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An addiction..

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An addiction..

Postby fig head » Wed May 23, 2012 9:36 am

I was writing a long frikin thing here now about it but deleted it.. Long story short..

I am a Facebook abuser, I cant stop, I don't know the boundaries and where to stop, what should be kept private and what can be published, why do I publish so many things, why is there is hundreds of pictures of me.. I can not stop, and I don't know what to do.

I got Facebook blocked in my house to protect my self from my idiotic addiction, end up spending a fortune on my phone credit (I logged online from my smart phone) I stopped topping up my credit not to be able to go on Facebook I ended up going to internet cafe !! !!

I don't understand why do I do this but I am at a point where I realize how bad it is, You probably think of it as something not important but when you go off your way to do something that does not add up to you, does not have any benefits and have a major affects on you (you have no private life, your hundreds of pictures tells exactly your story and what you up too and the people who read/see your wall aren't the nicest people in fact some of them are kind of pervy and sick!

It hit me hard yesterday, how can I be THAT STUPID... Is this is some form of attention seeking or a psychological thing??
I Think I am an internet addict in the form of social netwroker, No I don't think, I am an Internet addict, Facebook Abuser and I am too weak to stop by my self.. Too weak to resist the need of being online.

This is kind of funny, I might log on every two minutes although I know I will not have notification or messages as I already checked it 5 minutes ago but I will still log on to read the new feed and post what ever thought in my mind..

Well, I need to stop for my own safety and to protect my privacy.. I really need to stop.

I do not know how!, as it is a craving in the mind, thoughts that are persisting non stop.. Exactly like a drug addict whose body no longer needs the drug but his brain can not understand it and keep asking for the drug ((the craving))

I wanted to tell you this, maybe you have good ideas and thoughts to share with me about this topic and maybe someone out there need to know that you need to have limits before it is too late ((like in my case))
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Re: An addiction..

Postby CBBB » Wed May 23, 2012 10:38 am

Wear a pair of these all the time...

Image won't be able to type!!!!
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Re: An addiction..

Postby Sotos » Wed May 23, 2012 10:48 am

Step 1: If you have some good friends on FB message them and give them your email address so they can keep in touch with you. Step 2: Delete your Facebook account. Step 3: Find something else you like to do to keep you busy for a few weeks until your addiction is over. If you don't manage without facebook then you can always open a new account with an alias (not your real name) and this time have only a few good friends, don't accept friend requests from people you don't really know and don't post any pictures or other private info.
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Re: An addiction..

Postby fig head » Wed May 23, 2012 11:24 am

Sotos wrote:Step 1: If you have some good friends on FB message them and give them your email address so they can keep in touch with you. Step 2: Delete your Facebook account. Step 3: Find something else you like to do to keep you busy for a few weeks until your addiction is over. If you don't manage without facebook then you can always open a new account with an alias (not your real name) and this time have only a few good friends, don't accept friend requests from people you don't really know and don't post any pictures or other private info.

Good ideas, If I am honest I do not think I can just close my account like this but I made my pictures to be only seen by me for now til I have enough time to delete all of them, I will also clear up my wall from those statues I wrote and I will try my best to resist writing, I will try to watch only without making any input ..

I heard some hard words yesterday about how stupid, shallow and wild my Facebook makes me look like and it kind of woke me up.. What Facebook reflect about me is by far very bad and this should be enough reason to push me to win over my weakness.,.

I just don't know how I ended up like this, it even effected my social life as I will now rather talk to my mates online than go out and see them ... How pathetic is that !!!!

True that is a busy hand is a happy hand, I will not spend hours at night talking shit instead of being in bed, I will keep my self busy...
Step by step I hope I will be able to establish self control.. I need to know how to be a healthy user.

This is a new start for me and a lesson I am keen to learn for good...
although I will take this point seriously, I will email my good friends instead of Facebook them.. Why not , it sound like a decent idea that will work, at least in emails contents are not public ..

Thanks Sotos
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Re: An addiction..

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Wed May 23, 2012 1:37 pm

If you feel you're addicted then you probably are. The best way to deal with that is just to simply stop. Try some Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (join a group) to find out why you have crooked thoughts which lead you to self-destructive behaviour.
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Re: An addiction..

Postby Me Ed » Wed May 23, 2012 2:45 pm

The first step to resolving addictions of any kind is to first acknowledge that it is a problem.

One of the steps you can take, if applicable to you, is similar to cutting down on cigrarettes and alcohol, is that if you have 100s/1000s of "friends", go through the list and remove anyone that isn't really a friend, i.e. people you might have met once or twice and are just aquaintances.

You will then restrict your contact on FB to your real friends and family.
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Re: An addiction..

Postby Cap » Wed May 23, 2012 5:00 pm

Don't delete the semi-nude one, that's erm... artistic.
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Re: An addiction..

Postby fig head » Wed May 23, 2012 6:22 pm

Cap wrote:Don't delete the semi-nude one, that's erm... artistic.

Oh well, shame everything is gone but I take it as a compliment .
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Re: An addiction..

Postby Cap » Wed May 23, 2012 7:31 pm

fig head wrote:
Cap wrote:Don't delete the semi-nude one, that's erm... artistic.

Oh well, shame everything is gone but I take it as a compliment .

The blokes loved that one, the chics were green with envy I presume. :D
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Re: An addiction..

Postby fig head » Wed May 23, 2012 7:35 pm

Cap wrote:
fig head wrote:
Cap wrote:Don't delete the semi-nude one, that's erm... artistic.

Oh well, shame everything is gone but I take it as a compliment .

The blokes loved that one, the chics were green with envy I presume. :D

Who cares ! Kinda make me know for sure how really bad is Facebook....... How very dare me !!!
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