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12-year-old girl shows up the forum Greek haters

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Re: 12-year-old girl shows up the forum Greek haters

Postby boomerang » Fri Jun 01, 2012 5:26 pm

B25 wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote:
Mapko wrote:Boomerang...

1. You state that Greeks are associated with "thievery, corruption, conniving, scheeming, incompedence, ignorance and cowardice" and that you hate Greeks, but then you state "i am more greek than you". Well, from your own mouth, stupid. [Tut].

2. You state "listen sunshine i run a business with over AUS$15 million and it used to be three times as much when technology was worth something". Yes, well, without technology helping you with a spell-checker, no wonder your business is ailing and going down the toilet quicker than the Greek economy. If you can magically transform a business (I'm assuming the bsiness has an annual turn-over of AUS$15m and you don't try and run it with AUS$15m - that would be ludicrous) that had a turn-over AUS$45m and strip two-thirds of it, then you are more Greek than you want to admit to and I take my hat off to you. Congratulations, you are an idiot of the highest calibre. By the way, if your company is so flourishing, why don't you buy property/land in Cyprus and help the economy over there?

3. You state "anyone harming my country is an enemy of mine". Ok, let's drill down into this and find out who invaded Cyprus:
The Greeks.
The Assyrians.
The Egyptians.
The Persians.
The Romans.
The Byzantines.
The Venetians.
The Ottomans.
The British.
The Turks.

Now, other than the fact that history has consigned some of these to the dustbin and they are no longer with us, the Greeks are the only people to settle on the island - every other nation occupied Cyprus. So, my question to you - idiot - is out of all these powers that landed, raped, stole, burnt, pillaged, plundered and murdered on the island (with the exception of the Greeks), the only people you hate are the Greeks because they stole some money from the Europeans?

You are a freak!

The British did not invade: they took over Cyprus peacefully under lease from the Ottomans in 1873.

Yes, in other words, they dealt in stolen goods. Cyprus was never Turkeys to give away in the first place. Hmmm!
I think it is just as bad as invading, wouldn't you agree??

i would rather have the poms owning us than the otto boys if it was a choice...wouldn't you agree...ofcourse freedom would have been preferable...but never the less the system was better than the liberated greece...still today it's better than shitty greece...
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Re: 12-year-old girl shows up the forum Greek haters

Postby Mapko » Fri Jun 01, 2012 5:40 pm


I don't need to say anything - my original and subsequent posts still hold water and it's down to you to come back. Seems like we both play with grease - me, in a chip shop; you, in MacDonalds.

Your question...firstly, before I do answer it, I want to know why you think Greece is pillaging Cyprus. This recession is absolutely not of Greece's making - it's the disgraceful way the Americans conducts their business internally. We still haven't recovered from their banks lending money to 'ninja's (no income, no job) and the buyers not being able to repay. This was the start of the economic bubble burst. This had a catastrophic effect on the world's economics - one that nobody had been able to recover from when this happened. Fortunaely for the Americans, they can go and start a war with another country to get their economy back on track; unfortunately for the Greeks (and the rest of the world, it seems), they can't. Greece hasn't caused the economic crisis - Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and Irish economies haven't gone bang because of Greece. Neither has Cyprus'. You are a businessman (let's leave out the 'I don't believe you' and have a rational conversation) and you start up a business but the business starts to fail. The failure isn't one that can be turned around - do you keep pouring your money into the business knowing full well you'll never make it a success and that you'll never get your money back? This is exactly what the EU have done with Greece and her economy.

Hmm...I worry about your mental state and your sexual state - it's always "your bum is gonna hurt" with you, isn't it? Why are you so hell-bent against Greece and the Greeks? What have they done to you personally? I take it you would not do business with any Greeks in Australia? If you wouldn't then you are more stupid than I thought - business is business and moeny is money: you never turn either away!

I told you, moron, I'm Cypriot - Greek-Cypriot. My dad is from Kyrenia. How/why would I swim back to Greece?

Well, how many countries can you name would go to war with a country the size of Turkey? It's like a 3st four year-old picking a fight a 20st 13 year old. It's nothing to be ashamed of - Greece has no money to buy weapons. Is it a good, big, powerful thing to be a bully? Anyway, Turkey will not invade Greece becuase they are both in NATO.

It's nothing to be ashamed of owning a fish and chip business. I'm proud of it. I don't have to cover up I work at MacDonald's by stating I've ruined a business in Australia by wiping two thirds off its stock in four years. Way to go, Boomerang.

I don't think your post is irrelevant - I think you are irrelevant. Hahaha, I now see you are a bully and you probably bully the people at MacDonald's with no stars - what you need to understand is those people will surge past you and become your manager and you will regret the day you bullied. I don't need to read your silly, pathetic posts to know you are a) silly and b) pathetic. Just because you spoke to GreekIslandGirl about something, doesn't mean anything happened.

