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Turkish Cypriot Liberation Day

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Re: Turkish Cypriot Liberation Day

Postby Me Ed » Fri Jun 22, 2012 9:59 am

kimon07 wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:The constitution cannot be changed unilaterally ...

Unilaterally?? A draft will be prepared, in agreement to international and EU principles, by the sovereign RoC. And it will be put to the vote (referendum) of the Cypriots. ALL the Cypriots. Let me predict the result.

GCs: 100% yes
Armenians: 100% yes
Maronites: 100% yes
Latins: 100% yes
TCs: 40% (i.e. all indigenous TCs minus TMT): yes
Others (Mongols - Anatolians-TMT): Who gives a shit.

Total Cypriots: minimum 90% yes.

Do you call that "unilateral"?

Dont be silly, everyone knows you have to multiply the TC vote by 5, so the TC vote is 200%. :lol:

These are the "equal" and "constitutional" rights VP is talking about. :?
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Re: Turkish Cypriot Liberation Day

Postby kimon07 » Fri Jun 22, 2012 10:03 am

Me Ed wrote:
kimon07 wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:The constitution cannot be changed unilaterally ...

Unilaterally?? A draft will be prepared, in agreement to international and EU principles, by the sovereign RoC. And it will be put to the vote (referendum) of the Cypriots. ALL the Cypriots. Let me predict the result.

GCs: 100% yes
Armenians: 100% yes
Maronites: 100% yes
Latins: 100% yes
TCs: 40% (i.e. all indigenous TCs minus TMT): yes
Others (Mongols - Anatolians-TMT): Who gives a shit.

Total Cypriots: minimum 90% yes.

Do you call that "unilateral"?

Dont be silly, everyone knows you have to multiply the TC vote by 5, so the TC vote is 200%. :lol:

These are the "equal" and "constitutional" rights VP is talking about. :?

Sorry :oops:
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Re: Turkish Cypriot Liberation Day

Postby Viewpoint » Fri Jun 22, 2012 10:23 am

Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:The constitution cannot be changed unilaterally and will remain in limbo until a replacement is found and agreed to accomadate a new state of affairs which is a BBF with political equality of the 2 states as supported by the UN. You are right Cyprus has been changed forever it is divided and remain divided forever, time you got to grips with this fact.

In Limbo means, that the constitution is as good as dead. It was not changed unilaterally, it was agreed to become ineffective by Denktash and Makarios when they agreed on BBF. Why do you think Makarios agreed to BBF and why do you think Denktash regretted until to his death by agreeing to BBF, which meant that the 1959 agreements were as good as dead from that point on. A new constitution needs to be now agreed on if there is going to be a unification, and since Cyprus is in the EU, there cannot be any agreement on the constitution that does not comply with the EU Principles. You had your chance in 2004 with the AP and you blew it big time by being too greedy.

Rubbish, produce the document that erases the 1960 agreements....for gods sake they are still using the same constitution.
Last edited by Viewpoint on Fri Jun 22, 2012 10:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Turkish Cypriot Liberation Day

Postby Viewpoint » Fri Jun 22, 2012 10:30 am

kimon07 wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:The constitution cannot be changed unilaterally ...

Unilaterally?? A draft will be prepared, in agreement to international and EU principles, by the sovereign RoC. And it will be put to the vote (referendum) of the Cypriots. ALL the Cypriots. Let me predict the result.

GCs: 100% yes
Armenians: 100% yes
Maronites: 100% yes
Latins: 100% yes
TCs: 40% (i.e. all indigenous TCs minus TMT): yes
Others (Mongols - Anatolians-TMT): Who gives a shit.

Total Cypriots: minimum 90% yes.

Do you call that "unilateral"?

How do we vote? this type of referendum without the TCs is null and void.
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Re: Turkish Cypriot Liberation Day

Postby Me Ed » Fri Jun 22, 2012 12:42 pm


the reason why the RoC is able to function normally and join international institutions like the EU, sign international treaties that enable oil and gas exploration and enjoy the benefits of international trade is because the minority partner has chosen not to participate in Government with the risk of exercising undemocratic rights and vetos and destabalising the country.

The 1960 constitution is a failed experiment drawn up by colonial powers of a bygone era, and needs to be consigned to the dustbin of history.

