Yes the Luxemburg issue as a good example. You do not to be a big country to be strong anyway. ( Japan , Swiss , Belgium)
Cyprus has the capability to achieve that level of growth equivalent or even Higher than the leading weastern european countries provided that radical changes are done.
Privitisation is one issue . This will be encouraged in any level.
Let the Free market to operate in a more efficient manner without ineficiencies. (reduce government intervention to the free market)
Attractimg higher level of international Investment worldwide taking advantage on its strategical importance in the region. And expecially from countries such as ( Japan , singapore , Hong Kong , china , Canada , Australia , Israel and USA ) . And in areas like Education , Health etc
Encouraging Innovations ( Research and developement) .Give more incentives to Forward thinkers at any level at any organistion in private Sector and public Sector.
Establish high Long term Goals and strategies and make known this direction . Empower People everywhere and compensate people according to productivity achieved.
Education and health should be given higher Focus as Cyprus possess the required Human Recources and expertise to operate such markets sucessfully.
Encouraging Change everywhere and at any level.
Significant changes have been done recently , and more are expected to be done in the Future and as long as cyprus is accomodated to EU.