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THE HOULA MASSACRE- Shiites or Sunnis?

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Re: THE HOULA MASSACRE- Shiites or Sunnis?

Postby Bananiot » Tue Jun 12, 2012 8:08 am

Amazing, bloody amazing! Kimon has been apponted Governement Spokesman of butcher Assad.
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Re: THE HOULA MASSACRE- Shiites or Sunnis?

Postby kimon07 » Tue Jun 12, 2012 9:20 am

Christians given ultimatum to leave Syrian city

Catholic Culture 12 June 2012

The 1,000 Christians remaining in al-Qusayr, a city of 30,000 in west-central Syria, were recently given six days to leave, according to an ultimatum delivered from the minarets of local mosques.
Amid attacks by Islamist rebel factions, the majority of the city’s Christians fled in early spring.
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Re: THE HOULA MASSACRE- Shiites or Sunnis?

Postby supporttheunderdog » Wed Jun 13, 2012 10:01 pm

Bananiot wrote:Sotos, are you the representative of the "grand democrats" of the forum? Are you also calling for the scrapping of the UN? What about if there is already a foreign power established in Syria and the Syrian people are not even given a half chance to express their feelings on the presence of this foreign power? Are you heeding your mentor's advice not to bother with me? But then, how do you explain the fact that he went on to write a diatribe on me and my kind? Does he not heed his own advice? Have you any idea why he is so much against globalisation? Do you know under which umbrella the enemies of globalisation place themselves? Do you agree with the underdog that Greece was never a democracy, contrary to popular belief? Lastly, have you found your answers to your biologically oriented question?

there has only been a unified enity called Greece snce the 1820' which at various times has been more or less democratic, just as some of the ancient city states were more or less democratic - its just that ancient greek democracy is being thrust down our throats when the relaity it was probbaly not that democratic, except for the minority entitled to exercise democracy - in Athen for example I understand at least 50% of the populace was excluded on gender grounds, then there were metics and slaves. I understand In 317 BC in Athens there were 21000 citizens 10000 metics (free but non voting guest workers) and 400000 slaves, so it seems that democracy was enjoyed by 5% only. I would in any event say a slave owning democracy was an oxymoron. Athens of course also had autocracy and oligarchy.

Then there was Sparta.

As it was Democracy of sort existed in the middle east anything up to 2000 years before the tme of classical athenian Democracy, with for example Ebla (in what is now Syria) having a ruler elcted for a seven year term and who got a pension when he finally got beaten in an election - oh I forgot about Oracle/GIG's wonderful Hellenic time machine which can take Hellenes back into the past to help non-Hellenes develop things like Commondaria - Perhaps Pericles borrowed it for a visit to the middle east in 2500 BC or so to teach them how to do it?

Modern Greece is not otherwise a paragon with EG the variuos Dictatorships, such as the Junta but Syria is worse.
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