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Littering the Forum: Plan or Stupidity?

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Re: Littering the Forum: Plan or Stupidity?

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Tue May 29, 2012 9:30 pm

Me Ed wrote:I guess it depends on your point of view.

One could argue that the threads regarding the Greek crisis have been taken over by a pro-Greek tin foil hat brigade, where all objectivity has vanished and any critism of Greece will not be tolerated - plan or stupidity?

Do you really think any of the sheep clone's posts are objective?

- Why don't you concentrate on the real enemy to the RoC.
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Re: Littering the Forum: Plan or Stupidity?

Postby supporttheunderdog » Tue May 29, 2012 10:28 pm

i dont see anyone bar the usual TC suspects (VP, Lordo) actively promoting Turkish Interests but in my view one does not have to be pro-Greek to be pro Cypriot - only by the twistdd logic of some of those with a fetish for Enosis with Greece: indeed I think some of the Pro Greeks are Anti-Cypriot bearing in mind that what they want is the destruction of the ROC as an independant political entity and its absortion by Greece with the inveitable subordination of the interests of the inhabitants of Cyprus to those of (mostly) Athens and with the destruction of much of Cyprus' commerce and employment. In my view that is just as evil as a Turkish takeover.

i would hope that most on the forum willl be hoping for a solution that is in the best interest of Cyprus, Greece and the rest of the people of EU, and that for preference the solutions are the same, ie Greece Staying in the Euro, but for that to happen the Greeks have got to learn to live within their means (as have other nations with unserviceable deficits) and vote for a government that is commiteed to that, not the puplarist rantings of the lefty loonies who are very good at promising jam to day when they have not even planted the fruit: Indeed I hope for Greece that it has a sucessful economy but the Greeks have got to find ways to bring wealthinto Greece by selling goods and services, which with the principal exception of shipping, and possibly tourism, they do not seem to do so well as e.g. Germany.

Sadly what ever happens - Greece in our out of the Euro, one way or another it will hurt Cyprus and the Cypriots, Greece and the Greeks, and the rest of the EU and its inhabitants, because the mess has to be paid for. .

Ialso hope the Goverment in Cyprus is heeding the harsh lessons of profligate public spending in Greece which is not supported or supportable by the economy.
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Re: Littering the Forum: Plan or Stupidity?

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Tue May 29, 2012 10:51 pm

It's NOT only Greeks that have to learn to live within their means. We've already seen how the Brits are virtually 300% bigger offenders in the debt stakes. So why only the Greeks, stud?

What we need are people being more tolerant of others and avoiding stereotyping when we are working towards a United Europe. And Greece is working harder towards that goal than MOST! ... ernal_debt
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Re: Littering the Forum: Plan or Stupidity?

Postby bsharpish » Tue May 29, 2012 11:03 pm

Errrrr ......

And I Quote

"Next step; the Germans will reignite the Gas Chambers ..."

Been sniffing the pythian vapours again have we ?
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Re: Littering the Forum: Plan or Stupidity?

Postby supporttheunderdog » Tue May 29, 2012 11:13 pm

1) In my post I made the point that every nation with an unserviceble deficit has got to learn to live within its means
2) I am not aware that Britain is unable to service its debts or is likely to run out of money in the way that Greece is. .
3) the Greek Crisis is probbaly of more import to Cyprus because of those Crazy Cypriot *ankers who leant so much money to Greece, and where the Cypriots are likely to pay the price should any local banks go down.
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Re: Littering the Forum: Plan or Stupidity?

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Tue May 29, 2012 11:52 pm

bsharpish wrote:Errrrr ......

And I Quote

"Next step; the Germans will reignite the Gas Chambers ..."

Been sniffing the pythian vapours again have we ?

Exactly. The Germans are hardly playing as part of a team pulling together. It's such countries that have to learn tolerance, equality, democracy and leave the dictates of the bankers behind.
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Re: Littering the Forum: Plan or Stupidity?

Postby bsharpish » Wed May 30, 2012 12:18 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:It's NOT only Greeks that have to learn to live within their means. We've already seen how the Brits are virtually 300% bigger offenders in the debt stakes. So why only the Greeks, stud?

What we need are people being more tolerant of others and avoiding stereotyping when we are working towards a United Europe. And Greece is working harder towards that goal than MOST! ... ernal_debt

The interesting part of this measurement method is it's failure to compensate for countries with major financial centres..........
Hence the Uk which holds vast debts for Ireland ,Spain etc etc etc has its ratio blown out of all proportion
Look at wealthy but tiny Luxembourg

A more accurate measure of why Greece is in the toilet financially -

Here -

And here - ... ebt_crisis

This is, after all a crisis within the euro zone not a sterling or dollar crisis ( although both economies have issues too) ...... This is not a time for point scoring and trying to deflect the critical nature of the Greek problem by pointing fingers at the "Anglo Saxons or the bankers or the Germanic evil empire" ........ It achieves little and solves nothing.

The fact is - the Greek political classes royally screwed up by spoon feeding borrowed money to its political supporters and the heaving masses........ Who now don't want to actually earn there money anymore as the government always paid the bills. This is not solely a Greek problem ........ It's a Europe wide centrist neo socialist problem ..... And this "let's reject austerity" concept will merely transfer even larger debts to generations to come.

In this instance there's a good UK comparison ....... Labour proudly crowed how they had created 1 million jobs -

The operative word is created ..... They created 1 million ( predominantly ) public sector jobs ..... Oddly enough most of these people were inducted into unite/unison etc ...... Guess who those unions pay there dues to ?
Unfortunately this has actually bitten them in the arse ..... The unions flexed there muscles and voted in the "wrong milliband brother".
The UK has become a benefit culture capital with the common statement .... Why should I work when I get only £20 more than being on benefits.

It boils down to this - the capitalist system is broken , the socialist system can never work, the communist system is an enigma that may suit china but failed everywhere else, however, we ALL need to get on with it and pay the piper....... If we don't the debt cancer will simply grow larger in our children's time and, maybe, beyond
Last edited by bsharpish on Wed May 30, 2012 12:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Littering the Forum: Plan or Stupidity?

Postby boomerang » Wed May 30, 2012 12:36 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:It's NOT only Greeks that have to learn to live within their means. We've already seen how the Brits are virtually 300% bigger offenders in the debt stakes. So why only the Greeks, stud?

What we need are people being more tolerant of others and avoiding stereotyping when we are working towards a United Europe. And Greece is working harder towards that goal than MOST! ... ernal_debt

the only goal of the greeks as proven thus far was to rip off the system...what more evidence one needs to see with the cooking of the books to get in the eurozone?...

unity means nothing to the greeks as long as they can separate you from you money...what more evidence is needed to see as they gang raped the cyprus economy...

greece doesn't give a continental as long as the money keeps pouring in with the useless issuance of greek bonds...these days used toilet paper is worth more than their bonds...
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