It therefore follows that it is foolish to persue failed policies where the chance of destabilisation is high. Minority rights have a proven track record of success and are the way forward.
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Re: Turkish Cypriot Liberation Day

Postby EPSILON » Fri Jun 22, 2012 1:04 pm

Turkish Cypriot Liberation day?!!!!!!!!!!!!
question 1: what means Turkish Cypriot?Is any rare race of African animal? I am at an age which do no help me to remember.
question 2: libarated from whom? -May be they mean from a European country and becamed enslaves of a third woarld nation, which is still considering the USD 9000 per cap income as a sign of a modernised state.
question 3: How many G/cs (despite political side) still consider these "linovambakoys"as a pentential partners in a future state in Cyprus?

Guys-The old participants of this orum are back-be care.We got much more experience -after 1 year in east Turkey.
now we know everything- do not try to play with us

T/cs good luck
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Re: Turkish Cypriot Liberation Day

Postby Viewpoint » Fri Jun 22, 2012 3:24 pm

Me Ed wrote:VP,

the reason why the RoC is able to function normally and join international institutions like the EU, sign international treaties that enable oil and gas exploration and enjoy the benefits of international trade is because the minority partner has chosen not to participate in Government with the risk of exercising undemocratic rights and vetos and destabalising the country.

The 1960 constitution is a failed experiment drawn up by colonial powers of a bygone era, and needs to be consigned to the dustbin of history.

It therefore follows that it is foolish to persue failed policies where the chance of destabilisation is high. Minority rights have a proven track record of success and are the way forward.

BUT it doesnt change the fact that under these agreements we have rights to Cyprus which you cannot erase however much you may have taken over the helm and why no country is helping you disolve the TRNC, they are telling you to negotiate which means compromise. The compromise is between the 2 extremes enosis and taksim which manifest in the shape of BBF with political equality of the 2 states north and south. Isnt it about time you people realized that we are partners and that neither side can force the other to do anything against their will?
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Re: Turkish Cypriot Liberation Day

Postby Hermes » Fri Jun 22, 2012 3:58 pm

Viewpoint wrote:BUT it doesnt change the fact that under these agreements we have rights to Cyprus which you cannot erase however much you may have taken over the helm and why no country is helping you disolve the TRNC

You cannot 'dissolve' something which doesn't exist. Non-recognition means exactly that.

The problem in Cyprus is not one of two 'states'. But of one state divided by aggressive force.
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Re: Turkish Cypriot Liberation Day

Postby Viewpoint » Fri Jun 22, 2012 5:14 pm

Hermes wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:BUT it doesnt change the fact that under these agreements we have rights to Cyprus which you cannot erase however much you may have taken over the helm and why no country is helping you disolve the TRNC

You cannot 'dissolve' something which doesn't exist. Non-recognition means exactly that.

The problem in Cyprus is not one of two 'states'. But of one state divided by aggressive force.

The tollerated division is an extention of these agreeemenst, why do you think they are tollerated because the TCs have rights and the world can see and understand both sides of the problem. You will intime have to disolves the "RoC" and beome a constituent state just as we do the same to be joined at the federal level as 2 equal sides. Why are you fighting this internationally supported solution?
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Re: Turkish Cypriot Liberation Day

Postby kimon07 » Sat Jun 23, 2012 8:23 am

Viewpoint wrote:
CBBB wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:What you offer is not what we want....minority rights in a GC state is a no starter for us, the only way we would ever consider union is via an AP style plane where there is a BBF with political equality of the 2 states which the UN supports but you continue to refuse reject and turn your backs on...we will never be just another minority we are equal partners in Cyprus so its about time you treated us as such.

But you already admitted that you are a minority!


Do you know the difference between minority rights and community rights? read your own constitution and weep.

Yes. Minorities like you, are entitled to all the rights and protections the international law, the EU law and the democratic Constitutions grant them.
If minorities are organized into individual and distinct Ethnic/ Religious/other Communities, depending on the constitutional system of various democratic countries, may additionally be granted self-administration/internal self governance, IF the administrative structure of the particular country/state permits it. PERIOD.

In your case, under a new RoC constitution, you will certainly be granted internal self governance in certain geographic areas, additionally to all your minority rights.
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