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Real Events of the Cyprus Problem

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Re: Real Events of the Cyprus Problem

Postby SKI-preo » Thu Jun 07, 2012 3:18 am

Don't look for a logical reason. Makarios III was caught being a chutney ferret by Mi6 so he was blackmailed to signing all sorts of treasonous bullshit.
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Re: Real Events of the Cyprus Problem

Postby Bananiot » Thu Jun 07, 2012 6:35 am

Lordo, a friend of mine is writing a book about Cemalie Emirali. I read the first chapter and it makes interesting reading. About Dr Ihsan Ali's memoirs, I do not have the book but I am really interested to read what says about the murder of the two lawyers (Ahmet Muzaffer Gurkan and Ayhan Hikmet, I presume).
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Re: Real Events of the Cyprus Problem

Postby kimon07 » Thu Jun 07, 2012 7:09 am

Specially dedicated to our very own GC [b]Filht Columnists.[/b]

[quote]Turkish Cypriots remember slain lawyers
Published on April 24, 2012 ... s/20120424

TURKISH CYPRIOT civil society will tomorrow mark the death of two lawyers killed in 1962 during a period of heightened tension.

The Turkish Cypriot lawyers, Ahmet Muzaffer Gurkan and Ayhan Hikmet, owners of the Cumhuriyet newspaper, were killed between April 23 and 24, 1962, allegedly by the Turkish Cypriot paramilitary organisation TMT.

The event to mark a half century since their murders will be held at the headquarters of Turkish Cypriot teachers’ union KTOS in northern Nicosia.

Writer-researcher Ahmet Cavit An and Aydin Hikmet, the brother of one of the victims, will address the meeting, which is being organised by the New Cyprus Party (YKP) and trade unions KTOS, KTOEOS, Basin-Sen, Dev-Is, KTAMS and Cag-Sen.

[b]Turkish Cypriot daily Afrika[/b] yesterday wrote that their murders may officially be considered “unsolved” but everyone in the north knows who their killers are.
Another daily Kibrisli reported that the two lawyers were killed after publishing many articles on a bomb placed at the Omeriye Mosque in Nicosia between March 24 and 25, 1962.

According to the paper, the bomb was an attempt to deteriorate relations between the two communities on the island by placing blame for the attack on Greek Cypriots.

Before the assassination of the two lawyers, Cumhuriyet had published an article saying it would soon reveal the names of those who attacked the mosque.

A columnist for the more hardline daily Volkan yesterday described the two lawyers as “spies of the Greek Cypriots” and not “victims of democracy”.

Did I rember one of owr very own forum members anouncing in another thread that he was going to attend the event??
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Re: Real Events of the Cyprus Problem

Postby Piratis » Thu Jun 07, 2012 7:16 am

Lordo wrote:As there is so much cloud over who did what and so little information of the history books regarding Cyprus History between 1959 and 1974, perhaps we can clarify and get to the root of it all.

Why start in 1959? Do you want to leave out of history how the TCs initiated the conflict in 1958 (and even earlier) by collaborating with the colonialists, attacking innocent Greek Cypriots and their properties, and demandind that Greek Cypriots should be annihilated from half of their island?
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Re: Real Events of the Cyprus Problem

Postby Bananiot » Thu Jun 07, 2012 7:24 am

You are such a hypocrite Kimon, as if you care about the fate of two murdered TC leftists. For you they were just two Turks less!!
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Re: Real Events of the Cyprus Problem

Postby Bananiot » Thu Jun 07, 2012 7:37 am

Lordo, I do not think that the two lwayers were murdered by Giorgadjis. When I go home I will check Dr Ihsan Ali's memoirs, but to be honest I do not remember such reference in his book.
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Re: Real Events of the Cyprus Problem

Postby Piratis » Thu Jun 07, 2012 7:58 am

Do not worry humanist we will get there too. We are trying to make chronological. We have to understand what led to it. If you think couple of people fired a few bullets and Turkey just invaded, you are very much mistaken by ausi friend.

Sorry mate, but taking things in chronological order doesn't seem to be what you want. History is a chain of events, you can't start it at whatever point it suits you. If the illegal occupation that happens now in 2012 can be linked with events that happened more than half a century ago, then in the same way those events can be linked to events that preceded them.

The events of 1959 and early 60s are directly linked to the events in the 50s, when the TCs not only refused to accept that Cypriots should be free to determine the destiny of their own island by democratic means, not only they collaborated with the colonialists, but they also started committing crimes against GCs and issued direct threats against the majority of the population.

Even though we had been oppressed by the Turks for centuries, we still lived together with the TCs in peace and sought no kind of revenge. The only thing we expected from your minority is to show some respect to our human rights and the democratic principles.

