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how can cyprus isolate herself from the greek rezilik

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Re: how can cyprus isolate herself from the greek rezilik

Postby supporttheunderdog » Thu May 31, 2012 9:32 pm

barouti wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote:
the usual b*ll*cks about the long discredited theories about the Anglos - an incorrect term to refer to to the Angles, Saxons and Jutes, a few of whom came to Britain in the 4th/6th Centuries -and which coming from you contains racist overtones - the Genetics sugests that overall the mojority of the British population can trace the majority of their ancestry back to these early neolithic settlers and no one group of later incomers has added in total more than 5% to the Genetic pool: the number of Anglo-Saxons was probably at most 250,000, no more than 10% of the population, and as recent Historical reaearch has shown by eg Francis Pryor there was in fact a continuity of cultural practices from pre-Roman times which does not support an anglo saxon replacement theory.

As for Cyprus - it was probbaly not a few Neolithic people but the genetice her supports a substantially stable gene pool going back to neolitic times, particularly MtDna long before the alleged invasions of the Mycenaeans in say 1100BC, a societyb that was possibly providing brides to the Pharoes of Egypt, but onec again you show Anti Cypriot btendancies by dismissing the early history of Cyprus and subbordinating it to an evenmt which is of increasing dubious hirosticity, ie a Greek Invasion in say 1100 BC or so. .

Never mind the bollocks, eh, God the Save the la la...You know what I find so humorous about these forums are the alter-egos. A good example is how you're trying to make yourself some kind of genetics expert to validate what is obviously your anti-Greek agenda. But you're not a genetics expert, are you? So why do you pretend to be. You get his scientific things from another forum and you're attempting to pass it off as your own "research". So according to your selective copying-and-pasting Greek Cypriots have nothing to do with Greeks but yet you modern British (as opposed to being uniquely English, Welsh, Irish and Scottish) are united by the same ancient and untouched gene pool. Using your attempt at a scientific argument, how culturally weak are you "Britons" that a minority can invade you and leave the minimal amout of trace in your gene pool and yet you lose your language and identity. Compare this to Greece and Cyprus that after four centuries (or thereabouts) of Ottoman rule we managed to retained our language and identity. Anyway, blather away. You know as much about as genetics as you know about Greek history, which is bugger all.

Just one more point. I've noticed with your posts you're very, very anti-Greek and show sympathisies towards the Turks. It's an hyprocrisy that you live in the free Greek part of Cyprus rather than the Turkish-occupied north. If you hate Greeks so much and it really bothers you that GC's consider themselves Greeks, then why don't you move up north. Why dont you cross the Green Line and repimand the Turks that this is Cyprus and that the Turkish flag, identity and "Turkish" in that illegal statelet's official name are "counter-productive" and add the the division. Hypocrite.

Well then bonny lad, have never shown sympathy to the Turks - so bonny lad, I can sympathise with the Turkish speaking Cypriots ("TSC") (and I mean those who can legally be citizens by virtue iof the 1959 treaties - not the post 74 illegals) for being currently oppressed by the Turks and I object to the efforts to ethnically cleanse the TSC from the Island, as efg GIG promotes but, bonny lad, and mark it well, I have always made the point that the isolation of the T/Cs was largely self inflicted (or rather imposed by Turkey), that TSC's were used as an excuse to invade and conquor, and as for Turkey and the Turks You will find I have consistently said the Turks should F*ck off out of Cyprus taking the post 74 settlers and the Carpet b*ggers ! I have even said the SBA should go, so wind yer neck in bonny lad when it comes to calling me any sort of Turkish Sympathiser.

I do not hate Greeks - what I hate are the Geek (sic) wanabees like GIG and others who want to destroy the RoC and subordinate Cypriot interests to the Greek alleged motherland.

