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UK preparing for refugees from Greece

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UK preparing for refugees from Greece

Postby Me Ed » Sat May 26, 2012 1:03 pm

Euro crisis: UK plans for rise in immigrants

The Home Office is drawing up contingency plans to cope with a possible large increase in immigration from Greece if the euro collapses.

Home Secretary Theresa May told the Daily Telegraph "work is ongoing" to restrict European immigration in the event of a financial collapse.

She said "trends" were being examined to see whether immigration was rising from countries with stricken economies.

EU nationals are largely entitled to work anywhere in the single market.

If the single currency breaks up, people looking for work abroad may see Britain as an attractive alternative as it is a non-eurozone country.

Asked whether emergency immigration controls were being considered , Mrs May said: "It is right that we do some contingency planning on this [and] that is work that is ongoing."

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Re: UK preparing for refugees from Greece

Postby Sotos » Sat May 26, 2012 1:12 pm

If you were a Cypriot you would know what the word "refugee" means ;) If refugees were equivalent to immigrants then in Cyprus we have refugees from UK, Romania, Bulgaria, Russia and many other countries... and we are also prepared for it ;)
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Re: UK preparing for refugees from Greece

Postby CBBB » Sat May 26, 2012 1:15 pm

Sotos wrote:If you were a Cypriot you would know what the word "refugee" means ;) If refugees were equivalent to immigrants then in Cyprus we have refugees from UK, Romania, Bulgaria, Russia and many other countries... and we are also prepared for it ;)

We also have many from Greece that arrived in the last couple of years.
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Re: UK preparing for refugees from Greece

Postby Me Ed » Sat May 26, 2012 5:32 pm

I don't think you guys realise how bad things are in Greece and that they are going to get even worse.

Things are so bad that every Sunday here in the UK, the Orthodox church has a collection to send food to Greece.

The irony is that the first wave of economic refugees, i.e. the rich, have already migrated and have blended in quite well in their Kensington and Chelsea pads.

The next wave of economic refugees the UK is preparing for is probably the current middle-class, to save them from the soup kitchens.
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Re: UK preparing for refugees from Greece

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sat May 26, 2012 6:52 pm

This is what I said a few days ago. Merkel et al., are trying to feed the idea of worker mobility as a solution to the enforced crisis in Greece.

The British Conservative party is ace at scaremongering (Golden Dawn can't even hold up a candle to these people). So far their fears are based on peddling a 30% increase in migrants from Greece last year, which made the figures go up from 250 to 325. :roll:

So, they had 75 Greeks migrate to Britain in ONE year - and thousands of Brits left to live abroad ....
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Re: UK preparing for refugees from Greece

Postby Anna_gr » Sun May 27, 2012 4:56 am

Well I think I am going to be another Greek refugee very soon. And the UK is a serious option, but I am looking at other options as well.

The situation in Greece is very bad and there are no solutions in sight. The whole country is very corrupt and the mentality of the people is very wrong. It was only a matter of time.

Now everyone wants to leave the country because they can't find work. The people are starving, can't pay their bills or rent, or for medicine or urgent medical procedures.

The country is sinking fast and the way things are going, Greece could find itself out of the Eurozone because the population is voting for fringe political parties against Austerity and reform. :(

Thousands of Greeks are leaving, mainly for US and Australia. That is where the majority go because most Greeks have connections in those 2 countries. But the UK and Canada are also an option for many. So is Cyprus. :)
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Re: UK preparing for refugees from Greece

Postby supporttheunderdog » Mon May 28, 2012 9:23 pm

Be warned that things are tight here - we have our own developing unemployment situation - the Good news seems to be that in feb 2013 one more person will be added to the list of the unemployed - Comrade Chris Toffee-Arse, our sweet but thick President, who is through financial mismanagement in danger of driving Cyprus into a similar public debt spiral, with his pandering to the Unions. lets hope that the situation can be reversed and some sense brought into public spending.
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Re: UK preparing for refugees from Greece

Postby humanist » Mon May 28, 2012 10:23 pm

Greek people should have thought about it twice when using their credit cards for living and going on holidays and should have paid trheir taxes

I empathise but I think it time they took responibility
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Re: UK preparing for refugees from Greece

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Mon May 28, 2012 11:44 pm

Humanist, you don't know what you are talking about. As it is, 50% of all the European total of credit card debt is held by the British.

The average Brit owes £150,000 in debt. The average Greek owes 45,000 Euros.

Who is the naughty spender?
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Re: UK preparing for refugees from Greece

Postby boomerang » Tue May 29, 2012 1:24 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:Humanist, you don't know what you are talking about. As it is, 50% of all the European total of credit card debt is held by the British.

The average Brit owes £150,000 in debt. The average Greek owes 45,000 Euros.

Who is the naughty spender?

even if the misleading statement was true the greeks didnt have to keep up with the one put a gun to their borrow you gotta pay...

humanist is quite right, the greeks should have thought twice prior to flogging their credit cards on frappe...
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