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C. Lagarde: A conscientious tax payer

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C. Lagarde: A conscientious tax payer

Postby kimon07 » Tue May 29, 2012 10:22 am

It looks like this lady didn't think much of the starving chilren of Africa when she was straking the deal for her salary and allowance with IMF did she?

Christine Lagarde’s salary as IMF chief: $486k per year NET, tax free.

Former French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde, who starts her job as the IMF chief today, will be paid a salary of $467,940 and an allowance of $83,760 a year, both net of income taxes, according to the terms of her appointment released today. Lagarde’s remuneration is higher than that of her predecessor, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, who started with a $421,000 salary and a $75,000 allowance. ... 36935.html
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Re: C. Lagarde: A conscientious tax payer

Postby CBBB » Tue May 29, 2012 10:44 am

kimon07 wrote:It looks like this lady didn't think much of the starving chilren of Africa when she was straking the deal for her salary and allowance with IMF did she?

Christine Lagarde’s salary as IMF chief: $486k per year NET, tax free.

Former French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde, who starts her job as the IMF chief today, will be paid a salary of $467,940 and an allowance of $83,760 a year, both net of income taxes, according to the terms of her appointment released today. Lagarde’s remuneration is higher than that of her predecessor, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, who started with a $421,000 salary and a $75,000 allowance. ... 36935.html

I am sure the Greeks who don't pay their taxes aren't thinking of the starving children of Africa either!
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Re: C. Lagarde: A conscientious tax payer

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Tue May 29, 2012 10:45 am

Brilliant, kimon! :)

Beware hubris, Lagarde! Your job stipulates "avoid impropriety".

Her hypocrisy should assure her speedy downfall. She's already been exposed for supporting the UK government's tax cuts (for the rich) and zero interest rates simply because her buddy Chancellor George Osborne sponsored her getting her TAX-Free, plus expenses, job. How very corrupt!

She's certainly helping keep African children poor with her overpaid post - and not least because France destroyed Africa with its plunder of people for slaves.
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Re: C. Lagarde: A conscientious tax payer

Postby kimon07 » Tue May 29, 2012 11:14 am

CBBB wrote:
kimon07 wrote:It looks like this lady didn't think much of the starving chilren of Africa when she was straking the deal for her salary and allowance with IMF did she?

Christine Lagarde’s salary as IMF chief: $486k per year NET, tax free.

Former French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde, who starts her job as the IMF chief today, will be paid a salary of $467,940 and an allowance of $83,760 a year, both net of income taxes, according to the terms of her appointment released today. Lagarde’s remuneration is higher than that of her predecessor, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, who started with a $421,000 salary and a $75,000 allowance. ... 36935.html

I am sure the Greeks who don't pay their taxes aren't thinking of the starving children of Africa either!

Maybe not, but SHE is the last person in the world entitled to teach tax consciousness.
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Re: C. Lagarde: A conscientious tax payer

Postby supporttheunderdog » Tue May 29, 2012 11:25 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:Brilliant, kimon! :)

Beware hubris, Lagarde! Your job stipulates "avoid impropriety".

Her hypocrisy should assure her speedy downfall. She's already been exposed for supporting the UK government's tax cuts (for the rich) and zero interest rates simply because her buddy Chancellor George Osborne sponsored her getting her TAX-Free, plus expenses, job. How very corrupt!

She's certainly helping keep African children poor with her overpaid post - and not least because France destroyed Africa with its plunder of people for slaves.

The wages and expenses may be generous in the extreme and the tax arrangements grossly offensive and the whole arrangement completely immoral but the arrangement is not secret, nor illegal and not corrupt - unless Lagarde offered any considertion of any sort for being given the job on these terms.
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Re: C. Lagarde: A conscientious tax payer

Postby Bananiot » Tue May 29, 2012 12:04 pm

Lagarde's salary has nothing to do with the problems of Greece. Neither do her comments. May be she was blant but the problems of Greece are there and remain to be tackled. We also know, that deep down, Lagarde is correct. She is not the only one to be stoned for saying the bear truth. Loook at the fate of Trikouppis and Venizelos. Luckily for her, she is not Greek. Those who hate Greece, think that Lagarde is part of the problem.
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Re: C. Lagarde: A conscientious tax payer

Postby boomerang » Tue May 29, 2012 12:06 pm

kimon07 wrote:It looks like this lady didn't think much of the starving chilren of Africa when she was straking the deal for her salary and allowance with IMF did she?

Christine Lagarde’s salary as IMF chief: $486k per year NET, tax free.

Former French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde, who starts her job as the IMF chief today, will be paid a salary of $467,940 and an allowance of $83,760 a year, both net of income taxes, according to the terms of her appointment released today. Lagarde’s remuneration is higher than that of her predecessor, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, who started with a $421,000 salary and a $75,000 allowance. ... 36935.html

so?'s a high paying job for having to sort out moronic moronic nation being greece...

you thinking so much and losing sleep about your greek bros, how many cents have you and the mad cow donated thus far?...come to think of it how much money have you made out of greece through your investments?...investmenst that are do not come here and say nome...coz you be lying through your teeth...lying is a greek past time for any one reading this forum.... :lol:
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Re: C. Lagarde: A conscientious tax payer

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Tue May 29, 2012 1:21 pm

She says and does what suits her and the bankers which she represents (you know, the ones which charge upwards of 20% interest rates to Greek workers).

She has been berated for hypocrisy because of her guarded words and issues of support to the British Conservative Government which was put down to the help she received from them in getting her job. This is why she is corrupt and her words are therefore meaningless.
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Re: C. Lagarde: A conscientious tax payer

Postby Me Ed » Tue May 29, 2012 1:54 pm

It appears that the "Greeks" on this forum have taken to Turkish style arguments when discussing the financial crisis in Greece.

This style of argument is know as "moral relativism" where you attempt hide your mistakes by pointing out the mistakes of others, e.g. pointing out the defecit of other nations or the tax affairs of other people. Turks always use this technique to rebuff arguments on the Cyprus problem by making comparisons to what other people did to them in the past.

The problem with arguments based on moral relativism is that they don't actually solve or address the underlying issue.
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Re: C. Lagarde: A conscientious tax payer

Postby Bananiot » Tue May 29, 2012 1:56 pm

Spot on "the Greeks".
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