I am looking at leaving Greece because things are really crazy over here. The country is sinking and it looks like there is no future for Greece.
I have an Engineering Degree from Columbia. I can't find any work in Greece.
I am looking to migrate to US, UK, or Australia. I have visited the embassies of all those countries and am impressed by all of them. I have studied in the US.
But before I make any big decisions, I would like to find out more about Cyprus. I went to the Cyprus Embassy, and they were not as helpful as the others.
Can anyone please tell me, are there are many employment opportunities for Engineers in Cyprus. Maybe the Oil and Gas Drilling is an avenue I need to explore more.
Cyprus is a good option because it is close to Greece, but I will never go back there because the country is hopeless.
If I come to Cyprus, where is the best place to live and gain suitable employment?
Is there anywhere I can get more information other than relying on the Cyprus Embassy?
My Cypriot friends in Athens tell me that Cyprus is different to Greece. Cypriot "mentality" is different to Greek "mentality" and more European or British in a way.
Looking forward to your advice and information.