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how can cyprus isolate herself from the greek rezilik

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Re: how can cyprus isolate herself from the greek rezilik

Postby barouti » Wed May 30, 2012 4:40 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
kimon07 wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:Time to get past it Piratis and move because this island has never been Greek.

Hellenistic period ... ic_kingdom

Byzantine Empire
By Burak Sansal

As I stated Cyprus has never been Greek.

Well, according to Me Ed it began when Greece and Cyprus joined the common currency.

Anyway, you challenged us to provide reliable sources and dates. And I did. So how is your google search going?, eh. Well, that doesn't count as reliable outside of Turkey. You may want to use Me Ed as a source to quote. At least he tried to put forth an argument (lol) which is more than you do.

btw, how familiar are you with your Turkish history? Well, I'm not referring to Ataturk's Turkish History Thesus, but the kind that relies on reliable sources and dates. Because during the Ottoman Empire, the "Turks" didn't refer to themselves as "Turks" but "Muslims" and the empire was referred to as "Turkish" but the "Well Protected Domains". Mustafa Kemal (aka God to you) adopted what was a Europea term of Turkey (not the bird, but the country) and Turks. So if you look at it, the Ottoman Empire was never Turkish.
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Re: how can cyprus isolate herself from the greek rezilik

Postby Viewpoint » Wed May 30, 2012 4:45 pm

Barut you stil dont get it do you, when was Cyprus ever Greece? having Greeks bastardized over and over again settle here doesnt make the island Greek, that would mean the USA is Mexico from the number of Mexicans that live there. The closest you ever got to turning Cyprus into Greece was when you have wet dreams about enosis and even then you got the shit kicked out of you and lost 37% of the island in 1974.

You really need to understand that having people speaking Greek or claiming they are Greek even after being clonized so much does not turn the place they live into a Greece or Greek island....Cyprus is Cyprus not Turkey not Greece, not Turk not Greek, capish.
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Re: how can cyprus isolate herself from the greek rezilik

Postby barouti » Wed May 30, 2012 5:03 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:
the usual b*ll*cks about the long discredited theories about the Anglos - an incorrect term to refer to to the Angles, Saxons and Jutes, a few of whom came to Britain in the 4th/6th Centuries -and which coming from you contains racist overtones - the Genetics sugests that overall the mojority of the British population can trace the majority of their ancestry back to these early neolithic settlers and no one group of later incomers has added in total more than 5% to the Genetic pool: the number of Anglo-Saxons was probably at most 250,000, no more than 10% of the population, and as recent Historical reaearch has shown by eg Francis Pryor there was in fact a continuity of cultural practices from pre-Roman times which does not support an anglo saxon replacement theory.

As for Cyprus - it was probbaly not a few Neolithic people but the genetice her supports a substantially stable gene pool going back to neolitic times, particularly MtDna long before the alleged invasions of the Mycenaeans in say 1100BC, a societyb that was possibly providing brides to the Pharoes of Egypt, but onec again you show Anti Cypriot btendancies by dismissing the early history of Cyprus and subbordinating it to an evenmt which is of increasing dubious hirosticity, ie a Greek Invasion in say 1100 BC or so. .

Never mind the bollocks, eh, God the Save the la la...You know what I find so humorous about these forums are the alter-egos. A good example is how you're trying to make yourself some kind of genetics expert to validate what is obviously your anti-Greek agenda. But you're not a genetics expert, are you? So why do you pretend to be. You get his scientific things from another forum and you're attempting to pass it off as your own "research". So according to your selective copying-and-pasting Greek Cypriots have nothing to do with Greeks but yet you modern British (as opposed to being uniquely English, Welsh, Irish and Scottish) are united by the same ancient and untouched gene pool. Using your attempt at a scientific argument, how culturally weak are you "Britons" that a minority can invade you and leave the minimal amout of trace in your gene pool and yet you lose your language and identity. Compare this to Greece and Cyprus that after four centuries (or thereabouts) of Ottoman rule we managed to retained our language and identity. Anyway, blather away. You know as much about as genetics as you know about Greek history, which is bugger all.