Ah, Boomerang, the more you type the more you embed yourself into the Greek way and show yourself up to be a typical Hellene. As I stated before - ALL businesses rip off, it's how they make their money. Like you, when someone goes through the drive-through and asks for a burger at 99c and hands over 1Euro, you will tell them you are short of 1c coins. As it's only 1c, the customer will think nothing of it - before you know it, that same ploy has been used on 1 million customers and you've pocketed? I'm not going to help you...quickly, ask someone...have they got a calculator?...hurry's how much?...that's correct, bravo's 10,000Euros - for doing nothing.
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Re: 12-year-old girl shows up the forum Greek haters

Postby humanist » Fri Jun 01, 2012 11:36 pm

I think it is Greek mis management all round people and government. They need to take responsibility, pay their taxes and they will get out of the shit.

May be we can buy them out in 2015
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Re: 12-year-old girl shows up the forum Greek haters

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sat Jun 02, 2012 12:42 am

boomerang wrote: ...GIG knows from the eaqrly days, coz i asked for help early on, why not pm and ask her...i am sure she will confirm to a fellow a answers there, how about my pms going backwards and forwards...

What have you become?

You don't need me to confirm your status. Are you still on Zivania for breakfast? OK, so you asked me if I knew anyone in Cyprus who could help you expand your business. But I didn't. I was the wrong choice because all my mates are self-employed or professionals - which is pretty much the case for most Greek Cypriots. Well, I I only hoped the best for your company because any Cypriot, no matter how loose the attachments, is best doing well than not as the wish is that one day they will invest in Cyprus or Greece and continue the long tradition of Diaspora helping the motherland and its islands. But you have not been able to do that and instead I see bitterness and frustration heaped upon Greece and by association Cyprus because you are stuck for family reasons down under.

But why the polemics against Greece? Aren't there enough of the enemy doing that? Why do you have to join in? What pleasure do you get?
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Re: 12-year-old girl shows up the forum Greek haters

Postby boomerang » Sat Jun 02, 2012 1:23 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
boomerang wrote: ...GIG knows from the eaqrly days, coz i asked for help early on, why not pm and ask her...i am sure she will confirm to a fellow a answers there, how about my pms going backwards and forwards...

What have you become?

You don't need me to confirm your status. Are you still on Zivania for breakfast? OK, so you asked me if I knew anyone in Cyprus who could help you expand your business. But I didn't. I was the wrong choice because all my mates are self-employed or professionals - which is pretty much the case for most Greek Cypriots. Well, I I only hoped the best for your company because any Cypriot, no matter how loose the attachments, is best doing well than not as the wish is that one day they will invest in Cyprus or Greece and continue the long tradition of Diaspora helping the motherland and its islands. But you have not been able to do that and instead I see bitterness and frustration heaped upon Greece and by association Cyprus because you are stuck for family reasons down under.

But why the polemics against Greece? Aren't there enough of the enemy doing that? Why do you have to join in? What pleasure do you get?

come on GIG, it wasn't the status i was talking know a lot more than that S...the reason i didn't expand in cyprus, too small..i tried in 95 and 96, but the cypriots weren't ready yet, in my kind of business...but i always tried to support them...and i did against a backlash from a major wholesaler in germany...but i shipped to a couple of companies a few times...i asked them for distributionship, but they were retail shops...i used to sell to greece, and i had a couple of chain stores but the time came when they asked for credit...thats when the business stopped...

and yes i still enjoy my zivania, albeit slowed down a tiny can you be a cypriot if you do not enjoy the zivania... :lol:

why the anti greek?... coz enough is enough...there is no pleasure in bashing greece...just facts...and i suppose proudness of being a cypriot, versus looked upon as a villager...i have experienced my share of racism from the greeks, growing up and in business...

also facts include, admit there is something wrong then you can fix it...but what i see here is the opposite...lets blame everyone else but the greeks...wrong...the greeks are directly responsible for their own demise...they just couldn't help themselves...
these people i feel for...the suicide people i feel for...but not the "faganes" and traitors...that run the country to the ground...the faganes and traitors, the eilte society of greece don't care about their own people not alone cypriots...

the best for roc is joining the eu and partnering with the zoos...hopefully the time will come when we break free for the greek yoke...

you complain turks napalming you, yes i have memories too...why didn't greece do something then?

why can't in cyprus teach the kids about cyprus history from an early age rather than greek mythology at primary and secondary level, to this very day?...are we that must ashamed for our history that we need to embrace greek mythology?...
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Re: 12-year-old girl shows up the forum Greek haters

Postby yialousa1971 » Sat Jun 02, 2012 8:19 pm


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