Viewpoint wrote:repulsewarrior wrote:Expatkiwi wrote:The word 'liberation' does have a certain ring to it, regarding Northern Cyprus, doesn't it?
Liberty may be, in the north for those deemed "Turkish" enough, but there is no Freedom for theives.
...except redemption, but that would mean that Turkey would have to accept that the world is passed the Treaty of Lausanne, or the dreams

that Cyprus is only property; the People do exist as the claimant and Sovereign.
Yes as we are people to we want to claim our sovereignty as well why do you deny is this right? this right is ours and you can never take it away this you have to get into your heads, then you have to understand that we tried to share it but as you full well know it did not work out and we do not return to those dark days. This right to sovereignty if share with GCs means that we both have the right to determine shared or individual, you demand shared and we demand individual as we look to the past for confirmation that shared will never work. But in order to win us over to your viewpoint you continue to stoke and reconfirm why shared will never should be doing the opposite of proving that a shared sovereignty is far better and that both sides would benefit from such a union. Go ahead give us 3 headings where our lives would change drastically and why shared sovereignty is better than what we demand.
vp, your right is denied because there does not exist, a Greek Cypriot Constituency.
...there is no Sovereignty for Greeks (or "Greeks"), and neither is there for Turks. there is the Sovereign country Cyprus, and its Citizens are Cypriots, they are Individuals; this is Political Science. Cyprus, it is Mankind which asks us to demonstrate a Bicommunal way of living where we as Humans stand for Universal Principals as one Sovereign State, united as Individuals equal; which would include a sovereignty by way of self-representation, to their Distinct Identities, in National Assemblies these people sustaining as Persons their way of living. Greeks, Turks, Maronites, Armenians, and Latins as equals, each with territorial Juridictions to make up their zones, life Bizonally (a State above the zones): Bicommunally, and as a Federation.
regarding three benefits:
1. Justice seen, regarding the displaced (from '63 nd '74)
2. no longer an illegal occupation, no longer a militarised border to tear this island apart, only frontiers because there will be many.
3. the chance for all of us, as Cypriots, to demonstrate the qualities all People admire, by leadership as Human Beings, placing National Identities within this State in circumstances where they can from their own will thrive.
4. a Society unlike Greece, or Turkey, and as a result better able to facilitate the exchange of the three Continents which Cypus borders.
5. the exploitation of the resources rationally, without the bias as to political motives (hidden agendas toward the interlocutors' goals).
6. a return to a natural way of living, even, without fear.
7. a chance as people and as a People, united, to change the world because we have the courage to change ourselves.
8. more choices as Human Beings (as Individuals) and more choices as Persons.
...we are not far apart.
@ Kikapu, by, "your kind", i suppose you mean "Turks" (sorry vp couldn't help it; it's just too funny for me)?