 2012 4:46 am

I quite happily accept that whoever construced the Homeric epics they were Greek through and through but as you will be aware there is a very serious debate on the origin of the works ascribed to Homer and the historicity of Homer himself - as one wag put it (and they say the smout Shakespear) the poems were not written by Homer but by someone else of the same name. We know they were edited by Peristratus in say 540 bc or so,to make a canoniical version of them.

Whoever wrote them, they are however magnificent pieces of Greek Culture and a core part of west European Art: They are however most probably the results of early recording in writing of poems handed down through Oral tradition which took place in about 8th Century BC.
Last edited by supporttheunderdog on Sat Jun 09, 2012 5:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fascists Albanians Create "F**ck Greece" Page - With Gre

Postby supporttheunderdog » Sat Jun 09, 2012 5:00 am

barouti wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote:I dont quite see how Cyprus could have a 4000 year Hellenic History when there was the earliest arrival of a few traders from Greece was probably only 3400 years back and Hellenism was probably only finally forcefully imposed on the whole Island by the Diadochi in about 300 BC.

STF you limey troll. You're a George Constanza ie it's not a lie if you believe it. As I've posted, when faced with the facts you stick your fingers in your ears, close your eyes and shout "la la la..." Imbecile, all you do is heckle. It doesn't matter what a Greek hater as yourself thinks. You've proved to have no credibality none whatsover in history, genetics or common sense. So keep harping on about it. It won't change the facts. You're nothing but a troll. Do you really having nothing to do with your life, interloper. Yeah sure, that's your new thing now, Hellenism was imposed on Cyprus by the Diadochi blah, blah, blah. Any evidence? Oh yeah, you'll do a desperate google search and post a link to some random obscure article that doesnt even come close to supporting your idiocy.

Ah your usual game of shoot the messanger with your own version of the fingers in the ear and La La La, well Barouti if thats the best you can come up with it shows how pathetic an individual you are, Indeed it makes me laugh as the enosis loving idiots like you can do is either resort to insult (and your not even good at that) or diversionary tactics.

its a historical fact tht before 300 bc at probably three languages wew in use in Cyprus - Greek,which probably first arrived in say 1400BC and which began to acheive promince the period 1000 to 850 bc or so the Cypriote tongue as in use in Amathus, and Phonecian. Following the Ptolomaic takeover,Greek became the sole and official languge and the others went.
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Re: Fascists Albanians Create "F**ck Greece" Page - With Gre

Postby kimon07 » Sat Jun 09, 2012 9:56 am

supporttheunderdog wrote:I dont quite see how Cyprus could have a 4000 year Hellenic History when there was the earliest arrival of a few traders from Greece was probably only 3400 years back and Hellenism was probably only finally forcefully imposed on the whole Island by the Diadochi in about 300 BC.

So you mean Cyprus has been Hellenic ONLY for 2300 years and not 4000? Well, Stud, you are improving rapidly. Maybe if we continue the free lessons on Hellenism you will improve even more soon. :P And Who knows? Maybe you will even come to realise that the EOKA fighters of 1955-1959 were Heroes, not back shooting thugs. Eh?
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Re: Fascists Albanians Create "F**ck Greece" Page - With Gre

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sat Jun 09, 2012 11:21 am

supporttheunderdog wrote:I quite happily accept that whoever construced the Homeric epics they were Greek through and through but as you will be aware there is a very serious debate on the origin of the works ascribed to Homer and the historicity of Homer himself - as one wag put it (and they say the smout Shakespear) the poems were not written by Homer but by someone else of the same name. We know they were edited by Peristratus in say 540 bc or so,to make a canoniical version of them.

Whoever wrote them, they are however magnificent pieces of Greek Culture and a core part of west European Art: They are however most probably the results of early recording in writing of poems handed down through Oral tradition which took place in about 8th Century BC.

Fine. The discussion was not on the biography of Homer. The discussion centred on the the 4000 year association between Cyprus and the rest of the Greek world as exemplified by the quote that Commandaria, the drink made in Cyprus, was exalted by a said Homer (for the sake of argument, we'll use the term "Homer" to refer to the collective "unknowns" since you want to deny anything Greek has any certainty whatsovever, unlike the 'Great Pritish' history - this collective "Homer" who also had a son-in-law born and living in Cyprus).

- So you accept Cyprus has been *hellenised for 4000 years.

