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Re: ikea?

Postby md.almamun » Wed Oct 05, 2005 5:41 pm

I am a bangladeshi,i am a student of CIU,i am along now,i want a good friend, but i can not know how do it,
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Postby Sotos » Wed Oct 05, 2005 11:51 pm

The government bought 237 cameras, I guess including the fake ones.
They will be installed in five stages.
The cost of cameras is 6.5 million euros.

:shock: :shock: Thats over 27000 per camera :!: What kind of cameras are those? :?:
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Postby Svetlana » Thu Oct 06, 2005 5:32 am

The problem in Cypriot driving is not speed, but inappropriate speed. There are higher speed limits on, say, European motorways but because of the traffic density they are far less safe than Cypriot motorways.

The real problem lies in inappropriate overtaking, driving too close etc.
What Cyprus needs is driver education, not speed cameras. Attitudes to road safety need to change; people seem to have a lack of imagination as to what the consequences of their risky actions might be. To save 3 seconds they will risk MY life!!

I just don't want to be involved in someone else's accident, tahnks :-(

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Re: ikea?

Postby andytandreou » Thu Oct 06, 2005 10:21 pm

md.almamun wrote:Hi,
I am a bangladeshi,i am a student of CIU,i am along now,i want a good friend, but i can not know how do it,

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Postby Sotos » Thu Oct 06, 2005 11:35 pm

The real problem lies in inappropriate overtaking, driving too close etc.

I agree. Some parts of the highway could easily have 140Km/h as their speed limit.
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Postby pantheman » Fri Oct 07, 2005 7:50 am

sneezing7 wrote:I disagree mate... I think cameras are a great idea.

Cypriots are undoubtedly, undisputedly, incomprehensibly the WORST drivers I have EVER enountered (and in theis comparison I do include Asian, Indian and Lebanese drivers).

Sure, I agree revenue will be raised, and it is a aweful waste of money - if you are caught, but the solution is simple; DONT SPEED & DONT RUN RED LIGHTS. Follow these 2 simple rules and you will be fine!

You can disagree all you like mate ! The truth is even though i agree with the principle of cameras, they won't be doing anything to the idiots, dangerous drivers. They will clock you doing 55 kmh in a 50 knh speed zone and thats a fine.

What people get confused with is the use os speed not speed itself.

The greeks (and others ) how driver they way they do need not only to be educated, cos i don't think thiswould too much, but will need 'teaching a lesson'. Look at the idiots on bikes on one wheel, the idiots accelerating to 50 6- mph in small village roads, the idiots that are inches from you arse on the motorway. these are the people that need to be dealt with. they need serious fining, confiscating of equipment and in extreme cases put in prison.

The money could be better spent on traffic police going after such persons. Greeks learn by word of mouth like evrything else when 1, 2 3 people get seriously done, the word gets round. This, in my opinion, is what needs to be done.

I stand by what i said. Its a money making excersise and the proof is in the eating. I have read statistics from usage ing the UK (can't quote them now, not to hand) speeding has not improved due tot use of cameras, but by heck the money they are getting how gives a s##t.

If you believe governments care about your and my safety you need to get back onto the planet from whence you came mate! They only care about revenues.

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Postby sneezing7 » Fri Oct 07, 2005 8:15 am

pantheman wrote:The money could be better spent on traffic police going after such persons. Greeks learn by word of mouth like evrything else when 1, 2 3 people get seriously done, the word gets round. This, in my opinion, is what needs to be done.

I stand by what i said. Its a money making excersise and the proof is in the eating. I have read statistics from usage ing the UK (can't quote them now, not to hand) speeding has not improved due tot use of cameras, but by heck the money they are getting how gives a s##t.

Sorry, but statistics can be twisted to prove whatever the author / publisher is trying to push. I mean, read a govt publication and it will clearly show that "Speed Camera's Save Lives". Yet, on the other hand read a newspaper, and they will "prove" that "This is a revenue raising exercise".

Most people will are easily influenced by the media, and will believe what is being fed to them. You always have to have an open mind! 8)

I mean as an example "using statistics", it can be proven that Global warming is caused by the shrinking number or pirates (I can post you the link if you like):


Yet I do agree with you though, in that Driver Education is needed, and the amount of traffic cops should be increased.'s too early for me...still need a coffee
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Postby Hugh janus » Sat Oct 15, 2005 12:01 am

Hi - I'm new here, found my way in via Google, doing a search for Ikea & North Cyprus.

I am buying an apartment in Kyrenia which should be ready in Feb 2006 and obviousley I need to furnish it - hence my search for Ikea.

Can anyone tell me when the Ikea will be open - and also if it is possible to transport furniture through the border from south to north ?

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Postby garbitsch » Sat Oct 15, 2005 1:01 am

Hugh you pressed the red button! Good luck with these people ;)
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Postby pantheman » Sat Oct 15, 2005 8:55 pm

Hugh janus wrote:Hi - I'm new here, found my way in via Google, doing a search for Ikea & North Cyprus.

I am buying an apartment in Kyrenia which should be ready in Feb 2006 and obviousley I need to furnish it - hence my search for Ikea.

Can anyone tell me when the Ikea will be open - and also if it is possible to transport furniture through the border from south to north ?


<Comment deleted, Lana>
North cyprus is illegally held territory , held by force and you know it. You will probably be buying property belonging to someone else and you stand the chance to lose it. I hope you do if you proceed.

On the other hand if this is a wind up, i don't think it funny and i don't a rats arse what anyone else says.

How this forum can allow such posts and not to mention the advertising for north cyprus real estate is beyond me. I sick to death about having to play the good guy and continuously get shafted by turkey, britain and even the god damn americans.

So hugh janus (big arse hole in laymans terms) don't even think about it.

:x :x
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