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Im bored so ..... 100 years ago

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Im bored so ..... 100 years ago

Postby bsharpish » Wed Jun 06, 2012 12:00 am

Europe was a volatile and stressed continent-
Tension and revolution was in the air with the governing powers deeply worried about the rising strength of the radical left/right and nationalism.
Germany was feeling encircled by , what it perceived as, lesser powers who did not appreciate its rising industrial, political and economic strength.
Russia was under autocratic rule
The Royal navy ruled the seas
France was a decadent yet agrarian hollow horse ,with memories of German inflicted defeat in living memory.
Great powers are allying with and against each other and arguing over the fate of smaller countries - with many involved in small wars and "police actions"

Europe was like a house of cards ready to tumble..... Except the cards all had swords attached and will leave the continent ravaged by the scars of war.

Elsewhere -
Unregulated speculation was rampant in America .... Ultimately leading to ponzi schemes and financial meltdown
Mexico was In Turmoil
Libya became the first country to be bombed by air and was subject to a change of regime
The ottoman empire was crumbling and the Region dreamed of an Arab spring

Fast forward a century -

Europe is a volatile and stressed continent-
Tension and revolution is in the air with the governing powers deeply worried about the rising strength of the radical left/right and nationalism.
Germany is starting to feel encircled by , what it perceives as, lesser , money grabbing powers who resent its industrial, political and economic strength.
Russia is ,effectively,under autocratic rule
The Royal navy no longer rules the waves ...... However the privateers have now all donned suits and work in city of London financial institutions
France is a decadent yet agrarian hollow horse receiving vast EU farming subsidies with memories of German inflicted defeat in living memory.
Great powers are allying with and against each other and arguing over the fate of smaller countries with many involved in small wars and "police actions"

Europe is like a house of cards ready to tumble..... This time the cards have banks attached and will leave the continent ravaged by debt

Elsewhere -
Unregulated speculation is still rampant in America .... Ultimately leading to Madoff schemes and sub prime financial meltdown
Mexico is In Turmoil
Libya is bombed by air and subject to a change of regime
The ottoman empire is gone and the dictators who replaced it have and are crumbling ......the Region still dreams of an Arab spring.

History is repleat with examples of our complicated sytstems repeating the same stupid mistakes ..... From the collapse of the roman empire until today.

I'm hoping that either -

The law of averages will prevail and that If a complex system repeats itself enough times something Interesting and different from the norm will occur.


Somewhere/somehow a leader with vision and ability will appear and have the charisma and determination to make the right decisions ..... Fair and tough with the interests of the whole, rather than the wealthy or entitled , at heart.
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Re: Im bored so ..... 100 years ago

Postby fig head » Wed Jun 06, 2012 1:43 pm

You win... The boredom prizzy ...
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