( * to understand this nomenclature, please start your course in Greek.)
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Re: Fascists Albanians Create "F**ck Greece" Page - With Gre

Postby wyoming cowboy » Sat Jun 09, 2012 12:43 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:
barouti wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote:I dont quite see how Cyprus could have a 4000 year Hellenic History when there was the earliest arrival of a few traders from Greece was probably only 3400 years back and Hellenism was probably only finally forcefully imposed on the whole Island by the Diadochi in about 300 BC.

STF you limey troll. You're a George Constanza ie it's not a lie if you believe it. As I've posted, when faced with the facts you stick your fingers in your ears, close your eyes and shout "la la la..." Imbecile, all you do is heckle. It doesn't matter what a Greek hater as yourself thinks. You've proved to have no credibality none whatsover in history, genetics or common sense. So keep harping on about it. It won't change the facts. You're nothing but a troll. Do you really having nothing to do with your life, interloper. Yeah sure, that's your new thing now, Hellenism was imposed on Cyprus by the Diadochi blah, blah, blah. Any evidence? Oh yeah, you'll do a desperate google search and post a link to some random obscure article that doesnt even come close to supporting your idiocy.

Ah your usual game of shoot the messanger with your own version of the fingers in the ear and La La La, well Barouti if thats the best you can come up with it shows how pathetic an individual you are, Indeed it makes me laugh as the enosis loving idiots like you can do is either resort to insult (and your not even good at that) or diversionary tactics.

its a historical fact tht before 300 bc at probably three languages wew in use in Cyprus - Greek,which probably first arrived in say 1400BC and which began to acheive promince the period 1000 to 850 bc or so the Cypriote tongue as in use in Amathus, and Phonecian. Following the Ptolomaic takeover,Greek became the sole and official languge and the others went.

This whole thing centers around these Australian neo cypriots, who were influenced by Australias culture, while living in the diaspora. Australia is a country that nowadays is doing very well economically compared to the rest of the world due to the fact that they are selling mostly Uranium to China although resources do run out eventually. Australias history is roughly 200 years old. It began being populated by England by tossing their convicts on the island instead of keeping them in England. Australia is barely a nation, in fact many Australians see their flag as a racist symbol whereas most nations view their flag as a patriotic symbol. These neo cypriots being influenced by the Australian culture think that bringing that type of thinking to Cyprus, which has a 40000 year old Hellenic history, will solve Cyprus' problems with the turkish cypriots. In fact this type of imbecilic thinking will only drive the Greek Cypriots towards clinging onto their culture and ethnicity much harder. The more the Imperialistic British attempted to strip the Greek Cypriots of their identity the harder the Greek cyps fought them.

I would also like to point out that my opinion has no derogatory elements towards the rest of the Australian people, which have over the years shown friendship and sympathy towards the situation on Cyprus.

ps...goose generally tastes better then jackass on the xmas table
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Re: Fascists Albanians Create "F**ck Greece" Page - With Gre

Postby boomerang » Sat Jun 09, 2012 12:54 pm

how on earth can anyone take this wanker seriously is beyond me...and here is why...
Australia is barely a nation, in fact many Australians see their flag as a racist symbol whereas most nations view their flag as a patriotic symbol.

now look at his avatar...according to this wanker, he considers the roc flag as a racist symbol, his country of birth, and he opts for another nations flag to represent him...and on top of that he says he is a patriot... :lol:

what a moron... :lol:

i think you serviced 1 too many 300 pound you called them... :lol:
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Re: Fascists Albanians Create "F**ck Greece" Page - With Gre

Postby Cap » Sat Jun 09, 2012 9:16 pm

boomerang wrote:how on earth can anyone take this wanker seriously is beyond me...and here is why...
Australia is barely a nation, in fact many Australians see their flag as a racist symbol whereas most nations view their flag as a patriotic symbol.

now look at his avatar...according to this wanker, he considers the roc flag as a racist symbol, his country of birth, and he opts for another nations flag to represent him...and on top of that he says he is a patriot... :lol:

what a moron... :lol:

i think you serviced 1 too many 300 pound you called them... :lol:

Australia is the pinnacle of modern civilization ( including its problems, granted)
One need only look at standard of living, crime stats, achievements etc in comparison to the global average.

Hell, I've lived in SA, I've seen the froth of human potential and the utter depths of despair.
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