But less than 80 years after the end of Ottoman rule, the Turkish minority collaborated with another foreign imperialist, to yet again violate the human and democratic rights of the majority of the Cypriot population.

Just like we forgave you for the Ottoman occupation, we are again ready to forgive you for the illegal Turkish occupation and we welcome you as equal Cypriots, along with Maronite, Armenian, Latin and Greek Cypriots. The only thing we are asking is the same as we always did: Respect to human rights and democracy, which are the principles that help us to live in peace with all other minorities in Cyprus, and which are the principles used in every other successful democratic country.

Unfortunately, instead of democracy and human rights, you yet again demand derogations from the most basic human rights and racist undemocratic systems, as if we are still living in the era of the Ottomans when the Muslims had privileges on the expense of the Christians.

So I would suggest to you to learn the whole history of Cyprus, not just the bits and tiny parts that suit you, taking them out of context. The context in our case is that foreign imperialists have been using your minority for centuries, in order to serve their own interests in Cyprus, and your minority was more than willing to help their dirty plans, expecting to be granted privileges and gains on the expense of all other Cypriots in return.
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Re: Real Events of the Cyprus Problem

Postby kimon07 » Thu Jun 07, 2012 8:16 am

Lordo. I am not posting all these in order to persuade you. I know you and your likes already know all of these but you keep and YOU WILL KEEP coming back with the same propaganda over and over again. I am posting these facts to take joy in disgracing and uncovering our very own FILTH COLUMNISTS who are just too happy and eager to reproduce your propaganda and slander the GCs.

Oh and another thing: My problem is not that the TMT murdered TC leftists. What I can not accept is the Greeks being blamed for the crimes committed by the TMT cutthroats. That is all.

PS1. Wonder: Does the intentional reproduction of enemy propaganda constitute a criminal offence under the laws of the RoC?
PS2. Would anyone like me to come back with the bath tub murder?? The evidences make BLOODY good reading. Plenty BLOODY. ... 130049.pdf
(from page 289 further of the book)

On 23 April 1962, the anti-Denktash journalists Aihan Hikmet
and Ahmet Muzafer Gurkan
published in their Turkish-Cypriot
newspaper “Tzumhuriet” that the bombing of the mosques
was undertaken by those criminal elements within the
Turkish community, who were preparing new bi-communal
confrontations. They also warned that in their next edition
they would name those responsible.
They were both murdered the very same evening (23 April

Aihan Mustafa Hikmet was murdered whilst sleeping in his
own bed (asleep in the bed next to him was his wife and
two under-aged children)
and Ahmet Muzafer Gurkan on
the doorstep of his house just as he was coming out of his

The murder was the work of TMT. This is what Aziz and
Seferoglou wrote:

“By murdering Hikmet and Gurkan ‘Tzumhuriet’ was
silenced as well, because nobody from their associates
dared risk his life in order to continue its publication.
There was no security whatsoever for the successors
of the journalists. The murderous hand of the fascist
clique of Denktash was ready to act against anybody
who dared lift his head”.

On 13 April 1965, two days after the murder of Dervis Ali
Kavazoglou, Dr Ihsan Ali in a message to the Greeks and
Turks of Cyprus said:

“We all know very well, the circumstances under
which the Turkish leadership gained power in 1960
[Fazil Kutchuk and Rauf Denktash]. They gained that
power through terrorism therefore they do not lawfully
represent the Turkish community. There is no doubt
that both the Turkish government and the Press are
well aware of these facts, and I wonder how they can
be misled by these people. They also know that it is
the Turkish-Cypriot leadership that murdered Hikmet
and Gurkan because they followed a peaceful policy
for co-existence between the two communities.

Now they repeated the same brutal crime murdering the
Turkish Trade Unionist leader Kavazoglou
for exactly
the same reason. One wonders how the Press and
the Turkish government can support such murderers

On 12 May 1965, in another message to the Turkish-Cypriot
community in England, Dr. Ihsan Ali referred to “paid organs
of chief-terrorist Denktash”, adding:

“The Turkish-Cypriot leadership, which as you know
has been imposed on us by the colonial power, has
spread terrorism all over the community and has
imposed a state of police regime, under which nobody
can express free speech or criticize its mistakes.
Anyone expressing an opinion or criticizes, is either
subjected to thrashing or is executed. As a result of
this inhuman treatment, our co-patriots have been
turned into robots in the hands of their leaders and
many have been forced to abandon Cyprus, as many
of you have done, to save themselves from terrorism.
Those few left to dare cry out their opinion have
been murdered, just like Aihan Hikmet and Muzafer
Gurkan in 1962. Recently, we have witnessed another
brutal murder, that of Kavazoglou, who was murdered
simply because he dared criticize the Turkish-Cypriot
leadership, which through violence forced a large
number of our co-patriots to abandon their homes
and properties and because he preached peaceful
co-existence between the two communities”.