As for the Anglo Saxon invasion and cultural replacement theory, there is I think some evidence (recorded by Julius Ceasar) that the Belgiea, who occupied a part of Britain and a part of Northern Franceand what is now Belgian before the Romans, spoke a Germanic language for many years, if not several centuries, before the Romans arrived in Britain and the Anglo saxon conquest was more like the revival of tribal war that had been supressed during the Roman Occupation.. See ', Indeed very few Anglo Saxins came in, may be 35000 to 50000 over perhaps a 150 years and as is argued on this site while they acheived a measure of elitist supremacy after they lost power the written langauge became a written version of the earlier spoken form. Francis Pryor has otherwise shown continued cultral practices from pre-Roman times to the 14th Century that would probbaly not have survived the mass replacement theories that you propogate.

Now go boil your head, bonny lad or even better crawl back into the hole you have been hiding in for the last three years.
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Re: how can cyprus isolate herself from the greek rezilik

Postby boomerang » Fri Jun 01, 2012 3:48 am

we need to come up with a plan on how to contain the greek reziliki from reaching cyprus...a PR campaign telling the ignorant that we are cypriots and not greeks...ignorant includes the greeks too...

from my part i have been thinking in taking a medium size ad in my local paper telling people that greeks have nothing to do with cypriots...explaining to the locals that even the greeks of today have nothing to do with the 300 spartans...the useless greeks of today are imposters... :lol:

we need to contain the reziliki from reaching our homeland...

...and the reziliki continues...
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Re: how can cyprus isolate herself from the greek rezilik

Postby Sotos » Fri Jun 01, 2012 4:48 am

I do not hate Greeks - what I hate are the Geek (sic) wanabees like GIG and others who want to destroy the RoC and subordinate Cypriot interests to the Greek alleged motherland.

So you basically hate the native Cypriots with the exception of that small minority of idiots who were brainwashed by the British to reject Hellenism :roll: What I hate are foreigners who want to tell us what we are and what we should do with our own island. Piratis and barouti destroyed your bollocks.
Last edited by Sotos on Fri Jun 01, 2012 4:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: how can cyprus isolate herself from the greek rezilik

Postby Sotos » Fri Jun 01, 2012 4:52 am

a PR campaign telling the ignorant that we are cypriots and not greeks

You should tell the ignorant that you are NOT Cypriots and NOT Greeks. YOU are just foreigners with foreign citizenship living in a foreign country. WE are the real Cypriots and WE are Cypriots AND Greeks ;)
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Re: how can cyprus isolate herself from the greek rezilik

Postby boomerang » Fri Jun 01, 2012 5:34 am

Sotos wrote:
a PR campaign telling the ignorant that we are cypriots and not greeks

You should tell the ignorant that you are NOT Cypriots and NOT Greeks. YOU are just foreigners with foreign citizenship living in a foreign country. WE are the real Cypriots and WE are Cypriots AND Greeks ;)

my roc ID card begs to differ with your view...nothing you can say can change this fact...

you wanna be greek and be associated with thievery, corruption, conniving, scheeming and incompedence please be my guest, but do not drag my cypriotness down the proud of my cypriotness...i have honour, something unheard off and new to modern greeks...

ah re soto, re soto...and the greek reziliki continues...
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Re: how can cyprus isolate herself from the greek rezilik

Postby supporttheunderdog » Fri Jun 01, 2012 6:17 am

Sotos wrote:
I do not hate Greeks - what I hate are the Geek (sic) wanabees like GIG and others who want to destroy the RoC and subordinate Cypriot interests to the Greek alleged motherland.

