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Turkish Cypriot Liberation Day

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Re: Turkish Cypriot Liberation Day

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Wed Jun 20, 2012 11:30 am

Viewpoint wrote:
CBBB wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:What you offer is not what we want....minority rights in a GC state is a no starter for us, the only way we would ever consider union is via an AP style plane where there is a BBF with political equality of the 2 states which the UN supports but you continue to refuse reject and turn your backs on...we will never be just another minority we are equal partners in Cyprus so its about time you treated us as such.

But you already admitted that you are a minority!


Do you know the difference between minority rights and community rights? read your own consitution and weep.

No need for us to weep. We have changed it. All part of the EU now. :D
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Re: Turkish Cypriot Liberation Day

Postby Me Ed » Wed Jun 20, 2012 11:33 am

Viewpoint wrote:Do you know the difference between minority rights and community rights?

Yes, one exsists and the other one doesn't.
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Re: Turkish Cypriot Liberation Day

Postby Viewpoint » Wed Jun 20, 2012 12:10 pm

Me Ed wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:Do you know the difference between minority rights and community rights?

Yes, one exsists and the other one doesn't.

Read your consititution.
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Re: Turkish Cypriot Liberation Day

Postby Maximus » Wed Jun 20, 2012 12:33 pm

VP5000, you are the living example of what is wrong with Cyprus, the likes of you are poison, a cancer which will be flushed out.

one way or the other, the likes of you will be flushed out.

extinction is on the horizon in your quarantined 'state'.
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Re: Turkish Cypriot Liberation Day

Postby Me Ed » Wed Jun 20, 2012 12:43 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
Me Ed wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:Do you know the difference between minority rights and community rights?

Yes, one exists and the other one doesn't.

Read your consititution.

VP, the facts of life are the the world has moved on from "community rights" which is a polite term for apartheid.

This is why it is never implemented anywhere in the world, and historically where is has been, it has been removed from constitutions and acts of law the world over including Cyprus.

Here's a bit of out-of-the-box thinking, if "community rights" are a silver bullet, then why doesn't Turkey simply implement it in relation to it's Kurdish minority?

btw, before you predictably mention that the Kurds don't have this as an agreement, why don't the Turks, for all practical purposes simply grant them "community rights"?

The simple answer is that in all practicality they don't work, where as minority rights do work.
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Re: Turkish Cypriot Liberation Day

Postby Viewpoint » Wed Jun 20, 2012 1:29 pm

Meed just answer yes or no;

Does your constituion a internationally binding agreement have rights of the Turkish Cypriot Community? (eg Veto right).
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Re: Turkish Cypriot Liberation Day

Postby Me Ed » Wed Jun 20, 2012 1:53 pm

Viewpoint wrote:Meed just answer yes or no;

Does your constituion a internationally binding agreement have rights of the Turkish Cypriot Community? (eg Veto right).

Yes, but that was way back in 1960 and history teaches that community rights simply don't work.

The world has moved on from then, and where community rights have existed they been replaced with minority rights, enshrined in international human rights law, which has proven to be far more effective in instilling equality and enabling countries to function as normal democracies.
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Re: Turkish Cypriot Liberation Day

Postby Viewpoint » Wed Jun 20, 2012 2:37 pm

MeeD thank you for an honesty answer.

Now that we have established that by international law we have community rights which can also be called a partnership you have to respect and request changes that we can accept....under no circumstancies will we relinquish our community rights for rights of a minority in a GC state...this you have to forget so that you can move on and generate alternative ideas such as BBF with politicla equality of the 2 states which you Gcs do not understand nor have you 100% commited to.
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Re: Turkish Cypriot Liberation Day

Postby Me Ed » Wed Jun 20, 2012 3:07 pm

Viewpoint wrote:MeeD thank you for an honesty answer.

Now that we have established that by international law we have community rights which can also be called a partnership you have to respect and request changes that we can accept....under no circumstancies will we relinquish our community rights for rights of a minority in a GC state...this you have to forget so that you can move on and generate alternative ideas such as BBF with politicla equality of the 2 states which you Gcs do not understand nor have you 100% commited to.


it's time you realised that the concept of community rights, obtained legally or otherwise, has never worked in any part of the world so the challenge for us all to come up with some out-of-the-box thinking rather than waving pieces of paper around.

The bare facts and lessons from history show that minority rights do actually work and are enshrined in EU law.

That's why my solution is for the Cypriotization of Cyprus, because my view is that we should all be first and foremost equal Cypriots irrespective of our ethnicity be that Cypriot, Greek, Turkish, British, Russian, Maronite ...
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Re: Turkish Cypriot Liberation Day

Postby Lordo » Wed Jun 20, 2012 3:18 pm

31 days left.

What an unfortunate number.

I have the flags at the ready and the old marching music on CD.
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