Aziz and Seferoglou wrote:
“Kavazoglou’s articles, his journalistic interviews to
foreign and local Press, his speeches from Radio
broadcasts, his television appearances, were all a
daily accusation, an open relentless accusation of the
terrorist, fascist methods of the sold to imperialism
Turkish-Cypriot leadership. In parallel however his
messages were of hope, of esteem and courage for
the suffering masses of Turkish-Cypriot workers who
suffer under the imposition of terrorism […]”.
As Aziz and Seferoglou reported in their publication, Kavazoglou
wrote the following in his own speeches:

“The imperialists, in order to promote their disgusting
objectives, created the myth and the lie that it is
impossible for the two communities to live in peace in
Cyprus. And, with the assistance of their agents, they
uprooted almost 20 thousand Turks and fenced them
in places that do not differ from concentration camps.
Today, thousands of Turks live like nomads in tents in
the country side, away from their homes, their villages,
their fields, their peaceful working places. Elementary
and Secondary schools are closed and thousands
of children are deprived of their education. A handful
of fascists, assisted by the imperialists and using
weapons and fascist methods, took over the Turkish-
Cypriot leadership. These are the people responsible
for the suffering of the Turkish-Cypriot people. This
fascistic group does not allow the Turkish people to
express their real sentiments and thoughts, which
are against imperialism. It is not an exaggeration to
compare these concentration camps for the Turkish-
Cypriots with those of Hitler, Bouchenwald and other.
In the darkness of the night they shoot and murder
democratic journalists and progressive personalities
of our community. They arrest, kidnap and imprison
all that dare to speak freely and express their opinion.
They subject them to torture, employing instruments
of the Middle Ages invented by Hitler […]”.

Kavazoglou, Ihsan Ali, Aziz and Seferoglou began their
denunciations two years after the beginning of the 1963-
64 armed Turkish attacks (against the Greeks) and the
enforcement of TMT’s pre-planned scheme (as described
in the documents discovered in “Plumer’s safe”) of moving
by armed force the Turkish-Cypriots into the enclaves under
the armed control of TMT itself.
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Re: Real Events of the Cyprus Problem

Postby B25 » Thu Jun 07, 2012 8:30 am

MR-from-NG wrote:
B25 wrote:Start your date from 1571, you came to this island unwelcome and have fucked it up since. You shitheads are the root cause of the cyprus prolem today. Cause and effect. You were the cause, today problem is the effect. Get rid of the cause, problem solved. So why dont you fuck off outta here to solve our problem, you MFs.
End of transmission.

Come on B25, Gardash, this is a good thread, its one that I'll definitely keep an eye on during my rare visits to the forum these days. What you wrote above is trully a disgrace. Do you think this is doing your cause any good? telling someone who's been here for centuries that he should fuck off? If anybody in public told me to fuck off from England because I'm a foreigner that person would go to prison. You claim to be european so I'm inviting you to behave like one. If you got anything to say and debate then do it, otherwise just read and move on. Well done Lordo, good work.

Yeah, I know, it's just that this prat gets under my skin, throws in unsubstantiated comments, passes them on as fact with no supporting evidence or links. It's the only way to appeal to their senses really, gardash.
This propoganda stirring that Yfuck is producing, he has done it on more than one occasion and the end result is just a shit stirrer.

All the same, there are others far more worthy than me to answer him in a more civil manner, I don't have time or patience for these idiots.

How you keeping all the same??
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Re: Real Events of the Cyprus Problem

Postby Lordo » Thu Jun 07, 2012 11:46 am

Going back to the first election results. Cyprus Electoral System has 6 constituencies with multiple MPs. When voting first you vote for the party and then one vote for every 4 MPs within it. It is mathematically impossible to result in such difference to the actual proportion of the vote. If this was one man one vote then it would be possible but it is not.

Regarding why start in 1960, because when an agreement is signed it should be honoured otherwise there is no point in trying to live together.

As to unsubstantiated comments, unfortunately it was a very murky time and a lot cannot be substantiated, but so for I have not said anything that is unsubstantiated, just put some names into events that have occurred. As to idiocy a man or a woman can speak and show his idiocy or remain quiet and leave some
Bananiot, I would very much be interested to the exact text on Page 34 if you can post it I would be most grateful.

As to the newspaper extract, sure everybody believes it, but is it enough? Everybody in the world knew that Saddam had WMS. After 1 million people killed we find that they weren't any after all.

By all means bury your head under the sand. This is not about churning up old stuff, this should be for both sides to air real events that affected All Cypriots. After all we have here in the last few days more information that in the History books of both sides for the last 52 years.
What's wrong with that?
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