Just one more point. I've noticed with your posts you're very, very anti-Greek and show sympathisies towards the Turks. It's an hyprocrisy that you live in the free Greek part of Cyprus rather than the Turkish-occupied north. If you hate Greeks so much and it really bothers you that GC's consider themselves Greeks, then why don't you move up north. Why dont you cross the Green Line and repimand the Turks that this is Cyprus and that the Turkish flag, identity and "Turkish" in that illegal statelet's official name are "counter-productive" and add the the division. Hypocrite.
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Re: how can cyprus isolate herself from the greek rezilik

Postby barouti » Wed May 30, 2012 5:49 pm

Viewpoint wrote:Barut you stil dont get it do you, when was Cyprus ever Greece? having Greeks bastardized over and over again settle here doesnt make the island Greek, that would mean the USA is Mexico from the number of Mexicans that live there. The closest you ever got to turning Cyprus into Greece was when you have wet dreams about enosis and even then you got the shit kicked out of you and lost 37% of the island in 1974.

You really need to understand that having people speaking Greek or claiming they are Greek even after being clonized so much does not turn the place they live into a Greece or Greek island....Cyprus is Cyprus not Turkey not Greece, not Turk not Greek, capish.

Re your question when Cyprus was Greek, well, it began around 1400 BC when the Mycenean Greeks colonized the island and 3400 years later still remains Greek. End of story. This is despite Me Ed's compelling Neanderthal arguement that pinpoints it to when Greece and Cyprus adopted the common currency. Maybe 85% isnt adequate for the British and Turks to accept as an overwhelming majority, but what else do expect from history's biggest hypocrites. And I provided reliable sources and dates as you requested. But if this isn't convincing enough for you what else can I expect since you are Turk after all. Regarding what you refer to as the "wet dream" of Enosis of 85% of the indigenous population, then Turkey finding an opportunity to invade a defenseless island equates to your side ejaculating after 20 years of masterbating over taksim. And sexually speaking, masterbating will always be considered as not the real thing. It's not like someone can brag about hitting a home run when climaxing during a wank, is it? Well, you Turks seems to do so. But hey, no one's really impressed fyi. So there really isn't anything to brag about. So why do you?

Regarding what you wrote "Cyprus not Turkey" then why does that illegal statelet refer to itself as the "Turkish Republic"? Why do you have a similar crescent moon (btw copied from the Byzantine Greek) on your flag? Using your argument, why do Turks look upon the Ottoman Empire as their own when the Sultans and co. never referred to it as such? Do you consider the Ottomansto be part of your history and your heritage? Of course you do. So why the bitterness and constipation when the Kyproi refer to themselves as Greeks?

Re your bastardization argument regarding the Greeks, well learn your history. Turks never converted to Christianity. The Ottoman Empire was a theocracy. A muslim converts to Christianity then off with their heads. But apostate Greeks converting to Islam as a tax-break was common. Once again, using your argument should I consider modern Turks to be tax-dodging Greeks? The same would have happened during Cyprus' brief occupation from the Arabs. Look at Sicily, Crete. Look at Spain. Why arent they considered Arab offspring? We're not all Britons. We do not all readily accept the language and culture of the conqueror. We actually fight back. And as I said, unless you have slanted eyes a Turk is the last thing to accuse anyone of being bastardized. When the Seljuks invaded Asia Minor they brought with them Iranians and Arabs. Today's Turk is a descendent from them as well as the Christians (Greeks and Slavs) who became mozzies and the various Hungarians and Russians who were brought back as war booty by the Ottomans. Another history lesson for you, as a "Muslim" empire it was kind of a policy to spread Islam and not preserve a unique Turco race.
Last edited by barouti on Wed May 30, 2012 6:14 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: how can cyprus isolate herself from the greek rezilik

Postby barouti » Wed May 30, 2012 5:57 pm

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Re: how can cyprus isolate herself from the greek rezilik

Postby kimon07 » Wed May 30, 2012 7:47 pm

Welcome to the forum baruti.
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Re: how can cyprus isolate herself from the greek rezilik

Postby Cap » Wed May 30, 2012 8:07 pm

Dude's been here since 2009... low profile

Reading all these trash talking posts has brought the guy to boiling point it seems. hehe
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Re: how can cyprus isolate herself from the greek rezilik

Postby Maximus » Wed May 30, 2012 8:13 pm

Cap wrote:Dude's been here since 2009... low profile

Reading all these trash talking posts has brought the guy to boiling point it seems. hehe

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Re: how can cyprus isolate herself from the greek rezilik

Postby B25 » Wed May 30, 2012 8:19 pm

Cap wrote:Dude's been here since 2009... low profile

Reading all these trash talking posts has brought the guy to boiling point it seems. hehe

Well it's a good job he wasn't stored in Mari, otherwise he may have taken out the whole power station and not just bits of it :lol: :lol: :lol:

Respect to you Barouti.
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Re: how can cyprus isolate herself from the greek rezilik

Postby Cap » Wed May 30, 2012 8:21 pm

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