I simply don’t give a shit if other countries have common things with mine, and all that matters to me is if we have the same border around us! If not then we are aliens to one another… end of story!
The problem GR is when those borders are decided by foreigners, and not by us. If it was up to us there would be no borders between Cyprus, the Greek mainland and all other Greek islands.
If your idea of a "nation" is defined by borders then if the "trnc" is recognized, and we have another border imposed by foreigners, would that mean that the north part of Cyprus would stop being part of your nation and that even the enclaved Greek Cypriots would become foreigners to you?
Personally I refuse to have foreigners deciding what my nation and ethnic identity is. If some foreigners decided that we are "just Cypriot" and not Greek it means nothing to me, just like it would mean nothing if one day those same foreigners tell me that I am supposedly just "South Cypriot". Those imperialists might have the power to set borders, but they have no power over my identity.