So you basically hate the native Cypriots with the exception of that small minority of idiots who were brainwashed by the British to reject Hellenism :roll: What I hate are foreigners who want to tell us what we are and what we should do with our own island. Piratis and barouti destroyed your bollocks.

in your dreams.... no I do not hate native cypriots - rather it is you and barouti and Piratis how do that by seeking to subordinate Cyorus to Greece.
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Re: how can cyprus isolate herself from the greek rezilik

Postby kimon07 » Fri Jun 01, 2012 8:44 am

Sotos wrote:
a PR campaign telling the ignorant that we are cypriots and not greeks

You should tell the ignorant that you are NOT Cypriots and NOT Greeks. YOU are just foreigners with foreign citizenship living in a foreign country. WE are the real Cypriots and WE are Cypriots AND Greeks ;)

WE = those WHO STAYED and didn't run gto the end of the world to hide.
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Re: how can cyprus isolate herself from the greek rezilik

Postby boomerang » Fri Jun 01, 2012 9:07 am

kimon07 wrote:
Sotos wrote:
a PR campaign telling the ignorant that we are cypriots and not greeks

You should tell the ignorant that you are NOT Cypriots and NOT Greeks. YOU are just foreigners with foreign citizenship living in a foreign country. WE are the real Cypriots and WE are Cypriots AND Greeks ;)

WE = those WHO STAYED and didn't run gto the end of the world to hide.

yes yes kimon...cowardice is another greek trait...thank for bringing it to my attention...the running away perhaps it was the greek in me...but if i was a true greek, where the word greek these days is synonimous with thievery, corruption, conniving, scheeming, incompedence, and cowardice, once again thank you, and FREE money was in abundance you could have a point...but you see a lot of honourable, honest and hard working cypriots opted to migrate because in the 60's it was tough...sorry about that...

BTW you just insulted your other friends the cowboy, GIG and last and not least yourself, and the list goes on...according to you also they are not cypriots but they could be greek continuing in the greek tradition of thievery, corruption, conniving, scheeming, incompedence, and cowardice in their adopted countries......i am not need to ask them mr WE...

kimon you need to try a lot harder than this...but not sure if you are capable because stupidity runs deep in greek veins...

PS...i thought you are living in the US...
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Re: how can cyprus isolate herself from the greek rezilik

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Fri Jun 01, 2012 9:29 am

supporttheunderdog wrote:I do not hate Greeks - what I hate are the Geek (sic) wanabees like GIG and others who want to destroy the RoC and subordinate Cypriot interests to the Greek alleged motherland.

So now I'm a Greek wanabee? So you hate me! Boo hoo!

- You have proven time and again that you hate any outspoken Greek and love only those Greeks who are as unrelated to Greek as possible and you fawn after those who deny Greek existence on this planet. What you are (apart from being a psychologically disturbed individual) is a pure racist and follower of eugenics! You are racist because you specifically hate a group of people, not because they have harmed you, or tried to bomb you and napalm you, or try to kill you and your relatives and than invade and steal your country and occupy its lands; but you hate this specific group of people (Greeks) simply becasue they exist and they try to survive with the culture they have grown up with which was handed down from a long-line of similar kind. You hate what you fear and you fear Greeks because you are a racist, a bigot, and an otherwise worthless, chip-carrying ex-pat who wants to live in Cyprus with similar Greek-haters! You are no different to the white supremacists who raped Africa and wore white robes in the Southern States to hang from trees those who remind you of your crimes against humanity!
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Re: how can cyprus isolate herself from the greek rezilik

Postby kimon07 » Fri Jun 01, 2012 9:54 am

supporttheunderdog wrote:
Sotos wrote:
I do not hate Greeks - what I hate are the Geek (sic) wanabees like GIG and others who want to destroy the RoC and subordinate Cypriot interests to the Greek alleged motherland.

So you basically hate the native Cypriots with the exception of that small minority of idiots who were brainwashed by the British to reject Hellenism :roll: What I hate are foreigners who want to tell us what we are and what we should do with our own island. Piratis and barouti destroyed your bollocks.

in your dreams.........rather it is you and barouti and Piratis who do that by seeking to subordinate Cyprus to Greece.

Are you dreaming? It's our GREEK heritage and descent we support. We never claimed Cyprus should be subordinate to the Greek state. In any event, not under the present circumstances. As far as I am concerned, it's better to have two votes in the EU than just one :twisted:
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