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Migrating to Cyprus

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Migrating to Cyprus

Postby Anna_gr » Sun May 27, 2012 4:45 am


I am looking at leaving Greece because things are really crazy over here. The country is sinking and it looks like there is no future for Greece.

I have an Engineering Degree from Columbia. I can't find any work in Greece.

I am looking to migrate to US, UK, or Australia. I have visited the embassies of all those countries and am impressed by all of them. I have studied in the US.

But before I make any big decisions, I would like to find out more about Cyprus. I went to the Cyprus Embassy, and they were not as helpful as the others.

Can anyone please tell me, are there are many employment opportunities for Engineers in Cyprus. Maybe the Oil and Gas Drilling is an avenue I need to explore more.

Cyprus is a good option because it is close to Greece, but I will never go back there because the country is hopeless.

If I come to Cyprus, where is the best place to live and gain suitable employment?

Is there anywhere I can get more information other than relying on the Cyprus Embassy?

My Cypriot friends in Athens tell me that Cyprus is different to Greece. Cypriot "mentality" is different to Greek "mentality" and more European or British in a way.

Looking forward to your advice and information. :)
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Re: Migrating to Cyprus

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sun May 27, 2012 11:23 am

Hello Anna_gr

Since you are a graduate, your best bet is to look in the classified sections of reputable Engineering journals or some general science ones - even New Scientist, for example (rather than embassies). The British Journals certainly advertise vacancies all over the globe (I was tempted by one in the Antarctic, years ago, but they did not have facilities for women at the time :) ).

Good luck.
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Re: Migrating to Cyprus

Postby Anna_gr » Sun May 27, 2012 12:21 pm

Antarctica sounds exciting.

One of my lecturers at Columbia, and mentor, is a frequent visitor to Antarctica and I have spoken to him about it already. And it is interesting that you mention this because apart from this, Antarctica was mentioned by one of the embassies I visited amongst other things such as mineral exploration and mining. They made me feel like there are many opportunities for people with my qualifications.

I already subscribe to a number of US based engineering journals but I will look at New Scientist as well.

I will also speak to my friend about Antarctica as well.

From what I understand, many females visit Antarctica on expeditions and the Antarctic Nations do provide facilities for females. Things have come a long way.

It must have been a while ago since you looked at going to Antarctica. :?

Thanks for the advice and encouragement. :)
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Re: Migrating to Cyprus

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sun May 27, 2012 12:39 pm

Anna_gr wrote:Antarctica sounds exciting.

One of my lecturers at Columbia, and mentor, is a frequent visitor to Antarctica and I have spoken to him about it already. And it is interesting that you mention this because apart from this, Antarctica was mentioned by one of the embassies I visited amongst other things such as mineral exploration and mining. They made me feel like there are many opportunities for people with my qualifications.

I already subscribe to a number of US based engineering journals but I will look at New Scientist as well.

I will also speak to my friend about Antarctica as well.

From what I understand, many females visit Antarctica on expeditions and the Antarctic Nations do provide facilities for females. Things have come a long way.

It must have been a while ago since you looked at going to Antarctica. :?

Thanks for the advice and encouragement. :)

Yes, it was long time ago, nearly two decades - pioneering days. :)

The only Greek people I know coming to the UK at the moment come to study or continue their studies - the job situation is particularly bad in the UK. And the only Greek I knew who had come to Cyprus, specifically just to work, has now gone back to Greece.

Looking at the recent New Scientist, there are a few scholarships being offered for Engineering. There's one for an MSc by research in either nuclear or maritime engineering. Also, there are studentships for a PhD in Wind Energy systems in Glasgow.

- If you cannot access NS online, I can give you further details if you are interested in postgraduate study.

There's also a company called EUMETSAT which has meteorological jobs in various European member states and Greece is one of them.
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Re: Migrating to Cyprus

Postby Anna_gr » Sun May 27, 2012 12:50 pm

Yes things are not good in the entire EU. Why would the UK be any different?

So the situation is not that good in Cyprus either. My friend told me that a number of Oil Companies are setting themselves up in Cyprus and that many jobs will open.

Yes postgraduate study is something I am looking at as an option. I am googling New Scientist and EUMETSAT right now.

I would love more information about Postgraduate opportunities in Green Energy Solutions such as Wind Energy in Glasgow, or Maritime Engineering.

I will look at EUMETSAT. Staying in Greece is the best outcome I think, unless something crazy happens.... :?
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Re: Migrating to Cyprus

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sun May 27, 2012 1:59 pm

Anna_gr wrote:Yes things are not good in the entire EU. Why would the UK be any different?

So the situation is not that good in Cyprus either. My friend told me that a number of Oil Companies are setting themselves up in Cyprus and that many jobs will open.

Yes postgraduate study is something I am looking at as an option. I am googling New Scientist and EUMETSAT right now.

I would love more information about Postgraduate opportunities in Green Energy Solutions such as Wind Energy in Glasgow, or Maritime Engineering.

I will look at EUMETSAT. Staying in Greece is the best outcome I think, unless something crazy happens.... :?

The Maritime engineering scholarship MSc you'll find here:

The Wind energy studentships are at:

Also useful might be: and

This one (conservation orientated) specifically welcomes female applicants:
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Re: Migrating to Cyprus

Postby SKI-preo » Mon May 28, 2012 5:57 am

There re 8,961 Engineering jobs on in Australia ... ation=3000

or try :

(3500+) ... ation=3001

I can send you links about how to make an application as a skilled migrant to Australia and NZ.
Consider getting some international experience before moving to Cyprus.

Australia is enjoying a mining boom at the moment. NZ does not have as much work but the cost of living is pretty good.

By the time Cypriot has gas and oil comes on line you will have 5 years experience.
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Re: Migrating to Cyprus

Postby yialousa1971 » Sun Jun 03, 2012 10:57 pm

Welcome to Cyprus Anna.
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